Fiat Lem! (Let there be Lemmings!)

Started by Pieuw, April 28, 2024, 09:18:16 PM

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@IchoTolot thank you for your updated replays! I should have written feedback about your replays ages ago so I apologize about this. Anyway, I had time last night so there it is:

This will only be about my own levels, I will let Dodochacalo manage his own.

First of all, loooots of your solutions are on point :thumbsup: I listed only a few backroutes, most of them should be easy to fix:

:lemming: Scando 01 - Cabinet of Curiosities
Most of your solution is correct but I would like the bombers to free the worker each time. Not sure how to make it mandatory for the basher, but I think I can at least fix this for the miner.

:lemming: Scando 16 - Take Five
This level is very backroute-prone and I accept most of them as long as they're not too nasty. Yours is a bit :D

:lemming: Impero 06 - Hypostyle Freestyle
Here again your solution is mostly correct but the way you use diggers to get past one of the pillars feels wrong to me :crylaugh:

:lemming: Impero 08 - Forbidden Friendship
Well this was entertaining and painful at the same time :crylaugh:

:lemming: Impero 12 - Emeraldpunk 5047
What you did is mostly correct, but I guess my last edit of this level opened more backroutes. This one looks easy to fix.

:lemming: Impero 14 - A tad mad, a tad rad!
Another very backroute-prone level, I'll try another fix to prevent the way you free the blocker.

I listed a few other levels to which your solutions were different than mine, but I'm ok with them:

:lemming: Proficio 02 - Maintenance Staff on the Loose
:lemming: Proficio 06 - Low Tide (clever use of the blocker here!)
:lemming: Proficio 18 - Dual Flavored Swirls
:lemming: Scando 13 - They came at night
:lemming: Impero 11 - Funhouse Shmunhouse

Thank you again and well done solving the whole pack! :thumbsup: It was really nice to watch most of the levels not being destroyed. I even think you're the first one to solve False Happiness as intended! Kudos :D