Play assignment sounds only for local tribe, not all tribes, in multiplayer replay

Started by Silken Healer, August 20, 2024, 05:13:56 PM

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Silken Healer

Seeing as we're talking about ideas anyway, I had an idea. For some reason, when I watch Lix multi-player replays back they give me a headache.

I may be wrong, and you actually can hear everyone's skill assignments in multi-player, but I'm just guessing as I can't test it on my own, but I'm guessing the reason is because in multi-player your used to only your sounds playing, but would it be possible to add a feature to turn down the other players when you're watching a multi-player replay back. Seeing as you may only want to focus on your own.

This is some concept art I did:


Yep, it's a regression. These extra sounds came with allowing to hover over other players' lix to view their skills in the panel.

It's bad and annoying. Instead, only the current player (whose skills you see in the panel) should play his assignment sounds.


-- Simon


If I Want like to see Flopsy´s perspective I change my Name To Flopsy ive been using this since years. i hope this is the solution you wanted?
Tom Wolf :lix-evil:


Quote from: Blitz on October 12, 2024, 07:16:46 PMIf I Want like to see Flopsy´s perspective I change my Name To Flopsy

In Lix 0.10.18 from January 2024, I introduced the following feature: In a multiplayer replay, you control all teams (= all colors). Hover the mouse cursor over lix of different colors to see other teams' skill panels.

Silken wants to stop hearing everybody's assignments, which is a good bug report, and that bug is reasonably annoying indeed. Everybody, prod me in November to fix this!

Silken also told me that he wants to prevent that hovering feature, i.e., he wants to control one color and nothing else, even if lix of different colors walk past your cursor. I'm not so sure how urgent that is.

-- Simon