Lemmings for PSP

Started by Luis, November 12, 2006, 03:22:43 PM

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Does anyone here has Lemmings for PSP? I used to have the one for SNES. I just want to make sure.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


Your on a forum with Ninty fanboys - Get lost. :tongue:

Nah, only joking. I don't have a PSP, but I got the PS2 version, and I hear the levels are the same on both versions. However, I (still) have no desire to take it online.


But what will you do after you beat all the levels? Are going to download more levels?
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


I have the PS2 version on order (I too don't have a PSP), and I'll hopefully be going online with it :) I just hope there are lots of levels to download, that along with the eyetoy support are the two reasons I've bought it. Plus it's Lemmings :P (With very, very peculiar box art...)


There`s like over 500 level`s that you can download that people made. You guys are missing out in Lemmings. You need to take Lemmings online. It`s possible that you can create a level that are more harder than the one`s from the SNES. Right now I`m making a Super Mario Bros level. (Mario in Lemmings!?)
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.

The Doctor

Yeah. Custom Lemmings and Cheapo and Lemmix and Dimwits and stuff ... yeah ... I dunno, I miss the old music. On the PS2 Eyetoy game, the older music has prominence. In the Team17 game, there's boring new ambient music. Nice graphics, but a severe departure from the sort of 'feeling' of the game. Sure, you'll say "well you're just a sourpuss who is afraid of new terrain". I reply to you, "now who seriously likes ONML! over the original". Team17 Lemmings is to DMA Design Lemmings what Lemmings 3D is to Lemmings.
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


Quote from: Jason on December 22, 2006, 06:12:24 AMSure, you'll say "well you're just a sourpuss who is afraid of new terrain". I reply to you, "now who seriously likes ONML! over the original".

I don't think you've ever even played ONML.  Your comparison is totally off the mark.  ONML is more an expansion pack than anything else.  Apples and oranges comparing expansion packs w/ remakes.

AFAIK, many of the more "hardcore" lemmings players do enjoy the ONML levels for their greater challenge, if nothing else.

(And the funny thing is, some ports of Lemmings actually include the ONML levels!  WinLemm anyone?)

QuoteTeam17 Lemmings is to DMA Design Lemmings what Lemmings 3D is to Lemmings.

This comparison is also a little off the mark.  Lemmings 3D is an attempt to expand Lemmings into the third dimension.  Perhaps not a completely successful attempt, but it is at least a new direction (no pun intended) on the gameplay.  Team17's PSP remake of Lemmings however is pretty much just that, a remake.  Updated graphics and music but there is no change to the gameplay.


On a more curious note, I wonder how similar the terrain piece set of PSP Lemmings is to the original Amiga/PC selection. I know it's a long shot, but it'd be interesting if someone could probe the level format and see if it's potentially backwards compatible...

(although as far as I can see, you can only get into Sony's walled-garden Lemmings site if you give your name, PSP serial number, a recent passport scan and submit a urine sample by return of post. much less download levels)


Quote from: Luis on November 18, 2006, 05:30:20 PM
But what will you do after you beat all the levels? Are going to download more levels?
When one has cheapo/custlemm this is pretty redundant, although it seems that no-one is making cheapo/custlemm levels anymore. Me neither, I've been too busy playing old SNES RPGs to worry about finishing LC.

Lady Bug

I have Lemmings on PSP. I played Lemmings on the school computers (wouldn't work at home) for around a month on http://www.elizium.nu/scripts/lemmings/ before I got it for Christmas last year.


I had a go at the PS2 port of Lemmings recently. Very well designed (par for the course being a T17 product), nice graphics, good music etc, although nowhere near as cool as it would be with a pointing device instead of a controller. The level designer looked okay, and of course being a bastion of online entertainment, sharing levels made with the PS2 has NEVER BEEN EASIER*. You were allowed to mix and match tilesets regardless of environment, and they appeared to be broken up into more smaller, squarelike pieces than the original. Of course, the controller-based interface made level-editing a lot more finnicky and effort-intensive.

The EyeToy part didn't integrate very well. It had the full aura of a tech-demo hastily slapped on the back of a retail product after the marketing department mistakenly trumpeted it as a feature. No graphics, music, or styling is shared with the Team17 PSP port. Also the gameplay is fairly unmemorable at best, irritating at worst; this is mostly because when you start moving about, the game distinguishes poorly between when to throw Lemmings hurtling into the sky and when to crush them like ants.

* Simply send a seperate PlayStation memory card by return of post to each prospective tester

The Doctor

Been a while since I saw this ... so old thread revival, slap my wrist..

But someone said I mustn't have played ONML is order to dislike it, and I won't let that go unchallenged.

When the first 20 levels of ONML are essentially nothing but bashing, I think it's justifiable to dislike it. Besides, I only asked in rhetoric who prefers ONML over the original. I don't really know many people who fap over ONML like they do Lemmings.

Secondly, my analogy of Team17 vs DMA Design ... I was comparing how different the companies are, not the games. Hence, 'Team17 is to DMA Design', not 'Team17's Lemmings is to DMA Design's Lemmings'. My point was they have two differing focuses. If you take that to be a negative comparison, that's not my fault. I didn't explicitly state Lemmings 3D was a bad game.

I'm sorry if that sounds b*tchy, but I won't have words put in my mouth. Or a good debate dowsed. ;)
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