Level Design Contest #31 - Voting Phase (Current: Finals)

Started by IchoTolot, February 08, 2025, 05:13:53 PM

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Contest #31 Finals - You can only vote for 1 level!

kaywhyn's "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!"
5 (38.5%)
Armani's "Caffeine Addiction"
2 (15.4%)
Colorful Arty's "Snarled pipeline"
6 (46.2%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: February 16, 2025, 03:54:32 PM


In each voting round, you're allowed to vote for up to a certain number of levels. Vote for the levels that you want to stay in the contest, not for levels you want eliminated. You may vote for fewer levels than the permitted maximum. You may vote for your own levels.

It's not allowed to discuss the levels publicly on the forums during the voting phase, even if the level is not in the current round, or even between rounds.

You may discuss any level in private messages. You may discuss publicly off-site, e.g., you may post Youtube videos of your playthroughs, or discuss in IRC/discord chat. Eliminated levels may be discussed anywhere, even publicly on the forums.

- Voting takes place for all 3 rules at the same time. Topic links:
  Rule 1 voting topic
  Rule 2 voting topic
  Rule 3 voting topic
- Only the level with the most votes in each rule moves on. Each person only gets 1 vote for each rule.
- Dertermining the top level in a rule might result in a tiebreaker. (Edge case: A tiebreaker between tied levels results in another tie where nobody is eliminated -> All move on.)
- The top 3 then consists of the top level of reach rule. The placement is then determined in a single voting round. Each person only gets 1 vote. A tie here simply results in a tied 1st or 2nd place.


- The "choosing the rules for the next contest" prize will be the only one you can get.
- The authors of the top three levels will each get to choose a rule. If an author got multiple levels in the top three they get to choose multiple rules accordingly.
- If people choose (near) identical rules we will sort things out through pm communication so that the rules are different.

So... let the voting begin! Each round will be open for voting for 3 days, except the final which will be 4 days.

All levels are still avialable in the discussion topic: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=6951.0



Rule 1 -- 5 levels (~20% survival rate)
Rule 2 -- 5 levels (~20% survival rate)
Rule 3 -- 7 levels (~14% survival rate)

Rule 1

Armani's "Turn off the Light Before Bed" (2 votes)
Eric Derkovits's "Which Way?" (2 votes)
Gronkling's "Lemming Fountain" (1 vote)
IchoTolot's "Automaton Maintenance" (3 votes)
kaywhyn's "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!" (4 votes)


Rule 2

Armani's "Caffeine Addiction" (5 votes)
Eric Derkovits's "Right Left Right" (1 vote)
Gronkling's "Build Up to Get Down" (2 votes)
IchoTolot's "Copper 9 Cabin Fever Labs" (1 vote)
kaywhyn's "It's a Wet World!" (3 votes)


Rule 3

Armani's "Ley Lines" (0 votes)
Colorful Arty's "Snarled pipeline" (3 votes)
Crane's "Paradox" (2 votes)
Eric Derkovits's "Come Home Lemmings Part 2" (1 vote)
Gronkling's "Decayed Grid" (0 votes)
IchoTolot's "Orbita Solis" (2 votes)
kaywhyn's "To The CPU Terminal!" (2 votes)



kaywhyn's "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!" (5 votes)
Armani's "Caffeine Addiction" (2 votes)
Colorful Arty's "Snarled pipeline" (6 votes)


The contest voting will start soon, but first there seems to be a little technical thing that needs to be solved as the level images currently won't upload properly to the NL site. 
It will start once the image links are operational.


Voting has started, be sure to vote in all of the 3 linked topics!


All rightie, I've went ahead and updated the results and strike through all eliminated levels except for the top level of each rule and put the 3 surviving levels under the Finals heading section :)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0
