Fiat Lem! (Let there be Lemmings!)

Started by Pieuw, April 28, 2024, 09:18:16 PM

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@IchoTolot thank you for your updated replays! I should have written feedback about your replays ages ago so I apologize about this. Anyway, I had time last night so there it is:

This will only be about my own levels, I will let Dodochacalo manage his own.

First of all, loooots of your solutions are on point :thumbsup: I listed only a few backroutes, most of them should be easy to fix:

:lemming: Scando 01 - Cabinet of Curiosities
Most of your solution is correct but I would like the bombers to free the worker each time. Not sure how to make it mandatory for the basher, but I think I can at least fix this for the miner.

:lemming: Scando 16 - Take Five
This level is very backroute-prone and I accept most of them as long as they're not too nasty. Yours is a bit :D

:lemming: Impero 06 - Hypostyle Freestyle
Here again your solution is mostly correct but the way you use diggers to get past one of the pillars feels wrong to me :crylaugh:

:lemming: Impero 08 - Forbidden Friendship
Well this was entertaining and painful at the same time :crylaugh:

:lemming: Impero 12 - Emeraldpunk 5047
What you did is mostly correct, but I guess my last edit of this level opened more backroutes. This one looks easy to fix.

:lemming: Impero 14 - A tad mad, a tad rad!
Another very backroute-prone level, I'll try another fix to prevent the way you free the blocker.

I listed a few other levels to which your solutions were different than mine, but I'm ok with them:

:lemming: Proficio 02 - Maintenance Staff on the Loose
:lemming: Proficio 06 - Low Tide (clever use of the blocker here!)
:lemming: Proficio 18 - Dual Flavored Swirls
:lemming: Scando 13 - They came at night
:lemming: Impero 11 - Funhouse Shmunhouse

Thank you again and well done solving the whole pack! :thumbsup: It was really nice to watch most of the levels not being destroyed. I even think you're the first one to solve False Happiness as intended! Kudos :D


Having finished Quest From Kieran recently, I didn't have to ask which pack to play next. Kaywhyn recommended Fiat Lem! to me and si I agreed - even though it's a relatively new pack which is still under steady supervision. The screenshots look very nice. Here we go.


1 - Haute Voltige

Without any down-digging skill, this is not a trivial start at all. Took me a while to see that I had to go the far side. Nice level!

2 - VDNKh

Strange name, strange level. Pioneer based and very straightforward. Sprinkled-in metal blocks are a bit annoying, though.

3 - What the Frick Frack Patty Wack?

Metal blocks beneath a basher can vary the basher's direction a bit. That's what this level is all about. Can be a hard one for those who aren't aware of this effect.

4 - Sandstones May Break My Bones

Nice puzzler which looks easier than it actually is. Not sure if mine is the only solution, though.

5 - Formal Semantics of Modal Logics

Gorgeous looking level. I also like the twist that the Lemming from below prepares the path for the Lem above, but then returns to the bottom floor and exits there. Well done!

6 - Quid Pro Quo

Two-Lemming levels are easily the best. A marvellous solution that does the title justice. One word: excellent.

7 - Smells Like Team Spirit

I thought I played a level with this name already in a different pack. The third great level in a row. Especially the end with the meeting bashers that cancel each other out is pretty ingenious.

8 - As not easy as it doesn't look 

Hard level, probably a bit misplaced that early in the pack. I took the bottom route which felt very hackish and not intended.

9 - Brace Yourself, Fall is Coming

Easy level, but very nice use of the Dolly Dimple-trick here. I think it's the only way to get along with the relatively few amount of bridges.


Visually a pretty impressive level. There's no real puzzle here, it's just brute force instead. In fact, the save requirement is very lenient.

11 - Bridges in the Sky

Not an easy level as well. Especially the beginning with the blocker on the bridge that must be released with a digger later is not easy to see. Another solid basher puzzle.

12 - Mountains

Things behave a little strange here as how the Lemmings walk on the water or climb the central obstacle. Tricky level, as, counterintuitively, the builder stops the pair from walking to the right, not the bomber or the basher. Another central element is the placing of the bomber which was the hardest to see. A good level, but not quite my cup of tea.

13 - Something Wicked This Way Comes

A work of art, this level. Another beautiful basher-puzzle which is a builder-puzzle as well as the positioning of the two bridges is key here.

14 - Architects of Fortune

Challenging one, to say the least. I like it, but it's certainly not everyone's taste. It was clear from the beginning that the solution must be through the central chain. The upper bridges must not protrude over the edges of the lower bridges - this was the hardest thing to do.

15 - Been There, Done That

Repeat of level 4, this time with miners instead of bashers. I tried to connect two pillars with a bridge to mine through both of them with only one miner, but couldn't manage to make it work. With this thought in my mind it took me a while to find the real solution.

16 - Novelty Act

This level is centered around a pretty unique trick I haven't seen like this anywhere before. Fortunately, it was not too difficult to figure it out, so I had a quick solve here.

17 - Paucity

At a first glance, this level may look hard, but it isn't at all. Bringing the Lemmings down to the bottom is the trickiest part - one bridge is enough for doing so.

18 - Ethereal Refinery

Great level! I normally don't like spamming the same skill over and over again, but in this case it didn't bother me for whatever reason. I had a shortage of floaters first, but I overcame it somehow and even spared some skills.

All my solutions can be found here:


Hey Swerdis!

I hope you'll enjoy the ride. The first rank is probably the most uneven one. Some later levels need fixing to prevent some of IchoTolot's backroutes, I'm planning on doing this very soon. When this is done I will make an update here so you will be able to get the fixed version :)

Thank you for your feedback, can't wait to read the rest of it!

Cheers :thumbsup:


I updated the attachment with the latest version of the pack, which fixes (or tries to fix) backroutes for the following levels :

:lemming: Scando 01 - Cabinet of Curiosities
:lemming: Scando 16 - Take Five
:lemming: Impero 06 - Hypostyle Freestyle
:lemming: Impero 08 - Forbidden Friendship
:lemming: Impero 12 - Emeraldpunk 5047
:lemming: Impero 14 - A tad mad, a tad rad!


Here are my resolves.  :)

I am still unsure though if these are now indeed intended.  ???