Level Design Contest #30 - Playing Phase (Update Topic)

Started by IchoTolot, June 08, 2024, 06:18:19 PM

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Note: This topic is ONLY for posting updates to your levels, or making late submissions. All other posts will be deleted. If you want to discuss the levels, post replays, etc, please do so in the Discussion Topic.

Please follow these rules for updates:
1. When posting a new updated version of a level, remove any old updated versions of that level --> Have all your recent updates stored in 1 post! I will delete such old posts eventually if the author doesn't; so don't store any important information in them.
2. Make a new post for a new update; do not edit your most recent post. You may, however, post updates to multiple entries (if you have more than one) in the same post.
3. Use the same filename as found in the ZIP of the entered levels, with "V2" "V3" etc added at the end. No matter how minor an update is, give it a new number.
4. Do not post in this topic, unless it's to post an update to your levels. Use the discussion topic instead for anything else.

Please use the same naming format as in the zip file:  User1_Levelname_R3V5.lvl ---> Level "Levelname" by User1   for Rule 3   Version 5 of the level 

For late submissions also, please use the same kind of filename as is used in the main levels download - ie: your username, and "R1" "R2" or "R3" to mark which rule the level is for. Please be sure to check the original contest announcement topic for the rules; as the notes in the discussion topic are simply meant as reminders, not full explanations of the rules.

Please use the right naming format when posting updates! That would lead to less confusions and less work for everyone.

Link to discussion topic



Rule 2:

V2: Improved on the original concept and added bombers. This update is dedicated to darkshoxx.

V3: Raised the final platform to prevent the use of bombers to cut the second walk-up.

V4: Swapped the final layer of terrain used to prevent the use of bomber cutting with steel to also prevent basher brute forcing. (hopefully)


The latest updates to my R1, R2 and R3.

R1 got a zapper field, R2 some more steel and R3 had more terrain + steel changes and the floaters have been culled.


V5 of my Rule 2 level

added a bronze Talisman

added a button and a locked exit with a blocker on it (For the bronze Talisman)

also terrain adjustment due to previously possible not to use any bombers


R2 Very Particular Set of Skills V1->V2
- added more fans

R3 Cheddar-Crusted Hash Browns V3->V4
- moved the flame thrower downward a bit
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]


Version 3 of High Striker (unchanged):

- V3: Removed the thin wall, added a couple of obstructions by the pit and a 2nd Basher.
- V2: Added an extra thin wall to block an obvious backroute.

Version 9 of Tomb Raiders

- V9: Even more debris near the exit to prevent a refined backroute from Kaywhyn.
- V8: Lowered height of wooden platform over the water and added some extra debris near the exit to prevernt a backroute from Kaywhyn.
- V7: Removed sloped edge of high drop to prevent a backroute from Kaywhyn.
- V6: Raised height of first wall to prevent a backroute from Kaywhyn.  Lowered upper starting area slightly for aesthetic reasons.
- V5: Cleaned up the wooden vertical obstruction and added decoration to its left side to prevent a backroute from Armani.
- V4: Increased release rate to 80 and revised design of starting area to fix backroute from Armani.  Save requirement increased from 51 to 52.  Extra decoration on the right-hand side of the level.
- V3: Thickened the vertical wooden obstruction and redesigned the platform it connects to in order to block a pair of backroutes by Armani.
- V2: Raised the exit platform by a single pixel to block a backroute by Armani.  Minor change to water placement for aesthetic reasons.


R1 remains V5!

Changelog History of R1:

V2 - Added OWAs to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

V3 - Changed right OWAs to down OWAs and left OWAs to up OWAs to fix a backroute thanks to JRT.

V4 - Modified the terrain on the left side of the exit and added more steamblower traps as a result, reverted the OWAs back to V2's, and increased the Lemming count to 50 (save requirement is therefore now 48) to fix a very minor backroute thanks to Crane and Armani

V5 - Lemming count increased to 60 to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

R2 remains V8!

Changelog History of R2:

V2 - Added steel to fix a backroute thanks to Crane. edit: Reattached, as fencers are now pickups too, as a fix for a backroute Armani showed me on Discord.

V3 - Removed some steel, took out the fencer pickups, and there are now just 3 lasers again to fix backroutes thanks to Crane and Armani.

V4 - Terrain adjustments, added some terrain, and made 4 of the fencers pickups to fix backroutes thanks to Armani

V5 - All fencers are now pickups, 4 bashers have been made pickups, +1 laser, and added some fire traps to fix backroutes thanks to Armani.

edit: Reattached as I've moved the basher pickups to a different location, as I believe the old location can still cause the level to be cheesed :forehead:

V6 - Reverted the lattice area back to V3's and restored the basher pickups to the original location I had before I modified V5 for that. These aren't backroute fixes but let's say some tiding up I decided to do.

V7 - Moved the basher pickups back to where I had them in V5 before I moved them again before Armani's resolve to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

V8 - Shifted the steel near the exit, removed the steel from the top right, and -2 fencer pickups so now there's only 3 to fix backroutes thanks to Crane.

V13 of R3 uploaded!

Changelog History of R3:

V2 - Extended the walkway on the bottom right area to fix a backroute thanks to Crane.

V3 - Modified the terrain and added a flamethrower trap to fix a backroute thanks to Crane

V4 - Added steel to fix a backroute thanks to Armani

V5 - Added a wooden staircase not to fix a backroute but just to introduce an element that I originally wanted to add an additional challenge/obstacle for players. If the level can be cheesed with this, then I'll just upload an update to revert the change back to V4's.

V6 - Added a flamethrower to fix a backroute thanks to JRT. Added another flamethrower as decoration and also for a bit of symmetry to the level :laugh:

V7 - Added a wooden plank to fix a backroute thanks to Icho. Also added some more terrain in the bottom right to fix another cheesy variant of a backroute near the exit area.

V8 - Created a gap to fix another cheesy backroute thanks to Icho

V9 - Shifted the entrance over to the left to fix another backroute thanks to Icho

V10 - Made a hole to fix a backroute thanks to Icho

V11 - Added steel to fix a backroute thanks to Crane

V12 - Moved a flamethrower over and put it in a nice box to fix a backroute thanks to Icho

V13 - Changed up the terrain a bit near the exit to fix a backroute thanks to Icho.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0