Lemmings Forums Level Contest #31 - Results

Started by IchoTolot, February 16, 2025, 06:34:37 PM

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Ladies and gentleman, we've got our final results! :)

The winning level is:

Colorful Arty's "Snarled pipeline"

The 2nd place goes to:

kaywhyn's "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!"

3rd place goes to:

Armani's "Caffeine Addiction"

Congratulations to Colorful Arty for winning the contest! :thumbsup:

I will contact all authors of the top 3 levels regarding the determination of the next contest's ruleset. :)


Congratulations to the top 3, especially Arty's level, that is one of the best levels I've played in a contest in a long time! Very fun to solve!  :thumbsup:

Colorful Arty

Wow, I did not expect to win with this unreleased level I've had for 4+ years, but I'm honored! Thank you everyone who participated! :thumbsup:

I'll have to think about a rule for next contest I guess. Is there a deadline for this? I won't have internet access from the 20th until the 2nd.


Quote from: Colorful Arty on February 16, 2025, 11:11:50 PMWow, I did not expect to win with this unreleased level I've had for 4+ years, but I'm honored! Thank you everyone who participated! :thumbsup:

I'll have to think about a rule for next contest I guess. Is there a deadline for this? I won't have internet access from the 20th until the 2nd.

No strict deadline, I can wait until the start of March. No problem!  :)

Would only be good if you got your rule ready when you have internet access again.