Level Design Contest #31 - Playing Phase (Update Topic)

Started by IchoTolot, December 01, 2024, 05:39:52 PM

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Note: This topic is ONLY for posting updates to your levels, or making late submissions. All other posts will be deleted. If you want to discuss the levels, post replays, etc, please do so in the Discussion Topic.

Please follow these rules for updates:
1. When posting a new updated version of a level, remove any old updated versions of that level --> Have all your recent updates stored in 1 post! I will delete such old posts eventually if the author doesn't; so don't store any important information in them.
2. Make a new post for a new update; do not edit your most recent post. You may, however, post updates to multiple entries (if you have more than one) in the same post.
3. Use the same filename as found in the ZIP of the entered levels, with "V2" "V3" etc added at the end. No matter how minor an update is, give it a new number.
4. Do not post in this topic, unless it's to post an update to your levels. Use the discussion topic instead for anything else.

Please use the same naming format as in the zip file:  User1_Levelname_R3V5.lvl ---> Level "Levelname" by User1  for Rule 3  Version 5 of the level 

For late submissions also, please use the same kind of filename as is used in the main levels download - ie: your username, and "R1" "R2" or "R3" to mark which rule the level is for. Please be sure to check the original contest announcement topic for the rules; as the notes in the discussion topic are simply meant as reminders, not full explanations of the rules.

Please use the right naming format when posting updates! That would lead to less confusions and less work for everyone.

Link to discussion topic

Colorful Arty

Updated my level to fix the trigger area(s) of the waterfalls. This does not break any replays that have been shared, so no need to replay the level.


V3 of R1 uploaded!

Changelog History of R1:

V2 - Added a wall, some steel, and OWAs, and changed the wall in the middle left area to fix backroutes thanks to eric, Gronkling, and Armani

V3 - Added some more steel and OWAs to fix a backroute thanks to Armani. Added some terrain as well.

R2 remains V1!

V3 of R3 uploaded!

Changelog History of R3:

V2 - Added fire traps and increased the save requirement to 19 to block off solutions that go through a certain area which has shown me that depending on how the player goes about the level in some cases one can save a lot of skills than I want for the level. I would like most of the skills to be accounted for regardless of how you solve it, and hopefully these fixes will do that! ;)

V3 - Moved two wires down a pixel. Armani's save all was quite impressive and hence isn't a backroute, but I don't require what he uses to pull that off in any of my solutions. Hence, I want to discourage that. I think two pixels down would work as well, but then too much precision would be needed.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Update to Paradox (non-critical, doesn't fix any backroutes and existing replays should still work)

  • V2:
    • Shortened metal platform on left side.
    • Trivial scenery change.
  • V3:
    • Fixed some pixel-sized holes on the left wall.
    • "Painful Paradox" bronze talisman renamed to "Time Paradox".
    • New silver talisman: "Space Paradox"; use only seven skills.


Rule3 Ley Lines V1->V2
 -the glider skill is already assigned to a lemming now
 -added splat-pads
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


update to my Rule 2 level to V4


added stomper traps

made 9 of the 10 walkers pickups
made stackers pickups
made diggers pickups


Update to my R1 level.

V2: Moved a platform by 1 pixel to the right.

Update to my R2 level.

V2: Added a bit of steel.

Update to my R3 level.

V2: Some terrain changes.
V3: Added a steel piece.