Lemmings Quiz

Started by Clam, May 27, 2009, 05:07:12 AM

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The Doctor

Ah, sorry. Then the answer is...

4% - one Lemming (still a pathetic level http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />) which is 12
16% - four Lemmings which is 42
36% - nine Lemmings which is 92]/sup]
64% - sixteen Lemmings which is 162]/sup]
100% of course, 252

I'll repost my question for the benefit of repairing my interruption:
Take a listen to my XMas Lemmings Tandy tracks on my YouTube page: http://youtube.com/zapzupnz[/font]]http://youtube.com/zapzupnz

Having done that, tell me what song the name of the traditional song is to the track which I personally titled Christmas Bonus? It's a Christmas song, yes, but which one?
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That song would be either Tempus Adest Floridum or Good King Wenceslas, depending on which answer you wanted!

As reluctant as I am to post a version specific question, I'm going to. I shall help you out by saying that the answer will be contained in http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=58CD920B2A89D2DB" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">this playlist.

On the http://www.youtube.com/SMSLemmings" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Sega Master System version, which is the first level to have more than 20 builders available?


What's with all the version specific questions?!

The Doctor

Because not specifying a version assumes the DOS version. This is again version specific, but without saying. That's more unfair than actually specifying one.

People, please remember that Lemmings was/is commercially available on over 30 platforms. Not everyone played the DOS/Amiga versions first. Me and Adam played the Sega Master System versions first. I know somebody who has only played the SNES version.

Each version has its own peculiarities centred around the mechanics and redesign of certain stages. To ask the question "What level features three giant numeral sixes?" will not even make sense to somebody who has played the Macintosh version which is a fairly standard port. Or to ask the question "What level has an alternate tileset based on the game 'BEAST'?" would make no sense to somebody who has only played the Windows 3.1/95 version. Even questions about skills may not transfer, such as the one I answered earlier about the Slider in Lemmings 2 (the Game Boy version has no slider).

So, most questions you may ask will be in some way version specific. The reason why it seems more pronounced lately is because we're bothering to mention exactly which versions our questions apply to. After all, the first level to have more than 20 builders probably varies (the NES version never gives more than 14 skills, for example).

There hasn't been some increase in questions. We're just being bothered to be clearer on what we mean. In the end, this can only be a good thing. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

I appeal to everyone, if you want to ask a question about DOS Lemmings, say so. It is not fair to make us assume DOS Lemmings if we are unfamiliar with it.

For the sake of repairing an interruption, I'll repost Adam's question:
On the Sega Master System version, which is the first level to have more than 20 builders available?
You can find the answer at http://www.youtube.com/SMSLemmings" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/SMSLemmings, Adam's YouTube resource for Sega Master System Lemmings. To cheat even further, check out the playlist at http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=58CD920B2A89D2DB" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=58CD920B2A89D2DB.
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


Not DOS specific.  There are only slight differences between DOS and Amiga, and some ports are like, practically the same.

Sega Master System - Fun 22 - Go for it (33 builders).

Fine, fine, fine, if that's how you guys are going to be.

What does the graffiti in the SNES port of Don't do anything too Hasty say?

The Doctor

It says PARADISE ->

New question:
For Egypt 10 of Lemmings 2, Pyramid of Despair, for DOS/Amiga at least (not sure, but the console versions bar Game Boy should be the same)...
What is the minimum amount of skills for ANY platform you need to assign to complete this level?

I'll actually give you the answer: http://tle.vaarties.nl/lemmings2/solutions/amiga/egyptian/1/10/" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://tle.vaarties.nl/lemmings2/solutions/amiga/egyptian/1/10/

Good luck.
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!



How many builders do you get in the Amiga version of the rating Mayhem total?

The Doctor

415 builders.

New question:
The Ascending Pillar Scenario is a repeat stage of which Tricky level?
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Been there, seen it, done it.

By the way, Jason, I think you were one builder off, but you were close enough and it MIGHT have been me who added wrong.  One of us most have either missed or added in a builder, because I got 416, even when checking it with a calculator.  But let's not carry that on...

What is the average of the number of level groups (difficulty ratings in two of these games) of the following Lemmings games?  Just in case there are any version differences here, let me point out that this is for Amiga/DOS.

Lemmings 2
Lemmings 3

The Doctor


Chains are featured in two graphic sets, one for Lemmings, one for Oh No! More Lemmings.

Which are these sets?
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Brick and Fire!

In the Amiga version, how many levels are not repeated?


Jason, you got my previous question wrong.

4 ratings in Lemmings.
5 ratings in ONML
12 tribes in Lemmings 2
3 tribes in Lemmings 3

Maybe I should clarify that you can use a calculator for this if you wish.
Remember, average is adding all the numbers together, and dividing by the number of numbers you added together.
Despite spelling differences, I don't think our two versions of English have different counting systems.

The Doctor

4 plus 5 is 9.
9 plus 12 is 21.
21 plus 3 is 24.
24 divided by 4 is 8.

The answer is 8.

You did ask for the average, after all.
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


Wait a minute.  Inverse of 24/4 is x*4=24.
8 times 4 is 32.  Did you check your work with a calculator?
It's 6.
Last time I checked, 24 divided by 4 is 6.  That's what any given calculator will give you.

Don't believe me?  Click http://lmgtfy.com/?q=24+divided+by+4" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here!

The Doctor

You're right. I kept tapping 8 on my numeric keypad by mistake. Typo! It is 6 indeed.
In my defence, the keypad is the awful thing on my laptop where you need to hold the Fn key and the numbers aren't aligned in a straight line and etc.

So anyway, repeating Adam's question:
How many levels are not repeated for the Amiga version of Lemmings?
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