DOS Game Club on Lemmings 1

Started by Simon, March 15, 2024, 02:36:01 PM

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Right, we fix bugs in the physics nowadays. Indeed, the cultural difference is surprising in hindsight. Thanks!

MazuLems, I haven't played it properly. >_>;; I'll try to remember it for the podcast, but I'm not sure if I'm the most qualified to bring that one up. Which brings me to:

Who would like to join?

Since yesterday night, we have an open seat. Patrick, the player from their community who built a CustLemm pack, has dropped out of the planning. Nobody else but the two main organizers and I are on it, and they would be happy to have a 4th person on the podcast. The recording will be this Sunday, March 24th, some time during the European afternoon. Podcast participant guide, they use a Jitsi conference call that runs in the browser, and you're supposed to record yourself locally and submit the ~2-hour recording to them afterwards.

Hop on IRC: #dosgameclob on AfterNET.

-- Simon


I could potentially do this. I'll have to make sure I'm definitely available (which will mean asking people who are currently asleep about weekend plans/arrangements!) - I'll get back to you on this.


WillLem, yep, happy to have you join. Haven't yet heard back from you yet. How is it?

Would somebody else be up to join if WillLem can't make it? It's well possible that you're deeper into custom levels than I've been, that you've been around Lemmings Forums longer, ...

In a pinch, it's fine if I'm the only one from the forums here to join.

-- Simon


12:00 UTC on Sunday, March, 24th we will start the call and the recording. Ideally,

-- Simon


Recording done. Editing usually takes a few weeks for them. I'll link it here when it's published.

Mostly Lemmings 1 with its history and oddities. Some tenets of custom level design. Short glimpse into L2, L3, other licensed games.

-- Simon


It's released! Download it here:
DOS Games Club's Lemmings 1 podcast episode

Runs for 2 hours and 9 minutes, as MP3, 148 MB.

-- Simon


:thumbsup: There was more discussion about the Lemmings community than I expected based on listening to a few other DGC episodes, but I suppose few other DOS games still have an active playerbase and new game content being created.


Just listened to the podcast. It was great, I learned a lot of little things. Well done :thumbsup: