Level Design Contest #31 - Playing Phase (Discussion Topic)

Started by IchoTolot, December 01, 2024, 05:39:49 PM

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All zips only need to be unzipped inside the main folder of your NeoLemmix Player!

NeoLemmix Level Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/35xcdmkguq62fhn1h465t/Contest_31_NL.zip?rlkey=efmmqgf2t2i3sl3d0k0dsi1cc&st=6teoi7ht&dl=1

Music (NeoLemmix): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/brxcd9c9cgmg3q55arq88/Contest_31_Music.zip?rlkey=jsv9bjqzk9q7cerqbt04oauun&st=auwsr7q1&dl=1

Rule 1 Levels

Armani's "Turn off the Light Before Bed" (V1)
Eric Derkovits's "Which Way?" (V2)
Gronkling's "Lemming Fountain" (V1)
IchoTolot's "Automaton Maintenance" (V2)
kaywhyn's "All Your Skills Are Belong To Us!" (V3)

Rule 2 Levels

Armani's "Caffeine Addiction" (V1)
Eric Derkovits's "Right Left Right" (V4)
Gronkling's "Build Up to Get Down" (V1)
IchoTolot's "Copper 9 Cabin Fever Labs" (V2)
kaywhyn's "It's a Wet World!" (V1)

Rule 3 Levels

Armani's "Ley Lines" (V2)
Colorful Arty's "Snarled pipeline" (V2)
Crane's "Paradox" (V3)
Eric Derkovits's "Come Home Lemmings Part 2" (V3)
Gronkling's "Decayed Grid" (V3)
IchoTolot's "Orbita Solis" (V3)
kaywhyn's "To The CPU Terminal!" (V3)

You can check the rules details again here: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=6655.0

Playing Phase will be closed on 6th of Feburary!
Updates will close on 3rd of Feburary!

Note: This topic is for posting your comments, replays, etc for the levels. If you wish to post an update to your level, or enter a late submission, please do so in the Updates Topic instead.

Link to update topic


Hi all,

I was notified that my R2 won't load properly due to the missing strato_generalmd style. So, I have attached the required style for my level to the OP which you can find here:


Simply extract to your NL directory.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I keep forgetting that strato_generalmd is still not in the standard library! :-[ It's been needed ever since Strato released his Lemmings World Tour pack, which was like 2017/2018, so goodness knows why it still hasn't been included for years now! On that note, I have some styles that I'll be posting, along with strato_generalmd, to the Styles Update topic.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0




My NeoLemmix packs: All You Need Is Lemmings - Long Live Lemmings! - Yippee! More Lemmings
SuperLemmix: Tomb Rodents featuring Lemmina Croft



Sadly that's a backroute. Hopefully these 2 steel blocks in V2 should block it.  ;)



Quote from: NieSch on December 03, 2024, 10:01:26 AMHere's my solution to Crane's level 'Paradox'.
Such a painfully obvious backroute too.  Patched.


Here are my replays for all levels except for the ones I found hardest / fell into a weakspot of mine (buttons!). All are for the V1 version
i.e all levels except for Armani r1,r3, and IchoTolot r1,r2


Quote from: Gronkling on December 03, 2024, 09:38:26 PMHere are my replays for all levels except for the ones I found hardest / fell into a weakspot of mine (buttons!). All are for the V1 version
i.e all levels except for Armani r1,r3, and IchoTolot r1,r2

Sadly a backroute for my R3. Uploaded a new version with some terrain changes. Hopefully that area is now no longer problematic.



Had a try at the contest levels this time and I found a surprising amount of them to be solvable this time, a grand total of FOUR which is quite good for me so I'm proud.

What I'm particular proud of is one of them is Crane's level, it is the first time I've solved one of Crane's contest levels and I'm 99% sure it is intended this time as well since I'm only falling short of the talisman time by 3 seconds.

Rule 1 I just didn't bother with because I don't really understand the new objects and I didn't have the patience to try and work out the levels with the new objects either so I skipped the rule entirely.

I solved Armani's and kaywhyn's R2 and I solved Crane's and kaywhyn's R3.

Caffeine Addiction (Armani) - highly certain this is intended and this solution is utterly brilliant, great use of the blockers and laserers in the level. I nearly didn't solve this because I had the blocker facing the wrong way on the middle section.

It's A Wet World (kaywhyn) - solved this rather fast but I did use all of the skills, I have used this blocker trick in one of my levels before so I was immediately onto the containment trick used here. It's a great blocker trick so thumbs up from the King of Blockers!

Paradox (Crane) - spent the longest on this level but the solution was fun to try and carve out. I'm almost certain this is the intended solution. Also this is the first time I have solved one of your levels so I'm feeling accomplished on getting this!
Attached both of my solves, I tried to go for the talisman on my second attempt still fell short though!

To The CPU Terminal (kaywhyn) - initially tried to go diagonally up through the middle to the right but that was too builder intensive. Then I realised there was terrain outside the green walls and then it was a very easy solve after that. Props for the good choice of 3D Lemmings music too, I love this track!


@Flopsy @ericderkovits @gronkling
All your solutions to my r2 are intended :thumbsup:
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


play through Rule 1 levels!
I have no idea how many of them are intended :)
Which Way
Since I have bunch of leftover skills, this might not be intended.
Lemming Fountain
clever use of lots of different types of new objects :D This is my favourite levels of these new object levels.
Automaton Maintenance
This was a pretty tough one to crack. I solely relied on trial and error rather than logical deduction. I didn't take advantage of slider-assigner though I just avoided using it by using a shimmier so not 100% sure if this is intended.
All Your Skills Are Belong To Us
This was a pretty fun one to play as you advertised earlier in the discord :D My solution looks a bit fishy though
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023