New Styles - "Let's Go - More Faithful"!

Started by 92Dexter11, January 30, 2025, 07:34:13 PM

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Hey everyone, and happy new year!
I'm thrilled to announce a sequel to my 'Lemmings Faithful' style pack:

Let's Go - More Faithful!

Like Lemmings Faithful, this pack uses a limited colour palette in the style of the original / ohno styles.
(For a more detailed explanation on this, see the Lemmings Faithful post:

However, while my previous pack was all about mimicking the original styles as closely as possible, this new pack takes things in a slightly different direction. Here, I've attempted to push my skills to the limit and see how much I can accomplish while still adhering to the palette restrictions.
The new styles have a more 'adventure-y' feel to them, as I drew inspiration from other sources, not just the original lemmings games.

The new styles are:
Jade - A tranquil, east Asian themed style. This is a naturalistic style, with mountainous rocks and moss, as well as bamboo and cherry blossom.

Lush - A dense, tropical jungle, filled with tangled vines and giant flowers. Loosely inspired by the 'Lush' season from 'Don't Starve: Hamlet', where this style derives its name.

Hoard - The volcanic hoard of a dragon, filled to the brim with gold and treasure. Loosely inspired by 'bastion remnants' from 'Minecraft', as well as the underworld from 'Terraria'. Credit to WillLem for suggesting a gold themed style several months ago! :thumbsup:

Brass - A steampunk-inspired nautical base - lots of machinery, hydraulics, pipes and cogs. This style has a heavy emphasis on water, and the ocean depths.

Grotto - Ancient magical ruins, with bioluminescent flora and fauna. Inspired by the 'Submachine' series, as well as the 'glowing mushroom biome' from 'Terraria'.

Link to the style pack:

To accompany this, I've also updated the 'Lemmings Faithful' showcase pack to include two new ranks featuring the new tilesets. Like the previous ranks, the levels are intended to be quite easy, but have some tricky talismans for more advanced players. Be sure to check it out!

Making these styles was an absolute joy, and I hope you enjoy them!

Let me know what you think, or if there are any issues!

EDIT - Version 2: fixed 'Lush' style's steel not having .NXMT files, and therefore being destructible

EDIT - Version 3: major changes for the pipes in dex_brass - several of the 'pipe_45_bend' pieces (and their steel varients) had a major graphical error, and have since been replaced (see the below changelog for a full list of all the affected terrain pieces).
Special thanks to Mindless for letting me know about this error, and for providing a fix - very much appreciate your help  :thumbsup:.

(Also updated the dragon exits in dex_hoard to have lower digits when set to a limited amount - this is just a aesthetic change and should have no effect on gameplay)

IMPORTANT - Please delete the old version of 'dex_brass' and download the above fixed version to prevent duplicates of terrain - (the editor will automatically rename the relevant pieces upon saving a level)

If there are any issues or problems with the above changes, please let me know immediately, and I will try to fix them as soon as possible. Thank you!

Full graphical changelog:
The following terrain pieces have a graphical error and have been deprecated:
pipe_45bend_01 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: pipe_bend_big_01
pipe_45bend_02 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: pipe_bend_big_02
pipe_45bend_07 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: pipe_bend_big_07
pipe_45bend_08 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: pipe_bend_big_08
steelpipe_45bend_01 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: steelpipe_bend_big_01
steelpipe_45bend_02 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: steelpipe_bend_big_02
steelpipe_45bend_07 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: steelpipe_bend_big_07
steelpipe_45bend_08 - deprecated, replaced with fixed version: steelpipe_bend_big_08

The following terrain pieces have been renamed using an alias.nxmi file:
pipe_45bend_03 renamed to: pipe_bend_big_03
pipe_45bend_04 renamed to: pipe_bend_big_04
pipe_45bend_05 renamed to: pipe_bend_big_05
pipe_45bend_06 renamed to: pipe_bend_big_06
pipe_45bend_09 renamed to: pipe_bend_05
pipe_45bend_10 renamed to: pipe_bend_06
pipe_45bend_11 renamed to: pipe_bend_07
pipe_45bend_12 renamed to: pipe_bend_08

steelpipe_45bend_03 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_big_03
steelpipe_45bend_04 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_big_04
steelpipe_45bend_05 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_big_05
steelpipe_45bend_06 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_big_06
steelpipe_45bend_09 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_05
steelpipe_45bend_10 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_06
steelpipe_45bend_11 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_07
steelpipe_45bend_12 renamed to: steelpipe_bend_08


Very nice! I shall do another "New Worlds" level pack, if I may? Downloading now. Excellent work here, Dexter!
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (Collab. with Armani)

In Development:
Oh Wow! More New Worlds


Grotto is a very nice counterpart to the original fire style.  Just add some little flames (or little glowing wisps of light) on the exit and it'd be a proper original style.  (Though I guess flashing writing isn't unprecedented either.)


Quote from: Mobiethian on January 30, 2025, 08:48:25 PMVery nice! I shall do another "New Worlds" level pack, if I may? Downloading now. Excellent work here, Dexter!

I look forward to seeing what you create! :thumbsup:

Quote from: Mindless on January 31, 2025, 02:22:48 AMGrotto is a very nice counterpart to the original fire style.  Just add some little flames (or little glowing wisps of light) on the exit and it'd be a proper original style.  (Though I guess flashing writing isn't unprecedented either.)

Thank you! The exit for grotto was based off of the exit for ohno_rock :thumbsup:



It was brought to my attention that for your dex_lush style the four steel pieces are missing the steel.nxmt file. This means they're not steel and hence are destructible :crylaugh: So, any levels that you made in this style for your Lemmings Faithful pack you might want to recheck just in case you used any of these steel pieces after you make them actual steel by supplying the missing .nxmt file ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


Quote from: kaywhyn on February 18, 2025, 12:15:14 AM@Dexter

It was brought to my attention that for your dex_lush style the four steel pieces are missing the steel.nxmt file. This means they're not steel and hence are destructible :crylaugh:
Thanks for letting me know! That's a huge mistake on my end. I've updated the link in the OP to a fixed version, and will also post to the style updates topic  :thumbsup:

QuoteSo, any levels that you made in this style for your Lemmings Faithful pack you might want to recheck just in case you used any of these steel pieces after you make them actual steel by supplying the missing .nxmt file ;) 

Fortunately, I don't think any Lush levels in the Lemmings Faithful pack use steel terrain pieces (which was probably how this error was overlooked - Lush was originally not going to have any steel, like how ohno_bubble was in the original lemmings, but decided it'd be best to have level designers have more choice)  :thumbsup:


I am just curious about something. The Brass tiles, I can't help but to notice that when I try to add some of them, they appear larger, but when placed into the level field, they get smaller. Don't get me wrong, they still look great! For example, some tiles look very detailed and bigger until they're dropped in and then they get much smaller. Example:

Before placement:

After placement:

Is this the way it's supposed to be? Like I said, I am just curious about it. Thanks! :thumbsup:
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (Collab. with Armani)

In Development:
Oh Wow! More New Worlds


QuoteI am just curious about something. The Brass tiles, I can't help but to notice that when I try to add some of them, they appear larger, but when placed into the level field, they get smaller.

That's because those brass tiles (as well as a bunch of other tiles, like the 'magmatiles' from hoard, for example) have 9-slicing enabled. This basically means that the tiles are resizable and have a border around them that extends/reduces when the terrain is resized.

You can resize them by selecting the terrain piece, then clicking on the 'Pieces' subheading in the editor, and resizing those tiles to any size. This also applies to a quite a few other terrain pieces, such as the pipes in brass, (as well as many objects, such as water).

The reason why they appear so small when first placed into the editor is because I set them to have a 'default' height and width of 32, so when resizing using the arrows, they remain as a multiple of 8. (Resizing using the arrows always increment/decrement by a multiple of 8).

You can choose any size by typing in the size you want in the width/height box.

Hope this helps, and thank you for your kind words!  :thumbsup:


Quote from: 92Dexter11 on February 18, 2025, 05:36:40 PMHope this helps, and thank you for your kind words!  :thumbsup:

You're very welcome and thank you for the resizing tips! This is going to be more awesome. :thumbsup: I've always admired your work a lot.
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (Collab. with Armani)

In Development:
Oh Wow! More New Worlds


Just replying here to let everyone know about the above changes to dex_brass (see the OP for more details). I recommend deleting dex_brass and replacing it with the above fix as soon as possible! Some terrain pieces have been deprecated and renamed with an alias.nxmi file. Fortunately, this update shouldn't have any effect on any existing levels or replays. Sorry for the inconvenience.