Can't select odd values for Lix menu colours, can't type as hex

Started by Silken Healer, December 15, 2024, 09:09:00 PM

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Silken Healer

On Lix you can't set an even menu colour, the arrows go up by two. I'm not sure if this intentional, or if you can change it from the options.dll, but I think it's only fair that you can change it to any colour from within Lix itself.

and in-follow up, why can't you just type in a hexadecimal code manualy?


Quote from: Silken Healer on December 15, 2024, 09:09:00 PMI'm not sure [...] if you can change it from the options.dll,

It looks like it can be changed in options.sdl to odd numbers (decimal notation, name: guiColorRed; guiColorGreen; guiColorBlue).


Yeah but IT Does not open with visuel Studio so how do you Open DLL Files? Allegro is Not an opening program its Something that lets the PC read certain things Like lix Text Editor is Not Readeble
Tom Wolf :lix-evil: My Youtube channel


You should be able to open options.sdl (found in the folder user (which is itself in the Lix directory)) with most text editors, like e.g. Notepad (Editor in German). You can drag and drop it or right-click, click Open with (Öffnen mit in German) and select notepad or another editor.

(options.sdl is not a dll file.)


Ich weiß wie man öffnet ich habe nur ein paar Probleme mit Notepad  aber ich probiere es Danke
Tom Wolf :lix-evil: My Youtube channel