Lemmings Wiki

Started by Clam, May 26, 2009, 11:27:42 AM

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Is it even still in existence?  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/huh.gif" alt="???" title="Huh?" class="smiley" />

Mr Kiwi

Hmm, I don't know what I want to do.


I have just added several articles to this Wiki by going through the list of levels and adding ones in for the red links.  However, I, for obvious reasons, didn't go through all of them.  They can wait a while longer until I get around to them.


Is there still any interest in this? It's gone awfully quiet in the last few weeks. My schedule has cleared somewhat, so I might join up and start working on this. I can't do everything on my own though http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

I can see this becoming a great place to get information about Lemmings, if we contribute to it. (Then again, I can equally well see it staying as it is for some time http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />) Lemmings-related stuff has never been greatly organised, and I think the game deserves better.


I've gone through and added articles for all the ONML levels, plus Xmas 91 and 92. (Some kind soul did the original levels a couple of weeks ago). Now that the boring stuff is mostly out of the way, we can start adding something interesting to this.


Most people seem to agree that we should not give up on it.  I could have contributed if I hadn't been on vacation for the last several days.


While I'm bumping old threads, I might as well do this one as well. The http://lemmings.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">wiki is looking pretty much the same as it did after I added all those pages a few months back. This site has a lot of potential - Lemmings doesn't have much in the way of a centralised information archive, and this could be it.


I almost forgot about that wiki, mainly because of the constant bookmark losing (my computer was doing a great job sucking).


Hey, I know - we can make an article about L++. And Lemmix, and Cheapo, and Lemmini...


Thanks for the bump -- I hadn't known about this before.

Although there are articles on all the levels, they aren't very informative, so it would be good if between us we could add as much information as we can (as well as pictures). I'm doing "The Steel Mines of Kessel" http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />


Yeah, it's mostly bare pages at this point. Still, better that than no pages at all...


I'll try and add a little more information every day, and gradually it will build up http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

I hadn't realised the "Level" subheading was meant for the solution to the level -- I will rename this heading "Solutions" since many levels have more than one.


I have created an L++ article.  Although those Flash ads are so annoying.  Thank goodness for Firefox add-ons.


The worst ads disappear when you sign in. It's a mean little incentive to sign up instead of editing anonymously http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/angry.gif" alt=">:(" title="Angry" class="smiley" />

I'm improving the articles on skills right now, and I might add in the L2 ones today as well. I've also expanded the page on Lemmings 3.

Remember, the more people who get on board here, the faster we can build this up and get it looking great. (Or alternatively, the less work each person has to do. Either way, it works out http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />)


The things hosted by Wikia don't let people under 13 sign up.  I know I *could* lie, but that's something I just don't like to do.  Ah well, I can put up with ads for the remainder of this month and then until December 20th.