Request for mod privs on the NeoLemmix bugs & suggestions board

Started by WillLem, February 26, 2025, 04:16:41 PM

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There are a number of bug reports that were closed due to the end of NL development being approached or reached, but are non-physics bugs that could potentially be fixed for CE (example).

There are also a few physics bugs that weren't fixed in NL (and consequently also won't be fixed in CE) but were fixed in SuperLemmix. And, some that haven't been fixed in SLX yet, but could be (example).

I wonder if I might be granted mod privs for the Bugs & Suggestions board, so that I can:

a) Re-open any closed UI-related bugs as fixable in CE (so that I can later mark them as fixed and log the commit SHA)
b) Move any closed physics bug reports that could be (or have been) fixed in SLX to the SuperLemmix board, for the same reason

With that said, I realise that namida may occasionally want to respond to bug reports by fixing them in NL, and we also want to eliminate any possible confusion that a CE-fixed bug has also been fixed in NL (which it most likely won't have been).

So, another solution might be to give the Community Edition its own Bugs & Suggestions board, and then namida can forward any reports that would usually get the "no new bug reports" response there instead. Then, any he does decide to fix in NL can be fetched into CE anyway (I'd appreciate the chance to mark the topic as fixed in CE before it's closed if it's decided that this is the way to go).

NOTE: I'd also probably want to request that some topics be moved out of the "Closed" NL board and into the relevant board; if I could be granted temporary mod privs (for a day or two), I'd be happy to do this myself.

Either way, as well as being a way to keep track of what has and hasn't been done already, this would be a big help with maintainence going forward; any new UI bug reports can be handled in CE, and any physics bug reports can potentially be moved to the SuperLemmix board and dealt with there.

Incidentally, I'll probably start marking bugs as fixed in both CE and SLX (where relevant) and with the appropriate SHA reference for each (example); this will be so that topics don't need to be duplicated across boards, and will mainly be so that I can see at a glance what has been done, and for both platforms at the same time.


Chances are that both SLX and CE will start to get fewer and fewer updates as time goes on, and SLX will probably start to become my main focus again once CE is stable and people are happy with it. Development will then likely increasingly become a case of responding to bug reports rather than announcing new features, and so I could do with making a start now in keeping things organised.


Yes, I think it's a good idea.

I feel namida will think that, too, but he shoud still decide this explicitly and publicly. It's his board. If namida has no other suggestions, I'll give you the mod rights in 3-4 days (on Sunday morning).

-- Simon


Quote from: Simon on February 26, 2025, 05:41:01 PMI feel namida will think that, too, but he shoud still decide this explicitly and publicly. It's his board.

Absolutely, I wouldn't want to go ahead with anything without namida's approval anyway.

Quote from: Simon on February 26, 2025, 05:41:01 PMI'll give you the mod rights in 3-4 days (on Sunday morning).

Thanks. I wonder whether a separate Bugs & Suggestions sub-board for CE is a good idea as well, though? We don't want to give the impression that a bug report responded to by me in NL's Bugs & Suggestions board has in fact been fixed for NL. What I'd probably do is simply forward the topic to the CE board (if namida hadn't done already and if I was 99% sure it wasn't something namida would want to bother with for NL) and deal with it from there.


I think for the reasons you state, it would be best to use a seperate board. I'm quite happy for you to have mod access on the NL ones for the purpose of reviving topics for NLCE purposes. I'm fine with WillLem's proposal as-is if it's preferred as the best way forward.

With that being said, I'll also give my two cents on the how (and this is just a suggestion, not a ruling) - we probably don't need the overall structure of the NL Bugs & Suggestions board anymore either, now that there's no active development on official NL (other than updating the collection of user-created styles periodically). Perhaps a better way forward - we create a single new board to use as an archive of NL bugs / suggestions, and turn the existing NL B&S board into NLCE ones. I would approach this by first moving everything to the new board, then letting WillLem go through this board and move back the ones that he wishes to revive, creating redirect topics for each move (the only effort required to do this is clicking a single checkbox when moving the topic) - I usually prefer to avoid creating those, but in this particular case (moving topics out of what would otherwise be an archive) I think it should be done.

We'd need to confirm with WillLem exactly what he wants to do around editor suggestions though, as my understanding is he's working on a single combined editor that covers both NL and SLX, rather than seperate ones.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Quote from: namida on February 26, 2025, 08:06:54 PMcreating redirect topics for each move

I'm happy to do this if it's deemed absolutely necessary, but there are likely to be quite a few moved topics and a separate redirect topic for each one seems a bit much.

If the idea is to have a record of which ones have been moved, I'd suggest one or both of the following alternatives, each of which are a bit more effort (for me) but ultimately a lot less clutter (for everyone):

a) Create a single redirect topic with a list of redirected topics, plus links to each (this would probably be most appropriate as a sticky on the archived board).
b) Add a "This topic has been moved from [link to archive]" on the OP of each moved topic.

I wonder if either of these suggestions might achieve the same benefit as a separate redirect?

Quote from: namida on February 26, 2025, 08:06:54 PMWe'd need to confirm with WillLem exactly what he wants to do around editor suggestions though, as my understanding is he's working on a single combined editor that covers both NL and SLX, rather than seperate ones.

The plan is for the updated editor to continue supporting both NL and SLX. This seems much better than maintaining separate versions. With regards to the forum, I'm happy to take suggestions/bug reports for both player and editor in a single board, but if the offer is there for a separate board for each, that would be great.


If preservation is important: Don't move any bugs. Keep the NL bug board closed. WillLem and everybody else will file new bugs for each issue that reappears. The new bugs will be in the CE board, or in a new CE bug board. We'll link to the existing NL bug for reference.

This will filter the bugs for importance in a natural way. The urgent bugs will be re-filed. And you can always browse through the closed NL bug board for ideas.

If preservation is expendable: Reopen the NL bug board for the public. Rename it to CE bugs. Move the physics bugs out into a new board? Or close them as wontfix/as out of scope of CE?

I have no preference between these. I merely I don't like to make a big effort with lots of redirection topics.

If we postpone a decision here, I'll give WillLem the mod rights on Sunday anyway. Then WillLem can at least post to the closed topics, and note that they're fixed in CE. I think that's still in-line with the spirit of the closed bug board; reason:

Quote from: namidaI'm quite happy for you to have mod access on the NL ones for the purpose of reviving topics for NLCE purposes.

-- Simon


Quote from: Simon on February 28, 2025, 11:01:02 PMDon't move any bugs ... We'll link to the existing NL bug for reference.

I'd honestly rather not duplicate bug topics. If it's agreed that I can basically do as I wish with the Closed board, I'll most likely move the ones I need and make a public note of which ones have been moved (via a single redirect topic compiling them all in a list).

Quote from: Simon on February 28, 2025, 11:01:02 PMReopen the NL bug board for the public. Rename it to CE bugs. Move the physics bugs out into a new board

This would be better, but I wonder if it might cause problems if NeoLemmix development is ever brought up again. Archiving NL's sub-boards and opening a fresh set of sub-boards (Engine Bugs & Sugs, Editor Bugs & Sugs, Closed) for CE seems the cleanest way to do it.

Anyway, happy to go with whatever's decided. Having access to the boards will at least give me something to start with, as Simon has noted.


Added WillLem as board-specific moderator to: NL main, NL bugs, all subboards of NL bugs. WillLem has already been a moderator for the CE board.

-- Simon


Quote from: namida on December 21, 2015, 02:47:05 PMThis board [NL bugs] remains open so that in the event a third-party fork (or editor) is developed, people's suggestions will be here.

This means that the NL bug board should become the CE bug board.

I'll reopen the NL bug board and rename it to CE bugs. WillLem is a moderator already.

The alternative is to file the CE bugs on the CE main board, but WillLem prefers a separate bug board.

-- Simon


I've moved all the NL engine bugs to either NL closed or to CE bugs. This emptied the NL engine bug board.

What's with the NL editor bug board? Shall people file new bugs against the editor there? Which editor is that? Is it Will's editor that covers SuperLemmix and NL? I'll keep the editor bug board open until somebody complains. :-)

CE has two sub-boards now, one for open bugs and one for closed bugs. (The closed bugs contains some moved-topic redirects that will delete themselves a week.)

-- Simon


Quote from: Simon on March 04, 2025, 04:02:59 AMI've moved all the NL engine bugs to either NL closed or to CE bugs. This emptied the NL engine bug board.

What happened to all the previously-closed topics? There were at least 5 I was looking at reviving but none of them seem to be there now...

EDIT: Found them

Quote from: Simon on March 04, 2025, 04:02:59 AMWhat's with the NL editor bug board?

Leave this for now, I can move (without messy redirects) the topics I need to the SuperLemmix board (my dual-platform Editor is the SuperLemmix Editor); the others can later be archived/deleted.


Never mind, found them!  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Moderation LogMoved "[SUG] Sound Schemes" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "[SUG] Welcome Screen enhancements" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "[SUG] Assign Fail Sound" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "[SUG] Multiple player profiles" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "[BUG][FIXED] Remove Update Message Box (points to NL site)" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "[SUG] Replay Insert Mode / Replay Editor updates" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "[SUG] Non-Windows-dialog alternatives to the level select etc screens" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "[BUG] Crash after quit: Press ESC twice during level preview" from "Community Edition" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Unlocked "[Potential Bug] Fencers no longer turn around when hitting steel"   
Moved "[Potential Bug] Fencers no longer turn around when hitting steel" from "Closed" to "NeoLemmix Main"   
Moved "[No Bug][Player] Sliders Exiting in Midair If Still Dehoisting" from "Closed" to "Closed"   
Moved "[BUG][PLAYER] Slider lemmings can shimmy across the bottom boundary of the level" from "Closed" to "Closed"   
Moved "[SUG][PLAYER] Display Neutral Lemming Count" from "Closed" to "Bugs & Suggestions"   
Moved "NeoLemmix Bugs & Suggestions Subforum Rules" from "Bugs & Suggestions" to "Closed"

This is all of my uprooting from tonight.

In hindsight, I should have moved all of them with those self-deleting redirections. The clutter in the list of recent topics on the homepage would have been acceptable at 5-6 moves.

-- Simon


On second thoughts, if it's possible, could the Editor Suggestions board be moved to be a sub-board of Community Edition? I anticipate some Editor suggestions/bug reports as new versions are released, and may end up focusing almost entirely on developing the Editor rather than any of the engines.

If it's possible to do this by moving the entire board in a single action, great. If it would mean moving all of the topics one-by-one, then just leave it as it is.


Quote from: WillLem on March 04, 2025, 05:35:28 AMOn second thoughts, if it's possible, could the Editor Suggestions board be moved to be a sub-board of Community Edition? I anticipate some Editor suggestions/bug reports as new versions are released, and may end up focusing almost entirely on developing the Editor rather than any of the engines.

Yup, done and easy! It has been moved to the Community Edition board per your request :thumbsup: - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: