Author Topic: Lemmings Heritage  (Read 5565 times)

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Offline Mobiethian

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Re: Lemmings Heritage
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2024, 08:02:50 pm »
Thank you so much ∫tan x dx! I appreciate the replays always, I'm watching them now. You're really good at these levels! 8-)

I'll finish up with all of them as time allows me to watch and let you know. Cool! :thumbsup:
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (with Armani, in development)

Offline kaywhyn

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Re: Lemmings Heritage
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2024, 12:11:20 pm »
Hi Mobiethian,

I've played and solved all of the pack, so I'm just posting my replays and some nice feedback :)

Also, link to my LP of the pack:

Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Lemmings Heritage is Mobiethian's first level pack. During its development, he had a question on how NL orders ranks/levels in level packs, and it was from that point on that I lent him a helping hand in showing and explaining to him how to write up the text files for his level pack. After about a week or so, he got the ropes of it down very quickly and was able to compile the rest of the pack on his own. Whenever he had questions about certain things that he wasn't sure how to do, he would drop me a PM and I respond back answering his questions and explaining the process. Mobiethian has definitely learned and done so much in the first few months since joining the Forums earlier this year. We're definitely very happy to have him! :thumbsup:

Lemmings Heritage originally contained two ranks of 20 levels each. In a later update, there was an additional third rank of 20 levels added. Based on the level pack title, Lemmings Heritage sticks with only the L1, ONML, L2, and L3 tilesets. Needless to say, it's pretty much like going back to roots with the Lemmings games. In addition, the pack has a custom sound pack where the sounds are from the Dos port of the game. If you decide to use this, make sure you back up the sound file of your NL directory so that in case you want to switch back to the defaults later you can. Along with that, courtesy of The Tomato Watcher, you can mix and match the sounds of different ports to your liking with these:

Even though this pack is on the easy side, like some of the others who played this pack before me, I too enjoyed it very much. There's still room for improvement, especially in regards to making the puzzles/solutions tougher, but for a first level pack this is quite a decent attempt at one :thumbsup: I've already assured Mobiethian plenty of times that the Forums definitely has a place for easy/medium packs and that they aren't a problem at all. As a matter of fact, there's a handful of members here who most definitely appreciate such packs, since some rather stick to only easy/medium difficulty levels and avoid the hard ones altogether. I myself prefer hard levels in the game of Lemmings, but in all honesty I enjoy levels of all difficulties. Even then, as stated, I still enjoyed Lemmings Heritage. It definitely served as a really huge and nice break from all the brutally difficult levels from DavidLems which I recently finished a few weeks ago! :thumbsup:

The pack does have a lot of locked exit levels, but Mobiethian did tell me they lessen over time, which it does. When they do appear, they luckily still have multiple ways of solving the level.

Smooth Rank Feedback

There isn't much to say about these levels other than except for a few levels, the entire pack seems to pretty much be open-ended in terms of how to solve them, as they don't seem to have any one intended solution. In addition, the levels aren't necessarily in increasing difficulty order. You might encounter a hard level in the early or middle of the rank and then it gets followed up with a breather level or vice versa. Definitely nothing wrong with this kind of ordering at all.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bumpy Rank Feedback

Pretty much more or less the same as the previous rank in the levels being open-ended for the most part. Also not really that much harder than the levels in the previous rank, but that's fine. Nothing wrong with that.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Rugged Rank Feedback

A newly added rank in a later update to the pack, it's not the most difficult of the ranks despite being the final one. Even then, this was still a nice addition to the pack! :thumbsup: I believe I might be the first and only one so far to have played the entire rank.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

One thing I forgot to tell you about is that it's standard practice in NL to provide unlimited time unless the time limit is part of the puzzle/challenge or for backroute prevention. Other than Rugged 15, as these are pretty much all open-ended levels, I don't see any levels really needing a time limit here, but if you still want to provide a time limit which doesn't fulfill either of the two main reasons mentioned, then one generally sets an arbitrarily very high time limit so that it's never a problem. That's pretty much the case for nearly every level in this pack: The time limit is set high enough so that it's not much of a problem at all.

Also, as you might have figured out or seen from my DavidLems LP, you can put in more than one button in the same level. If that's the case, then all buttons need to be pushed before the exit is unlocked.

Once again, a great job with this pack Mobiethian. I still enjoyed this from start to finish even if it's on the easy side and, as Pieuw said, despite it being repetitive near the end (at the time he posted, there was only two ranks, and I guess it somewhat applies with the newly added Rugged rank, but there's still a bit of variety there in the final few levels). Yes, there is room for improvement, but I can assure you that you did a great job for your first level pack. I myself have yet to make one, and I'm not sure if I will, but I have my doubts that I can make one of great quality just as good as the ones I've played.

All in all, a decent first level pack from a newcomer. Thanks for sharing your work with us here on the Lemmings Forums and once again, we're very happy to have you! :thumbsup: I look forward to your next level pack Lemmings New Worlds and of course your current in-development Holiday Lemmings 2024 pack further down the line :) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

Offline Mobiethian

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Re: Lemmings Heritage
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2024, 11:23:51 am »
It's a wonderful review, kaywhyn! Thank you again! :thumbsup: You've covered everything, I am very happy with it.

I'll be watching the LP videos next, and I definitely want to improve on this level pack as time goes on. For example, I want to take those sports items out of the air. ha And I want to add custom graphics in addition to the logo.

It's great that you've done this, I highly appreciate it! Take care, and we'll keep on chatting as usual and make some amazing new levels in the future. ;)
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (with Armani, in development)