Level of the Year: 2024!

Started by IchoTolot, February 16, 2025, 06:59:34 PM

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For a list of nominated levels so far, please see the nominated levels topic.

And it's this time of the year again!

This is a bit different from the usual contests. You don't create a new level for this one; instead, levels released during 2024 get nominated and a winner picked from them. To be precise, the eligible dates are from 1st Janurary 2024 to 31th December 2024.

The following conditions must be met in order for a level to be eligible:
1. The level must have either been part of a large pack released during the eligible timeframe (1st Jan 2024 to 31th Dec 2024), or in some other way had its first public release during the timeframe. Private releases (such as sending to prerelease testers) do not affect eligibility either way. *
2. The level must be available for an engine that is usually eligible for the contests. Or in other words: NeoLemmix (new format version), or single-player Lix.
3. The level must be designed by a single author; collaboration levels are not eligible.
4. The creator of the level must not have specifically requested it be excluded.
5. The level must not have been nominated for LOTY2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023.

* To clarify here: If it was released publicly prior to 1st Janurary 2024 as part of a demo or preview, but the full pack was released during the eligible period, the level is fine (as long as it wasn't nominated for LOTY2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023).

Being a derivative of an ineligible level (as long as it's from the same author, the new author has a permission from the original one, or an official level) does not disqualify a level; as long as the level in question is clearly intended to stand as a seperate-but-related level rather than a newer version of the same level. Basically just don't send in carbon copies of ineligible levels.

To nominate a level, please PM me with your list of nominations. If you wish to modify your nominations at a later date, please resend the whole list of levels you wish to nominate, not just the changes.

Each user may nominate up to six levels from authors other than themself, up to a maximum of three levels per author. Anyone who nominates at least four levels by other authors may also nominate one of their own levels. (These self-nominations do not count towards the six nomination limit.)

So the maximum nomination value is: 6 levels from other users and 1 level of your own.

Note that levels that won a level design contest during the eligible timeframe get an automatic nomination, unless their author requests otherwise.

Nominations will be open until the end of April 18th 2025 (UTC). No additions / changes to nominations will be permitted after this date, with one exception: If a level someone has nominated is found to be ineligible for any reason and this is not discovered until after the deadline, they will be offered a chance to nominate a different level in its place.

Similar to last year, the voteoff will occur in stages:

Stage 1
The levels will be put into random brackets, and the top ~50% from each bracket will qualify for Stage 2.

Stage 2-3
This will also be done in regular voteoff style. The aim here will be to get down to around a couple of remaining levels, so exact details will depend on how many levels are entered.

Final Stage
This will be done in an elimination format to first determine the top 3 and then to determine a winner.

The prize on offer will be US $10.00 for first place.

Also note that, in the interest of being reasonable, the "don't discuss levels involved in contests anywhere on the site during the voting period" rule does not fully apply to this contest; instead, it will be "do not discuss them at all within the LOTY2024 topics during voting, and don't discuss them in relation to the contest anywhere on the site".

So, that's about it! Any questions, ask here; and feel free to start nominating levels!


Eligible Level Packs

This is simply a rough list of levels that are eligible. They have not nessecerially been nominated, and the majority probably won't be. Please note that this is probably not a complete list, especially in regard to Lix levels; if you can think of anything that should be added, let me know!

NL and Lix

geoo: geoo's Lix level pack, link is here - https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=6672.0

Level Design Contests: Level Design Contest #30, Level Design Contest #31

MASTER-88: MASTER-88 Lemmings World

GigaLem: Festival Millas 2023 (Released in Janurary 2024)

Strato Incendus: Lemmings: Hall of Fame

Solus: Xmas Lemmings 2024

Mobiethian: Holiday Lemmings 2024, Lemmings New Worlds, Lemmings Heritage

92Dexter11: Lemmings Faithful (Only levels in the Simple and Tricky ranks, as the 2 new ranks Safe and Treacherous were released in Janurary 2025!)

Pieuw and Dodochacalo: Fiat Lem! (Let there be Lemmings!)

David: DavidLems, also his 3 Prince of Persia levels from this topic:


LemFan: Lemmings Rundown

namida: Levels intended for Lemmings Plus VII (Link inside the Lemmings Plus topic)

AsahiNyan: TASLemmings

nin10doadict: Lemmings Squared 2.0 (Only newly added levels)

Turrrican: Mikes Lemmings Version 2 - Only new levels from 2024 (Should be V 1.07 onwards)! Levels released in 2024 in the "levels by Turrican" thread

The Levels by Turrican would be another level collection topic worth checking out.

edit March 2, 2025: Random Level Sharing topic link removed, as no levels were posted there in 2024! Thus, let's reduce clutter and eliminate as much confusion as to what's eligible for nomination for LOTY as much as possible :) 


Made a couple of edits to the above post per some suggestions that were provided to me:

Added a link to David's 3 Prince of Persia levels: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=6656.0

Nice find and thank you to the user who notified me! :thumbsup: I totally remember seeing it before. The problem here is that they're in the NeoLemmix Styles board, therefore they were overlooked and missed! :-[

Changed wording of the Lemmings Faithful pack to say "only levels in the Simple and Tricky ranks" are eligible to be nominated for LOTY2024, as the new levels of the Safe and Treacherous ranks were both released in 2025, therefore they're ineligible for nomination. In the levels.nxmi file for the pack, Simple is still the first rank, while Safe is actually the second rank now, not Tricky :P

Removed the Random Level Sharing topic link, as no levels were posted there in 2024. So, let's eliminate clutter and avoid as much confusion as possible on what's eligible for nomination! :)

edit: Added geoo and his pack to the list, as his Lix Level pack from https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=6672.0 is eligible
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0