Tundrize! (Level Converter for Tundra)

Started by kyevan, August 17, 2007, 03:57:30 PM

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I've been working on a little project the last few days, and It's ready to be shown to the world:
:thumbsup: Tundrize!  :thumbsup:
(Is that styling evidence that I've been online too long? Perhaps.)
Available on Lemmings File Portal at http://it.travisbsd.org/lemmings/lemmingswelt/index.php?cmd=get&file=/TundrizeV0-1.7z, Tundrize is a tool to convert lemmings levels to the format used by Tundra! It needs a configuration file for each level pack, but the format is simple enough that you should be able to figure it out... but if I'm wrong, just ask, and I'll write more thorough documentation.

Also included in that package are the data files to Covox and Companion along with tundrize.py files for them. (Not all levels work, though, see the readme file.) Also included is the file for 'Going Their Separate Ways' and a tundrize file for that. (I wrote it while testing .lvl compatability, and figured I might as well include it)


Sorry, I wasn't here for most of the time: What's Tundra? :huh:
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Yet another Lemmings engine remake, at http://rebui.ld.net.au/software/tundra

I use it because it's Free Software (Lemmini isn't) and it works on GNU/Linux (Lemmix doesn't)


Whoops. I had made a tweak to tundrize.py for Trick21B before release, since it was in the old format. I didn't tesst it (bad bad kyevan!) I made a mistake, it's set to use ohno graphics, which causes the engine to crash when running it after extracting it! If you've done this, delete the MacLems folder in your levels folder. Here's the corrected tundrize.py for Trick21B:

# Pack name
levpackName = "MacLems"
# Levels per difficulty
levsPerDif = 1
# Difficulty names
difNames = ["Tricky"]
# Level .DAT list (MUST be in the order the player should be presented with the levels!)
datList = ["Trick21B.lvl"]

# Format: levelNumber: ("Level author", OhNoGraphics?),
# levelNumber does not have quotes, and starts from 0, and runs through the entire pack.
# "Level Author" must have quotes.
# OhNoGraphics? MUST be either True, or False. The capitalization IS important!
# levelNumber "default" (with quotes, case important!) is used if there is no specific entry for a level.
levelOptions = { "default": ("DMA Design(?)", False),


I am moved to tears  :cry: Someone actually has extended my dodgy Python engine! Ages after I gave it up as a fun exercise...

Evidently your patience > mine. I might dredge up that explosion algorithm now and add that.


Tundra is dead? :(
No online hiscore list?

...you ought to bug the pygame developers about the transparency bug.


Would you believe, I was going to do that the moment they released pygame 1.8. Of course, now it's been almost 9 months... *joins mailing list*

And no, it wasn't quite dead. Just sleeping while I worked on other things ;P


Oh my god it's horrible in there. I find that reading through my code after about 7 months hiatus is like relearning how to use a limb after suffering a debilitating illness. (it was my first Python project, hopefully I can be forgiven for constantly switching back and forth between C-style functional programming and pissweak OOP)

The good news is, explosions have now been added. The bad news is, you'll need to reimport your games to get nice-looking explosion colours (forgot to add a field for palette entries in the style XML spec).