[NeoLemmix] Lemmings Halloween 2023

Started by Armani, October 09, 2023, 09:51:05 AM

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1.) Introduction

Here's my 3rd Neolemmix level pack! : Lemmings Halloween 2023 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

It's a small pack with only 30 levels divided equally into 2 ranks: Festival & Funeral
I personally consider it to be my best level pack so far quality-wise, so I hope you enjoy this pack as much as I had fun making this pack. :thumbsup:

2.) Download Links(Dropbox)

Level Pack: Lemmings Halloween 2023 V1.4
Music: Lemmings Halloween 2023 Music
This pack has all the music files in the subfolder "Halloween2023". So do not manually move the music files into the main music folder! The only thing you have to do yourself is to extract them into your main NeoLemmix folder.

Solution Replays: Replays

3.) Rank

There are two ranks: Festival and Funeral. Both ranks have 15 levels each. Funeral rank is entirely consists of zombie levels :evil: while Festival rank is completely zombie-free! Both ranks use same set of tilesets:
all of which were recommended by people on LF discord server :D
The difficulty resets once you enter the second rank so if you are having trouble with later levels of the first rank, I recomend you to jump over to second rank!

4.) Preiview images

Festival2 Such a Free Win! - ...until you realize something...important!

Festival5 Catallena - The small dancing Catellena~~. Special thanks to my girlfriend for making this level for the pack :D

Funeral3 Insulator - There was a group of lemmings believing conspiracy theories related to zombie outbreaks. They believe someone deliberately spread zombie virus for some reason...

Funeral7 Sombody Forgot to Nuke! - Let's revisit the level that is already solved!

5.) Music Credits

List of music
Halloween2023_1: Sonic Heroes - Mystic Mansion
Halloween2023_2: 마비노기 - 종말을 향한 예언(translated to "Mabinogi - Prophecy to Apocalypse")
Halloween2023_3: Andrew Gold - Spooky Scary Skeletons(MIDI rendition ver by LyricWulf)
Halloween2023_4: The Adventures of Lomax - Haunted Grounds: The Lemming Graveyard
Halloween2023_5: Donkey Kong Country 2 - Flight Of The Zinger
Halloween2023_6: Tchaikovsky - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Halloween2023_7: The Adventures of Lomax - Haunted Grounds: The Ghost-Pirate Ship
Halloween2023_8: Risk of Rain – Monsoon

6.) Special thanks to

- Dexter for menu graphics! 8-)
- Namida for developing and maintaining Neolemmix :thumbsup:
- Lemmings Forum community for general support :laugh:
- My girlfriend for making one level for the pack and pre-release testing.
- All of you for playing my pack. :thumbsup:

7.) External Links
Let's Play Lemmings Halloween 2023 by kaywhyn: Youtube Link
IchoTolot's playthrough of Lemmings Halloween 2023: Youtube Link
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


Change log

V1.0 - V1.1
Festival4 Inferno of Blood – removed the decorative skull
Festival10 Flesh, Blood and No Bones – added a steel block
Funeral4 We Are Not Expendable – lots of small changes...
Funeral10 They'll be Eaten Anyway – terrain change near the exit
Funeral11 Doomsday Report – lower one of the platform to reduce precision required
Funeral15 Utilitarianism - terrain change near the exit

V1.1 - V1.2
Funeral11 Doomsday Report – minor changes to reduce precision required

V1.2 - V1.3
minor terrain changes to reduce precision
- Festival3, Festival11, Funeral1

backroute fix
- Funeral13 Forbidden Knowledge (Part2) - chains are now steel

new tailsman
- Funeral14 Cherry Picking - "Extreme Optimization": Complete using no more than 6 jumpers
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


Congratulations on the release. Great looking and ingenious levels. :thumbsup:
My NeoLemmix packs: All You Need Is Lemmings - Long Live Lemmings! - Yippee! More Lemmings
SuperLemmix: Tomb Rodents featuring Lemmina Croft


Here are my solutions for the pack!

The overall quality of the pack was amazing! :thumbsup:

I do not expect too many backroutes as well, as most things felt pretty intented if not at least close to. :)

One thing I could find:

Funeral 11: The last fencer is unnessesarily precise and it could be eased quite simple in making the gap 2-4 pixels smaller so the builder is not as streched out and can be fenced over more smoothly.


Thanks for playing! :thumbsup: You've already found the intended solutions to most of the levels. Especially I'm happy to see that most of the complicated levels are already stable :D

Regarding your solutions:
1. GL HF – Intended. I think you already know but the title is an acronym for "Good luck & Have fun!" often used at the start of a competitive game. As... this is the first level of the pack! :D

2. Such a Free Win! - Intended. I wanted to make a level similar to "No Problemming!" from ONML but with an opposite concept. The original level makes no sense until you realize there is an additional entrance&exit only separated by a small ditch all the way to the right. And this level is a complete opposite in a sense that it looks like an auto-win level until you realize there's another hatch at the far right side of the level.

3. Intended

4. Inferno of Blood – First backroute. I over looked the possibility that you can send a glider lemming to the decorative skull and build from there.

5. Catallena – This is my gf's level and she's happy with your solution.  The title of this level means; an immature or choosy but adorable girl in Korean. It's also a name of an old pop song here.

6. Hero Call- Intended.

7. Trick or Treat – Acceptable. I assigned a stoner to the first lemming right below the hatch and platform to the top orange candy but your solution is fine.

8. Zero Acceleration – Intended. Originally this was one of the rejected levels from Xmas Lemmings 2021(but in a different tileset of course). I wasn't able to patch out some backroutes without making the level overly complicated back then. But my level design skill has improved a bit so I shed light on this old rejected level.

9. Haunted Mansion – Intended. actually exactly identical to my solution!

10. Flesh, Blood and No Bones – Second backroute. You are not supposed to save that glider lemming so easily!

11. Nothing Shady is Happening – intended. The normal(non-talisman) solution is basically same but release the blocker with the walker, so you don't have to worry about containing the crowd at the beginning too much.

12. Ride Together, Die Together – This level features a new stoner trick I discovered eariler. Though I realize that I just made a contest entry using this trick few weeks ago. :forehead:

13. The Weasel Island – Intended. I decided to not include any pre-released levels to this pack but I made an exception solely because the weasels are so cute.

14. Brain Drain – Intended. This level is intended to be the hardest level of the rank.

15. Nature Republic – Intended.

1. Iron Balls of Doom – Intended.

2. Technically Dead – Intended.

3. Insulator – Intended. Did you look at the minimap after you solve the level? If not maybe run the replay and watch the minimap later. It's pretty fun to watch the wave of infection swallowing everything. :D

4. We Are Not Expendable – Backroute.

5. Lemmings Die When They Are Killed – Intended.

6. Bridge Already Occupied – Intended.

7. Somebody Forgot to Nuke – Intended.

8. Don't Look Back – Intended. This level was inspired by watching my little sister doing her math homework. The problem was something like this:

Connect the dots of same color without crossing the lines.

9. Among Us – Intended. I was surprised that your solution is identical to mine as this level has millions of different solutions.

10. They'll be Eaten Anyway – Backroute.

11. Doomsday Report – Intended. And you made a fair point. I will make a change to reduce the precision.

12. Appointment with Your Dentist – Every solution that works is fine for this level!

13. Forbidden Knowldge (Part2) - Intended. This level too was also a rejected level from Xmas Lemmings 2021. There's a level Forbidden Knowldge (Part1) in the first rank of Xmas pack and this level was supposed to be in the second rank.

14. Cherry Picking – Acceptable. Your solution is more efficient than mine.(one less jumper)

15. Utilitarianism – Backroute. You are not supposed to trap the zombies there!
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


Here are my resolves. 8-)

I sense that we are already getting close!

Regarding my comment:


Sadly that still was not it for the precise fencer for Funeral 11: The platform you fence through would need to be like 2-4 pixels lower or like 4 pixels wider to the right, so the fencer can either reach the bridge height earlier or has more terrain to get to its height.


Yep. Everything is intended :thumbsup:
I only made a small change to Funeral11(widen the platform a bit) but it won't break your replay anyway.
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


Hi Armani,

Finally solved the entire pack. Attached are my replays and of course some feedback! Also, you already know, but for anyone who wants to watch, I have an LP of the pack:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJuqXqjQrqimOqe5GJAznICi Enjoy! :P

Thank you for watching, all the feedback on my solutions, and the generous words! :thumbsup:

General Feedback

Lemmings Halloween 2023 is Armani's third level pack, after Lemmings Uncharted and Xmas Lemmings 2021, in that order. Uncharted is the hardest of all his packs, while the other two packs of his are somewhat easier than it. Even then, I still found these two packs after Uncharted quite challenging in many places, but they don't reach the nasty and extreme difficulty that Uncharted does. Still, don't expect them to be quick solves, because they aren't! Having now made 3 packs and been on the Forums for at least 4-5 years, Armani is very well-known for challenging levels! In general, I personally tend to struggle far more with Armanis' levels than I do with Ichos', and that's saying a lot! Needless to say, I think we both agree that Armani has managed to top Icho in the difficulty of levels at times, though I personally still consider them far better level solvers than me. It's nice knowing that this community considers me up there with them and some other top solvers, but again I personally don't think I'm as good as any of them when it comes to solving Lemmings levels.

I struggled far more with this pack than I thought I would. I asked Icho on Discord what he thought the difficulty tag can be put for this pack, and he probably thinks Medium-Hard. I agree with Medium for the lower end for the difficulty, but after solving all of the pack, I would have to say that the high end goes up to "Very Hard" instead and therefore my difficulty classification for the pack is Medium-Very Hard ;) At least this I consider true for the Festival rank, it definitely goes up to Very Hard in a few places IMO, but especially near the very end. For the Funeral rank, it in general felt easier than the Festival rank, and Armani intentionally made it so, but it probably does or comes super close to hitting "Very Hard" difficulty. Very true with Funeral 14, which I agree with Armani is the hardest level of the pack. However, as has been said many times, difficulty is very subjective. This seems to suggest that Icho didn't struggle anywhere near as much as I did with this pack, therefore reinforcing the fact that he's a far better level solver than I am!

Festival Rank Feedback

The first rank of the pack and the one where there are no zombie levels (that's for the second rank, Funeral). I would note that right out the gate the pack already starts more difficult than usual, around Medium difficulty. I guess that was the biggest sign that this wouldn't be a pack that would be completely breezed through so quickly! :laugh:


Festival 1 - GL HF Nice title (for those not in the know, it stands for Good luck, have fun, generally used right before an online gaming session starts) and great level to start off the pack :laugh: Just a matter of knowing when and how many times to clone and when to turn in quick succession so as to get a survivor past each trap. You have just enough skills to get the level solved, so nothing can be wasted!

Festival 2 - Such a Free Win! Another great level. The save requirement might seem generous but it seems you will just save the requirement exactly as long as you do the bombing with the first Lemming and the second one is the disarmer/climber every time.

Festival 3 - Can't Find My Way Home Excellent level and one of my favorites! :thumbsup: I really like how the glider goes to the far right and makes his way back up to use the work that the swimmer prepares on the left side for him to reach the exit safely, while the swimmer later goes over to the right side over the top and then down to the left to the water pit at the bottom to reach the exit. I also like how the glider bounces off the wall and lands on the platformer at the top left. My main criticism here is that the platformer on the right side is super precise and it visually doesn't look clear that the swimmer will fall onto the platformer rather than fall through to the bottom.

Festival 4 - Inferno of Blood Another great level where it's not clear which entrance can fence themselves out and which entrance needs to be mined out, but all should be clear that the former is for the left while the latter is for the right after playing out the level for a bit.

Festival 5 - Catallena Excellent level that Armani's girlfriend made. It's harder than it looks, so apparently Yuna has the makings of a great level designer capable of making difficult levels! :laugh: The miners and shimmiers weren't clear at all IMO, but their uses are great here! :thumbsup: The only thing that was was the jumper to get the button and then a walker to turn around before dying to the level side. The use of the splatters are also great here! Finally, no constructive skills level, which as you know I really like a lot! :)

Festival 6 - Hero Call One of the hardest levels of the rank but a really good one! Likely too difficult for its position, though. Struggled far more than I should had, but only because it never occurred to me to start shimmying to the left rather than make him go to the right, which would force the use of a climber before doing so, therefore making him die to the level side after disarming the trap. Certainly the blocker's actual usage is very hard to see here! There's also a lot of red herrings here, such as the OWW which you don't go through at all. I like the stacker and stoner on top to keep the digger going through to reach the left exit. LOTY2023 nomination worthy level here! :thumbsup:

Festival 7 - Trick or Treat Open-ended level. Both Armani and Icho fence the crowd out through the OWW, while I go through the top with everyone.

Festival 8 - Zero Acceleration Difficult but another excellent level! :thumbsup: The main challenge was figuring out how to leave the constantly falling slider undisturbed while getting the floater pickup. Even after I figured out the use of the digger to prevent the slider from splatting, I had problems with the far right gap. The answer is to use the builder instead of the platformer (the latter will always cause the worker to turn around even at the earliest possible moment to perform the skill) such that the slider can shimmy back the other way later. Then the final challenge is to figure out the right timing to stack so that the slider gets on top in order to shimmy over to the left side to mine the crowd out. Well done, Armani! :thumbsup:

Festival 9 - Haunted Mansion Difficult level that is exactly as it appears with the wide size despite the skillset seemingly to suggest it's very open-ended. Turns out not, as you cannot waste any of the bombers or platformers. It was very hard to see that the bookcases can be surmountable with just 1 very well-placed bomber. I kept using two bombers to do so before I realized that. Same thing with bombing through the chandelier in order to send a shimmier over to bomb the chair away to make it steppable for the others. Finally, realizing the chain can be platformed to get into the chair area was hard to see. The webs can probably be placed more out of the way, though, as I thought they were solid when in fact they're just a decorative object and therefore background. They really do look like they're solid terrain, but this is just the way the designer made them!

Festival 10 - Flesh, Blood, and No Bones Excellent level with a great solution! :thumbsup: I really like how the glider makes the builder staircase for the left entrance to land on, while another Lemming who is a swimmer will release the swimmer from above so that they both use the left exit while everyone else uses the right exit. Holding that glider in place via a blocker so he won't drown is especially clever. Kind of reminds me of a level from Gronkling that uses something similar but with a trap instead. Another LOTY2023 candidate from this pack that I'll be nominating! :thumbsup:

Festival 11 - Nothing Shady is Happening Hard one that I ended up struggling far more than I thought I would. Once again, there's plenty of red herrings, such as going up the very far left up on the tree, which almost works but will always leave you at least a builder short no matter how you do the mining. At least I'm sure it's impossible to take that route, as I tried every possible combination. The start is quite possibly the hardest to figure out, though there's a few ways of doing so. In addition, I kept struggling with figuring out how to get the climber to get back over to the right by himself a second time without anyone else also being able to follow him and fall into the bottomless pit. It was definitely very hard to see that you use the tree with the OWAs to get up to the exit with the very limited amount of builders, even after getting the pickups. Once again, my main criticism here was the extreme precision on the far right that would get you close enough to punch a hole in the tree from the other side so that you can climb into it but must be done so that it doesn't prevent the builder from getting up there again. Turns out that I made it more difficult than it needed to be, as it was only possible to reach the log on the very last pixel before the athlete fell off the staircase. If done correctly, there's actually two pixels in which you can still make the hole. Even then, I would still reduce the precision up there somehow.

Festival 12 - Ride Together, Die Together Another one I struggled with for a while only to ultimately find a harder than it needs to be solution. I apparently didn't see to platform up the gap completely on the starting platform on the right side :forehead: Instead, I brute forced it until I finally got the spacing right to allow the non-climber to platform up the gap to the exit before anyone slipped by.

Festival 14 - Brain Drain Quite possibly the hardest level of the entire rank but a really good level with an excellent solution! :thumbsup: The entire level is just crazy hard as nothing is really obvious other than the two builders to reach the exit with the left entrance. I had the right idea with lasering from both sides to keep shimmiers going but I kept rejecting it because where you do them are at very different heights and therefore the tunnels wouldn't meet at the right spot. It took me a really long time to see how to achieve that when you can interrupt the right facing laser early with a shimmier. That's very hard to see but a very useful thing to keep in mind: The laser skill can be interrupted at any time! It's also hard to see how to achieve jumping into the water on the right side with a well-placed stoner after lasering through the thin gray wall. Finally, it was not easy to figure out how to release the neutrals and to get them down safely. I seriously thought that fall was splat height when there's actually plenty of leeway. As a result, I kept thinking that you need to catch them with a builder staircase, but this would mean you need to make two rounds, which you can't do because you don't have enough skills to make do so again. Overall, I really like this level once I finally was able to make a lot of progress but ultimately I don't think I would nominate this as it's definitely way too hard to be a LOTY contender.

Festival 15 - Nature Republic Nice level to round off the rank. Even though it isn't anywhere as hard as the previous level, it's still not a pushover. I thought the hardest to see here is sending a climber over to the far left in order to bash both the crowd free and to get through the first wall all in one go. Reminds me of Icho's contest tileset mixing level that used something similar. Other than that, this was a fairly quick solve.

Funeral Rank Feedback

The next rank and an entire rank of zombie levels. As Armani has said on Discord, these are intentionally easier than the Festival rank levels, save for Funeral 14, where that is the hardest level of the entire pack.


Funeral 1 - Iron Balls of Doom Nice level to start the rank. The hardest was figuring out how to get a worker to the bottom to do the rest of the route for the others. That is a bit precise, but there's only a few pixels to place the builder so that the shimmier can use the staircase to shimmy. Once again, that pixel precise builder to prevent splatting near the exit! >:(

Funeral 2 - Technically Dead Great no constructive skills level! The only thing to watch out for is to make the fall survivable from the top of the tree for the right entrance. Other than that, this shouldn't pose too much of a challenge!

Funeral 3 - Insulator Very unique concept with spreading a huge zombie infection wave over the large number of Lemmings! Reminds me of Dexter's level "Cause and Infect" (I think that's the title?), just without placing a long chain of blockers. Same concept, where the disarmer must be infected before he can hit the button to unlock the exit and therefore prevent the bottom left blocker from exiting. It was pretty fun to see the infection wave in motion! :laugh:

Funeral 4 - We Are Not Expendable! Another great level where I originally thought a compressed crowd needed to be sent through the snake traps, when in fact I failed to realize the preplaced zombie is a disarmer! :forehead: Very important that players check to see if there are any preassigned skills on zombies! Once I saw that, then it's not too hard of a level. The timing was probably far tighter than it needed to be with the second blocker, as the zombie almost got him before he made it past him.

Funeral 5 - Lemmings Die When They Are Killed Excellent level! :thumbsup: Love the use of the stacker and clone to stop the shimmier, as well as syncing up the Lemming and the clone so that they both reach the trap at about the same time and so the one going to the right gets past it in order to stone at the bottom to make a turnaround point. Probably another LOTY nomination worthy level! ;)

Funeral 6 - Bridge Already Occupied Another level where I spent far longer than I needed to, all because I kept trying to contain the crowd somewhere else. I thought they couldn't fall into the pit at the start because I didn't think they had a way to get out later. Indeed, that fencer release them is very well-hidden in plain sight! Before I realized that, everything else I kept trying would leave you a jumper or constructive skill short. That small wall that can be past with a well-placed stacker was a bit annoying as a result! All because that isn't the intended solution and therefore I kept trying to find alternatives :XD:

Funeral 7 - Somebody Forgot to Nuke Wow, I really like this level! :thumbsup: That's really cool with the preplaced constructive terrain. I really like how the solution all comes together as the player pieces the puzzle parts. I especially find the bashing under on the left side after the crowd is contained in the middle clever so that you can climb up to the higher parts of the level to shimmy and bash through the OWW clever. And yes, that is surprising that you can bash the zombie blocker free without getting infected if he is a slider. That's definitely something new I learned! ;)

Funeral 8 - Don't Look Back! Really struggled for a while here, but that is because I made my solution far harder than either you or Icho :XD: Both of you essentially did the exact same thing, just the order of saving which specialist group first was different. Here, I did it completely different by getting the floaters trapped in the upper right, releasing the climbers, and finally release the zombies and followed the horde carefully back to hit the button in time before the climbers got past the exit. And yea, I saw the picture of your sister's HW. Haven't figured it out yet, though it probably is if you're allowed to go outside the box, which I assume isn't allowed? I can't remember if it is. I learned something similar in a grad school course but it involved utility poles instead of dots. Same concept, though!

Funeral 9 - Among Us Very easy open-ended level, and as Armani has told me he couldn't come up with a really good solution and so he just made it an open-ended one.

Funeral 10 - They'll Be Eaten Anyway Somewhat difficult but another great level. The use of the cloner is especially clever to also reach the destructible wall to allow easy access to the exit, which took me a while to realize :XD: Before that, I kept trying to brute force building my way to the top for a time. Even then, finding the right way to use the builders isn't easy to see here IMO. I thought the way to build at the top to make the zombies die to the snake trap at the top was clever.

Funeral 11 - Doomsday Report Another level that I was on longer than I needed to be, all because I failed to realize that the correct way is to fence from the right first and therefore keep everyone safe on the left while the sliders and floaters pass by without putting anyone else in danger. They're certainly the hardest to avoid. Also figuring out that you need to laser away the stoners in order to make the non-floater zombies splat is hard to see, but I remember this trick that you posted in your Tricks you can do with the laser topic :) Other than my long struggles, great level.

Funeral 12 - Appointment with Your Dentist Another breather level, as long as you keep in mind that a shimmier can be cancelled with a walker and you do the timing correct in the splatter area you'll be fine! ;)

Funeral 13 - Forbidden Knowledge (Part2) Yet another level that I was on longer than I needed to be. I really struggled with figuring out how to avoid the disarmer zombie while keeping the worker and crowd safe. It's another solution that is somewhat easier than the intended way in that it saves a lot of skills. This would be another level where I failed to realize that you can platform over twice before dropping down to the bottom of the level :forehead: Decent level, even if I ran into a lot of nuisances here, such as bashing at the end but the he will always hit steel and therefore turn around, step over the cross without help from other skills or the need to be a climber, and escape and drown in the water :evil:

Funeral 14 - Cherry Picking Definitely the hardest level of the entire pack, as evidenced how this was the only level that I needed to switch to off-camera time for a significant amount of time. Turns out the solution isn't that hard to do but rather I kept doing plenty of parts sub-optimally so that I kept wasting skills unnecessarily. Not sure why it took me a while to fully realized that releasing the entire diagonal of neutrals on the left will allow plenty of skill saving when releasing the other neutrals on that side from the left side. I kept running into problems with figuring out how to release both the right-most neutral on the left side at the very top and similarly with the top neutral on the right side. Plenty of things I tried wouldn't work, such as shimmying to get up onto the shelf and more jumpers to get into place to release those problematic neutrals. Then I just hopped over to the right but ultimately you wouldn't have enough skills to get the level solved or you run into other problems, such as unreleased neutrals that would run into the far right zombie that gets released with the problematic top right neutral.

In the end, I found a solution nearly similar to that of Icho but he's still the most efficient in number of skills saved. As a matter of fact, he could had had 3 jumpers in the end if he did that end part my way instead of jumping onto the tree at the very far left! That never occurred to me to use to avoid the zombie and therefore save some walker skills! :laugh:

Funeral 15 - Utilitarianism Nowhere as hard as the previous level but absolutely agree with Armani that it's harder than the Festival rank finisher. Other than a few parts at the end, it's not really obvious what one needs to do with the skills here. For example, seems you would need to avoid the zombies in the middle completely, when in fact you do release them and have them fall and drown. I ultimately found a solution that is timing heavy and fiddlier than the intended way. I kind of had the right idea of getting zombies near the exit to splat, but I abandoned that completely with the solution I found and hence was able to spare two climbers. Indeed, they can make your life much easier as I realized after watching either yours or Icho's solution!     

Overall, I must repeat what both Armani and Icho (but especially the latter!) have said about the pack's quality, and that is I too was quite amazed and impressed! :laugh: I definitely can recommend players give this pack a go, but do be warned that I don't find it that much easier than either of Armani's previous two packs. Probably about the same as Xmas Lemmings 2021 difficulty-wise. I struggled far more than I thought I would here. More with the Festival rank than the Funeral rank, though just like in my personal experiences I did struggle with some zombie levels as I usually do.

Thanks so much for this pack Armani, and I look forward to any future packs you might have planned! :thumbsup:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Thank you very much for playing and LPing the pack :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Since I already replied to your solutions via youtube comments, I'm not going to repeat the same thing here.

I'll prepare new updates soonish! It will be mostly fixing to reduce precision rather than fixing backroutes. 8-)
Ah also there'll be new talisman to funeral14 as both of you found very efficient solutions that worth talisman 
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


v1.3 is out :laugh:
I added a new talisman thanks to Ichotolot and kaywhyn.
You can checked the full logs in the second post 8-)
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


Sweeeet! :thumbsup: I need to check out your level pack because this looks really creative and interesting.
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (Collab. with Armani)


Good luck and I hope you have fun :thumbsup:
You can find the official solutions to all levels on the main post in case you want to check. ;)
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


Sounds perfect! Thank you! :thumbsup:
Great job with getting things customized on the title screen, I see now how it's done and will be doing the same. ;) Now this is just by looking at your folder, I have yet to get the pack to work.
You may PM me with further instructions, thanks so much!
Level packs developed:

Lemmings Heritage
Lemmings New Worlds
Holiday Lemmings 2024 (Collab. with Armani)


Hi Armani,

Here are my replays of Funeral rank and the first 12 levels of Festival rank. :scared::scared::scared: For now, I'm stuck at level 13 of Festival rank. This pack is really good :thumbsup:, you probably spent a lot of time creating, and refining, each puzzle/level. And it's a good challenge for me. ;)

Festival rank:

Festival 1: Very nice to start with. Not too hard, but not easy either.

Festival 2: Good level too. I quickly understood that a single lemming was going to have to do everything and free those who were prisoners.

Festival 3: One of my favorite levels :thumbsup: where each lemming marks out the path that the other will take. Very interesting. However, it took me a while to find the solution. :P

Festival 4: Not easy at first. Once I saw that you could land on the right of the exit with the glider (using a builder), everything became easier.

Festival 5: Still nice but simpler than the previous ones. I really liked the fact that I had to bash half the length then go through the top and finally go back through the bottom.

Festival 6: Awesome! :thumbsup: One of my favorite levels. I was perplexed by this one for a long time. :forehead: I quickly understood how to get the lemmings from each entrance to their respective exit, but I couldn't coordinate everything. The trick of using the blocker on a stack to turn the shimmier around then using the stoner to create a solid column is absolutely brilliant. :thumbsup:

Festival 7: Good. I didn't find this level particularly difficult. Once I understood how to use the stoner at first, I quickly found the right path.

Festival 8: Very good level. Great idea of ​​not interrupting the infinite fall of a lemming before he can have a parachute. I managed to rescue 17 lemmings, I don't know if this is an alternative solution. ???

Festival 9: Beautiful setting. An interesting level but a little tedious to execute. You have to be very precise. :evil:

Festival 10: Less interesting than the other levels. I wonder if I haven't found an alternative solution, especially since I still have some skills left. ???

Festival 11: Excellent level. :thumbsup: I quickly saw that we had to go through the top to get the pick-up skills and then go back a second time to finish marking the path. Very subtle. :evil: I didn't find it too difficult, but the solution isn't obvious.

Festival 12: I liked this level less, but I'm not sure I found the intended solution, because I had to "fiddle". :D

Funeral rank:

Funeral 1: Very nice. I really liked the trick at the beginning of using a staircase to bring down a shimmier.

Funeral 2: Pleasant and not too complicated. Nice use of the laserer.

Funeral 3: I loved this level. Well done! :thumbsup: It took me a long time to find the right solution.

Funeral 4: Nice. Some subtleties here, like bombing a stoner to make a lemming go down or using the blocker to make it wait. ;P

Funeral 5: One of my favorite levels. Very nice puzzle. :thumbsup:

Funeral 6: Good level. It took me a long time to find the solution. I thought that the steel located to the right of the entrance would prevent the use of the fencer, :evil: and therefore that we would not be able to get the lemmings out of the pit this way.

Funeral 7: Excellent level, one of my favorites. Well done! :thumbsup: He gave me a hard time. It took me a lot of attempts to find the right route. I haven't yet fully mastered using the slider.

Funeral 8: Another one of my favorites. :thumbsup: This is undoubtedly the level that was the most difficult for me (among those I have solved so far). A very beautiful puzzle. When I found the solution, I felt stupid :forehead: for not having found it before, because this level is a logic puzzle that I know well:

You must connect houses 1 to 1, 2 to 2 and 3 to 3 without crossing the lines and without leaving the frame.

Funeral 9: I found this level very easy, even with the talisman. Is this a backroute? :lem-shocked:

Funeral 10: Very good level. It reminds me of Funeral 8 with the zombies blocking the way :evil:. Except that in this level, we have to deviate them.

Funeral 11: I liked this one. In fact, I quickly found the right solution, but since I couldn't implement it, I thought I was wrong. I wasted a lot of time before trying my first idea again. You have to be very (too) precise. :evil::evil:

Funeral 12: Different from other levels and not too difficult. A nice and (almost) relaxing level. ;)

Funeral 13: A good level. Not really difficult, but not easy either. There are some subtleties.

Funeral 14: Excellent! :thumbsup: It took me a while to understand what this shimmier was for. I even unlocked the talisman without noticing. :D Another good use of the laserer, a skill that I have not yet mastered perfectly.

Funeral 15: Excellent level, one of my favorites. Well done! :thumbsup: The climb to the exit is a real headache, I had to try it several times before finding the right method.

If I ever manage to solve Festival 13 and the following levels, I will post my replays here. But I'm not sure I'll be able to finish the pack. :scared::evil:
My two level packs:
1) The Lemmings Have Grown [Medium-Hard]
2) DavidLems [Medium-Extreme]
And my youtube channel


Thank you for playing the pack and all the detailed feedbacks! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I'm really happy to hear that you had fun playing through it!

I think it took about 4 months or so to make this pack(June~September 2023)
Whenever I came up with a cool idea for a Lemmings level, I took a note of it and I tried to make it into an actual level out of it when I had time. You found two backroutes(festival10,12) and all the other solutions are intended ;)
I'm not going to do any backroute-fix updates to this pack so feel free to watch the official solutions to them if you want!

Festival13 is from a recent contest.(LDC#28 - depiciting an animal rule) Yeah, it's a bit tricky one. If you need any hints, feel free to ask me! or you can find the solution here and there.(my official solutions in the main post, kaywhyn&IchoTolot uploaded their solutions on their YT channels.)

comments on the individual levels

Festival1 GL HF - Intended! :thumbsup: The title is simply an abbreviation of Good Luck and Have Fun!
Festival2 Such a Free Win! - You were spot on about the fact that one lemmings from the left hatch have to save all from the right hatch. It's funny that you can save one less than the save requirement by doing nothing, and all your works are there to meet the one extra save requirement by sacrificing everyone who otherwise had been saved. :crylaugh: :crylaugh:
Festival3 Can't Find My Way Home - Yeah! The two lemming had to prepare the way to the exit for each other.
Festival4 Inferno of Blood - It's all about realizing that land spot for the glider!
Festival5 Catallena - Exactly intended! This level alone is made by my gf.
Festival6 Hero Call - Thanks for all the compliments! Glad you liked it! :thumbsup:
Festival7 Trick or Treat - This level has several different approaches, but yours is identical to mine.
Festival8 Zero Acceleration - I deliberately made the save requirement lenient, but still your solution saves the most lemmings(my solution saves 3 more and yours save 7 more!) You swapped the use of the platformer and the builder and that's it! So I count your solution as intended.
Festival9 Haunted Mansion - True. It became tedious quickly. :crylaugh: You have to drop the bombs here and there to flatten(?) the terrains for the crowd.
Festival10 Flesh, Blood and No Bones - Yeah this is the first backroute. :( The intended solution have some kind of interactions between the two group. Maybe.. I can fix the level by making it impossible to cross the water gap to the left exit with one builder, but still enough for the swimmer, glider to reach the exit on their own...
Festival11 Nothing Shady is Happening - Well done! Once you realize the climber lemming has to take multiple rounds to the ceiling route, it's not so hard to figure out the rest.
Festival12 Ride Together, Die Together - Yeah this is the second(and also the last) backroute. The intended solution is much more clean. Your solution is very similar to kaywhyn's one which I'm not going to fix anyway, so feel free to look at my solution! :laugh:

Funeral1 Iron Balls of Doom - Intended!
Funeral2 Technically Dead - This is the obligatory builderless(or constructive skill-less in general) level for this pack. :evil:
Funeral3 Insulator - I tried to be creative in this level as much as possible and the level became very gimmicky as a result. :XD: Glad you like this one!
Funeral4 We Are Not Expendable! - Not exactly intended but close enough!
Funeral5 Lemmings Die When They Are Killed - Well done! That stacker+delayed cloner is one of my favorite tricks! :laugh:
Funeral6 Bridge Already Occupied - Yeah that fencer to let the crowd get back up is a bit sneaky..:evil:
Funeral7 Somebody Forgot to Nuke - It takes time to get used to all the slider shinnaigans. But it's very fun to use and make levels with. ;)
Funeral8 Don't Look Back! - My sister once asked me to help with her math homework and the problem was exactly the one you mentioned. I thought it would be a nice Lemmings level..  and here we are! :laugh:
Funeral9 Among Us - Well actually everything that works is fine in this level. This is one of the failed levels where I tried to be creative with the solution but failed to enforce it! The level was originally a bit different but now just a anyway-you want level with tons of powerful skills. :(
Funeral10 They'll be Eaten Anyway - You have to deviate the zombies to the upper snake, he's hungry too! :evil:
Funeral11 Doomsday Report - Yeah I once thought of giving additional laserer so erasing the two stoners is not so precise, but apparently the extra laserer opens up millions of new backroutes. :evil:
Funeral12 Appointment with Your Dentist - I've been constantly making these super jumper-heavy levels for all my packs so far.(Uncharted - Aries7 Easy as MAS101, Gemini20 Never Let You Alone / Xmas2021 - Avantgarde11 This Level has no Time Limit / contest#26 There's a Sniper in the Forest) They play as some breathers. :laugh:
Funeral13 Forbidden Knowledge (Part2) - This level is a spiritual successor of the same level name with (Part1) in Xmas Lemmings 2021. In that level all the pre-placed specialists are normal lemmings but here all the specialists are zombies now! It was much harder to make interesting level while keeping the specialist zombies. :evil: Zombie disarmer can be helpful until he outlived his usefulness, but zombies with non-disarmer permanent skill? They really are not very useful.. and this level was the best I can thought of. :evil:
Funeral14 Cherry Picking - Well done! You seem to breeze through this level. :thumbsup:
Funeral15 Utilitarianism - Yes the solution to this level needs some precise timing to work out. :evil:
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023