DavidLems (70 levels) [Difficulty: Medium - Extreme]

Started by David, February 14, 2024, 08:39:40 PM

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Here is my second pack called DavidLems. ;P

It contains 70 levels and includes 4 ranks (3 ranks, with increasing difficulty levels, and a fourth rank grouping together a few levels with a time limit).

Here is a brief description of the ranks with a preview of some levels:

1) 100 metres (20 levels) : medium/hard
The first levels are quite easy, but the difficulty level increases quickly. :evil:

2) 200 metres (20 levels) : hard/very hard

3) 400 metres (20 levels) : very hard/extreme

4) One minute (10 levels) : medium/very hard

To play, you must download:

- My level pack (put it in the "levels" folder): DavidLems

- My personalized music* (put it in the "music" folder): DavidLems Music

- My updated "style" folder (put it in the "styles" folder): davidz_special

*Regarding personalized music: I took the music that I liked from the ArtLems, SEB Lems, SubLems, clammings and classlem packs and I downloaded several music from The Mod Archive (which Turrican had used in his levels). Thanks to them.

Edit: The solutions (replays) are on my youtube channel. :thumbsup:

I also thank namida, the pack/level designers, the players, and all the people who... love lemmings! :thumbsup:
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel


Aha! New pack from you released on Lemmings' 33rd! :laugh: Seems it was all planned to release on February 14. Also with the common practice of the author's name followed by "lems" for the pack's name :laugh: Congrats on the release! :thumbsup: As usual, I look forward to LPing the pack in the coming weeks/months! :thumbsup: Great stunning visuals as usual. I continue to be blown away at how beautiful they are and the detail and attention you put into them :thumbsup: Love how you put another level with a Disney character in it, and as the rank starter again :) 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


I didn't know that February 14th was Lemmings' birthday. I'm happy to learn it. Yes, I didn't have any other idea for the name of the pack (except "Lewings", but I thought it was a bit ridiculous! ???). Thank you for your praise about the graphics, I really like spending time refining the details to make pretty, harmonious decorations. ;) It's true, I confess, I like Disney characters ; everyone knows them. There is also a second special level which refers to Aladdin. :thumbsup:
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel


I'm playing through the pack and just completed the first two ranks.
It's a very well-made pack with many creative and clever puzzles :thumbsup:
I'll come back with more replays later.
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]


Here're my replays to rest of the levels. :laugh:
I can smell some sneaky backroutes(and hopefully some alternative solutions) you might want to look at.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable pack. Maybe there're too many button-pushing levels but that's my personal opinion and I don't mind playing them anyway. Puzzles were also very clever and creative. And I tend to appreciate levels that author put a lot of works and effort to make them look appealing. And your levels are absolutely superb in that regard. :thumbsup:
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]


Hello Armani,

Well done! :thumbsup: Thank you for playing my pack and thank you for your kind comments! I looked at everything and made the necessary corrections. I knew there would be backroutes (because no one tested my pack before it was put online). ;P

I agree with you, I used the locked exits a lot. ;) I haven't seen many of them in the level packs I've played. If I have to create other packs, I will pay attention to this. However, as you say, it doesn't really matter.

Here are the updates, plus some comments:

100 metres:
9: Entirely valid alternative solution.
15: Huge backroute :lem-shocked:: I raised the water a little and added two blocks to prevent the 3 stairs from going directly to the other side.

200 metres:
5: Backroute: I removed the pick-up skill (which was a red herring !) :P
9: Slightly different solution than I had considered. Well done !
17: Solution very slightly different from the one I had intended (at the beginning).
18: Little backroute : I moved the stone block so that this solution no longer worked and the glider could no longer land on it.
19: Little backroute: I removed two shimmiers. More interesting solution than mine. :thumbsup:

400 metres:
1: Well done! Very close to the intended solution. As Swerdis wrote, I don't like miners who stop miners, which explains the fact that I had two slider skills. :D
4: Backroute: One-way-wall added.
5: Well done. I put a lot of skills so that we can consider different possibilities of solving the level, but all of them will undoubtedly be close to the one I had imagined.
6: Little backroute: I added an unlock button and moved the pipe block by one pixel.
9: Huge backroute :lem-shocked:: A steel added, a one-way-wall added, enlargement of the hole and one less basher. Nevertheless, it is still possible that there are backroutes on this level... :'(
11: Little backroute. Nice alternative solution. However, I lowered the "rocks" to prevent one from being able to pass underneath them (as well as in the 100 metres 13).
14: Little backroute: Close to the intended solution. I didn't think you could stop a basher with a blocker and release the blocker at the same time. I learned something. :laugh: So, I removed a bomber and increased the number of lemmings to save ("29" instead of "28").
16: Backroute: I changed the number of lemmings in entrances #1 and #2 ("3 and 1" instead of "2 and 2") and raised the hole on the wall.
18: Well done! Nice alternative solution. But... more complicated than the intended solution.
19: Huge backroute :lem-mindblown:: Steels added.

One minute:
4: Nice alternative solution, but more complicated than the intended solution. There is an easier way to solve the level.
6: Nice alternative solution.
7: Little backroute: I removed the blocker because it makes solving the level a little too simple.

For the other levels, your solutions are those that I intended, or very close.

A few hours after putting my pack online, I made some graphical modifications to the following levels: 100 meters 11 (I had raised the central terrain by a few pixels) and 100 meters 13/400 meters 11 (I had raised the thin bars on which the three imprisoned lemmings walk). I should have specified this, but it would not have changed anything compared to your solutions. :-[
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel


I resolved all the updatd levels ;)
Some of them are similar to my previous solutions and some of them look intended 8-)
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]


Thank you Armani for retesting these levels.

It's quite normal that some of them are similar to your previous solutions: I had made some changes just after putting my pack online and you had downloaded the first version, so this didn't change anything in your solutions. ;)

That being said, you have found the intended solution for most of the levels. :thumbsup: Only 3 levels weren't resolved as I expected, but you proposed an interesting alternative solution for each of them (and not a backroute). However, I made some small corrections:

200 meters 5: I removed a few blocks from the ground, which makes your level solution obsolete.

400 meters 19: Besides an unimportant design element, I changed this: one glider and one slider are "in pick-up skill" and one shimmier has been replaced by a glider (so the two sliders are no longer assigned to the entrance).

One minute 7: I added two steels to the bridge.

I also made a correction on the next level, because the solution you found wasn't the intended solution. I wanted to fix the problem earlier, but I forgot :-[:

One minute 10: I made the trunk of the little tree thicker.
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel


Cool! :thumbsup:
Now we are down to the last 4 levels.
They all look somewhat intended to my eyes, but let's see :D
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]


We're almost there ! ;P
For levels 400 metres 19 and One minute 10, you've found an alternative solution.

Here are the fixes:

400 meters 19: I removed a block from the ceiling and made some small skill changes.

One minute 10: I congratulate you on your very ingenious solution! :thumbsup: But that's not what was intended. So, I made the big tree bigger.
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel


I finally used the blocker in 400metres level 8-) while one-minute10 is more or less the same solution as before.
My newest Neolemmix level pack : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :D 8-)

About Armani: Armani's Blog
My NL level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted [Medium~Extreme]
  Xmas Lemmings 2021 [Easy~Very Hard]
  Lemmings Halloween 2023 [Easy-Very Hard]


Well done! :thumbsup: These are the intended solutions. Thank you very much Armani for your patience and your persistence. ;)
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel



Just posting to inform you that the link for the music is the link to download the level pack. So, that means you posted the link to download the pack twice in the OP. Luckily, I downloaded the music before the link got replaced with the pack one back on Lemmings Day when you released this pack :P But yea, you need to fix that ;) In any case, I am still able to LP the pack as I fortunately have the music pack for the level pack :)

I'll be starting the LP of this pack probably later tonight or tomorrow! Can't wait to dig into it! :thumbsup:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Issue fixed. Thanks kaywhyn ! ;P

I can't wait to look at your solutions. But I don't think this pack will seem too difficult for you. You've already solved some (very) difficult packs, including Armani's Lemmings Halloween 2023 :evil::scared:, which I'm currently playing. It's not easy ! :D
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel


Honestly, i'd rate some of the "400 metres" levels as "Extreme" difficulty!  I'm having a bit of a playthrough myself after watching kaywhyn's "Let's Play".