Oh No! More Challenges!

Started by LemSteven, May 25, 2009, 04:14:46 AM

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Hi guys,

Haven't posted in a while (nor played for that matter). Found an interesting challenge solution today which hopefully hasn't been posted previously:

Solve Mayhem 7 "poles apart" without bashing or digging through any of the 7 thin pillars used in all regular solutions.

Good luck...


I do recall doing this one (or at least, something equivalent to this) before, but I guess it's worth bringing up again for those who haven't seen it. It might even be on the old forum, which hasn't been accessible for a while, in which case maybe no one remembers it http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> (though I doubt that)

EDIT: For alfonz1986, here's my solution to the first Mayhem 25 challenge.


Nice one ClamSpam  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

Thats basically identical to my solution.

I wonder if 6 builder 100% is possible? Although I highly doubt it.


Ok, I'll tighten the requirements of the Mayhem 7 challenge. Perhaps this will actually make it easier...

Solve Mayhem 7
without touching/building on any of the terrain the poles are connected to, or the poles themselves
LOSE 1 (98%)
no climbers


Got another solid variation

Solve Mayhem 7 - 100% - backroute it over the top - climberless -  3 bashers max
(pole connected terrain is in, but no terrain removal of any ground on it/or poles, no building over poles)

EDIT: I'll post my solution replays in about a months time if noone has responded with theirs.


Ok, I just blew the doors right off it!

Came up with a truly beautiful & elegant solution to make both the existing challenges obsolete!
As if they weren't hard enough already!

Solve Mayhem 7 - 100% - backroute it over the top
(no touching/building/bashing/digging any of the terrain the poles are connected to or the poles themselves, no building over poles)

HINT: It uses every skill except some floaters


Heres my solution to the first problem '98% LOSE 1 no climber'


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=12.msg11021#msg11021">Quote from: alfonz1986 on 2011-07-18 10:31:33
Solve Mayhem 7 - 100% - backroute it over the top
(no touching/building/bashing/digging any of the terrain the poles are connected to or the poles themselves, no building over poles)

HINT: It uses every skill except some floaters
1-Upping this one: no climbers.


Neat.  geoo's improved challenge actually managed to be a good hint for me.  I tried briefly on Monday and then have no time rest of the week (I had to worked Saturdays for past 2 weeks now, oy), and yet now I have a solution.


cool, im glad theres been some interest. I'll take a look when I get a chance and try to solve it http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />


I had a feeling it had something to do with fine tuning of the release rate (Clamspam sent me a replay of one of his first attempts at it with this method). I played about a little bit myself and found a setup that could work with careful tweaking of the release rate, but didn't expend the time to find the exact rate. I have since looked at your solution CCE and its very similar.

All this being said... My solution in my opinion is even more interesting than this one and still stands as relevant since changing the release rate is not required.

So... Solve Mayhem 7 - 100% - backroute it over the top - no release rate changing
(no touching/building/bashing/digging any of the terrain the poles are connected to or the poles themselves, no building over poles)


My solution doesn't require fiddling with the RR, I just set it to 99 once to speed things up. (And then using the Benny Hill trick, if you know the Cheapo level by Insane Steve I'm referring to.)
I saw the RR modification in ccexplore's solution as more of a technical detail than a defining feature, as apart from that, there aren't many differences between our two solutions. (I haven't watched any Mayhem 7 challenge replays other than ccexplore's, for the record.)
EDIT: Tested it, and my solution also works without setting the RR to 99. Time limit just gets pretty tight then.


Very nice starting setup to free one lemming while containing the rest in a pit only as wide as one digger. Thats the crucial part to get the timing here.

I'm running out of ways to keep the challenge relevant to my solution http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

Only one I can think of is the ceiling route must be more than one pixel thick at the bottom http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> hehe


Here's a cool challenge I think you guys will like:

Solve Wicked 9 - no blockers

I read ClamSpam's "what skills can't you live without" thread and it says a blocker is required in all solutions, so hopefully this challenge hasn't cropped up before.

I stumbled across this looking for a 100% solution to the level, but it appears to be out of reach at the moment.

EDIT: Solve Wicked 9 - no blockers - 19 builders max


I thought this was already done by someone as I remember trying something without blockers there once, but apparently it wasn't.
Anyway I managed it this time, nice one.