[BUG?] Blasticine trigger too low in graphic [RESOLVED]

Started by WillLem, June 02, 2023, 10:57:40 PM

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From a video posted by ericderkovits on YouTube:

Quote from: ericderkovits
Here is a test level showing a lemming won't explode but just leave the bottom of the level if the blasticine object is placed too low. No issues with Rock's vinewater, Marble's poison or Fire's lava objects as the lemming dies at the top of the objects.
For the lemming to explode on the blasticine, it needs to be placed higher, so the lemming will hit the trigger point.
I discovered this by accident in a lemmings reunion level (Nightmare 28-Cranking the stress) where the lemming doesn't explode on the blasticine.


This isn't actually a bug, it's intentional. It looks better to have the lem explode a bit further into the blasticine graphic; the trigger point from when this was previously water was way too high, so it looked like the lems barely touched it.

Maybe there's a happy medium somewhere? We can always bump the trigger area up a couple of pixels.

Regarding any SLX features affecting existing content, a quote from this topic:

Quote from: WillLem
it's been said from the beginning that the SLX development isn't concerned with previous (Neo)Lemmix content; this isn't to be dismissive or inconsiderate of the work that has gone into the many fantastic NL packs over the years, it's so we can have something of a fresh start and generate new ideas free from having to worry about existing content preservation.

Whilst it is possible to play any made-for-NeoLemmix pack in SuperLemmix, most will require at least some tinkering here and there to make them compatible. If you plan on doing so, please ask the author's permission before porting any pack to SuperLemmix - just a reminder.

I realise that simply playing a pack doesn't constitute making a port, but by doing so you're bound to encounter problems sooner or later. With the author's permission in any such case, I'm sure we can make the packs SuperLemmix-ready.


Forgot to update this!

The Blasticine trigger areas have been moved up 2 pixels in Commit 3846d7901 - effective as of SuperLemmix 2.4