Lemmix Styles

Started by BulletRide, October 21, 2007, 11:36:45 PM

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I have ignored this problem for way to long. I cannot get ONML styles to run on lemmix.

Every time i try to create a level with the styles, they just end up being Original lemmings styles. For example 'brick' style would actually be 'dirt'

Also, when i try to open a premade level, it comes up with an error asking for the file VGAGR5 (for example)

I would really like to play and create ONML levels, any help would be greatly appreiciated :thumbsup:


Easily fixed. All that was needed was to combine the files of the Oh No More Lemmings DOS game and the Lemmix editor. I have placed the "Oh No More Lemmix" folder as a Zip file in two locations.

One is the Lemmings File Portal.

The other is on my website (bottom of the page) at the following location:

...or for direct download:


Hmmmm It still comes up with the same error.


Whats your Operating System?


Before Lemmix opens a level, it asks what style it has to use. You can choose the right one in a dialog-screen. If the INI file the directories are correct, this has to work allright.
Could you PM the created level to me and describe exactly what you are doing and when the problem occurs? Maybe I can help you then.


All i know is that when i open any ONML level it says its missing the file VGAGR(number). When i try to create a level in an ONML style when i place a piece its just an original lemmings tile. 


Are you sure the lemmix inifile contains the right directory to your ONML files on disk?


Around 1.5 five years later, and SAME PROBLEM HERE.  Help!


We can't have a fangame without ONML tilesets! That would be terrible... Fortunately this problem has been solved.



I've done that before, but I just figured out the solution.  I realized that Lemmix kept resetting my changes, so here's what to do.

Either number the styles 5-8 or move the ohno files into a separate folder (however, it can be a sub-directory of your lemmix folder), and then let it know of the changes (WITH LEMMIX CLOSED) in the LemmixSyles.ini (it's easier to put them in a separate folder because you don't have to edit as much of this file) and then either change the files that it looks for or the ohno styles commonpath, depending on which solution you chose.
If you moved the files instead of renaming them, just put in the name of the folder where the styles are kept in "Commonpath."
Once you're done, set Lemmixstyles.ini as a read-only file so Lemmix won't modify it.
And, there you go!