I'm currently correcting Lemmings

Started by DragonsLover, October 15, 2006, 06:26:32 AM

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Doh! And what is your connection? DSL? Cable?

I may have another solution... I PM you.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...

Mr. K

OK, the way I do it is right click on the ISO, pick "Add to Archive...", set the compression to maximum, then right under that is an option that says "split into volumes, bytes".  If you type in 10M there, it will make 10MB parts.  If you type in 5M, it will make 5MB parts.  You get the idea.  Pick a chunk size, then click OK and it will make a lot of part files.


Quote from: timfoxxy_236 on October 22, 2006, 03:50:52 AMI cant download 7-Zip, Mindless. The only mirror doesnt work...
The easynews mirror works for me.

In WinRAR, you split an archive when you create it.  When you get to the "Archive Name and Parameters" dialog (via Commands->Add files to archive), you'll see a box marked "Split to volumes, bytes" in the bottom left corner -- put in "26214400" to split it into 25mB files.

Mr. K

"25M" would work as well.

I love shortcuts.


Hi All,

Not sure what Psygnosis/Sony Lawyers will think of you copying the Lemmings CD-ROM... but that is up to you.

Let me introduce myself... I'm Russell Kay the author of DOS Lemmings, Lemmings 2 and many of the x86 versions of the game, I'm also responsible for Lemmings 95 etc.

And I sit next to Mike at work (yes we are back working together) so he switched me onto the website here.

Anyway I thought I should pickup on a few comments

1) Number of Lemmings - on the PC we were restricted by target clock speed 8MHz 286 and the need to keep the version consistent across EGA, VGA, CGA and Tandy versions of the game and at those clock speeds we could only keep things reasonable with 80 Lemmings and not the 100. Note this is no longer a problem on PC's.

2) The levels should be exactly the same on all versions (as far as I can remember) they may be different (slightly) only if Dave (Jones) had not given me the correct files at the time (no source control back then). You should be able to take the Amiga level files and just let the PC version load them they are identical (except for Lemmings numbers, you might need to change that, I cannot remember if I scaled the number or just used it directly). I have the source somewhere so I could look it up... just not from work.

3) We could not get the 2 player mode working for the simple reason that we could not find at the time a mouse driver that allowed 2 mice to be plugged in at once, none of them worked so we just kept the PC version as 2 player (and network play was not an option at the time either realistically).

Anyone got any other questions.



Quote from: rwkay on November 24, 2006, 02:21:37 PMI'm Russell Kay the author of DOS Lemmings, Lemmings 2 and many of the x86 versions of the game, I'm also responsible for Lemmings 95 etc.
Awesome.  :thumbsup:


Wow! Russell Kay, the creator of Lemmings! Welcome here! :thumbsup:
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Of course the forums go down right after Russell Kay shows up!

I wonder if he'll find his way back here at any point...

Mr. K

Probably.  I sent out a mass email to all members so they can find the place again.



Go on then!!  Bombard him with all the questions I couldn't answer!!

If you're all really nice...he might even release his updated Win95 Lemmings where he fixed a couple of bugs!


QuoteI sent out a mass email to all members so they can find the place again.
Mmm...I never got that....


Quote from: Mike on January 09, 2007, 10:42:35 AM
If you're all really nice...he might even release his updated Win95 Lemmings where he fixed a couple of bugs!

That would be cool.


Shhhhh Mike, don't tell everyone....

Yes - I have fixed a couple of bugs that have irritated me over the years as machines have gotten faster, it became obvious that the frontend had no waiting in it, so it just went balistically fast and was unviewable and the fast forward was just way to fast... little things like that.

If you have any requests I'll take a look at them and then release a new EXE later on....

No new features though... I've not got that much spare time, I'll consider bug fixes just now.

Oooops now I've done it...


I request it. :D

Is there any chance that "Lemmings for Windows" could be made freeware?  I have no idea whether you have that right or not, but it doesn't hurt to ask. (I assume that no new copies are being created for sale; if this is not the case, pretend I never asked. :))
