[Neolemmix] Mikes Lemmings Version 2 [Difficulty:Medium-Hard ]

Started by Turrican, March 27, 2023, 11:48:55 PM

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I have uploaded the version 1.06 of the pack. It contains two new levels , and two updated levels .

First of all , it contains  the vesrsion 1.01 of Rigel 10 - "Cyberlems 2555 - part 1" , and Rigel 11 - "Cyberlems 2555 - part 2".

It contains , a small change on these levels ( the bulders that provided as a pick-up skill have been reduced from 6 to 5 ). With these changes , the way Kaywhyn handled the last part of the solutions of these levels , is now part of their intended solutions too.

Secondly , it contains  a new level. The level is Bonus 5 - "In the Sight of the Colossus" . That level contains AI art .
In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

Also the version 1.02 of "Cyberlems 2555"  , appears now in the Bonus rank , as "Cyberlems 2555 - Part Zero" . The level is practically the same as "Cyberlems 2555 - part 2" , but it has a small difference compared to that level :
Most of the visual hints on the terrain , have been removed.
It's for the ones that want to try the level with fewer assists. if you don't want to play the level , your replay of  "Cyberlems 2555 - part 2" , will also , solve this level .

I have uploaded also , the updated replay collection , which also contains , the replays of the updated and new levels .

Also , I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the new level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


Hi Turrican,

I have played your new AI generated levels and my replays are attached. They are visually stunning, especially Bonus 7, as well as very nice challenging levels. At the same time, Bonus 7 wasn't exactly fun for me IMO, especially with the repeated stacking to get higher and having to deal with climber problems being blocked from getting higher. In fairness, that is exactly the problem with very large pure vertical scrolling levels and when there isn't much terrain to be able to get high. That being said, perhaps some builders can be thrown into the mix while eliminating some stackers? That would make the level way less tedious to play and be a big improvement IMO. However, because we know how builders can break a level easily, some experimenting would be needed to see what the ideal amount is. That is, if these 3 levels can even be backrouted, which I doubt. That being said, the only one that looked a bit hackish was Bonus 6, but only the part where I deal with the zombies. Otherwise, the solution looks fine and I still ended up using all the skills. On the other hand, I have some skills to spare on both Bonus 5 and 7, but I'm thinking these solutions are fine and that I was simply slightly more efficient than how you did them. I'll make sure to check your videos/replays!

Overall, these are great additions to the Bonus rank! :thumbsup: Bonus 5 was probably my favorite one even if there isn't much of a puzzle there, while Bonus 6 is great for the puzzle of figuring out how to get the fencer pickups but I don't yet see the point of the zombies in the level ???

For Dodochacalo's level you converted to NL, I already played that from your SuperLemmini Remix pack, as well as recently played that level again as intended on Lemmini, hence I felt no need to play it again. Same thing with Cyberlems 2555 Part 0, as I already solved that one months ago and once again don't see the need to do so again :P

I'm guessing this will be final as to any new additions to the pack and therefore going forward any new levels would probably go into a potential Mike's Lemmings 3 or something?
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


I have uploaded, the version 1.07 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Sun 6 - ''Joe's Money Vault'' . 

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded , the version 1.08 of the pack. It contains he versions 1.02 of Rigel 10 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 1" and Rigel 11 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part 2" , and the verion 1.01 of Bonus 8 - "Cyberlems 2555 - Part Zero" .

The new versions contain several modifications , that allows them to maintain their original look , if you have the new version , of the styles by Ryemanni installed (which has replaced several of the tiles, the level used , with newer versions of these) .

In order for the level to work , you will need to put in your styles folder , the new version of the ''turrican_special'' tileset , that is also included in the first post.

Many thanks to Ryemanni , who gave me his permission , to include the needed tiles , in the tileset! :thumbsup:

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded , the version 1.09 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Bonus 5 - "The Mushroom Village" . This level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need an updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the new level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have upoaded the version 1.10 of the pack , which contains the version 1.03 of  Bonus 5 - "The Mushroom Village" , which contains some small terrain changes.

After a bit of experimentation , I managed to have a terrain design that I like a lot , so the terrain desisgn of the 1.03 version , is final.

You will need the version of the ''turrican special'' tileset that I have already uploaded for the version 1.01 of the level , in the first post , in order to play the new version of the level.

Gameplay and solution , remain the same.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.11 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Rigel 9 - ''Space Program 10.000 B.C.' .

In order to play it , you will need also , one of the Festival Millas 2002 tilesets ( plom_stnebula ) . Because that tileset is relatively new , if you haven't it already , you can find it on the Festival Millas 2002 release thread. Here a link for that thread : https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=6137.0

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I have uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


Hi @Turrican,

I have played and solved the three new levels. Replays attached. Sun 6 and Bonus 5 both seem open ended, and my solutions are very likely acceptable despite saving a couple of skills on them, while Rigel 9 is somewhat of a backroute ;) The new Rigel 9 is definitely the hardest of the three levels this time around. I attempted it on camera but eventually cut it off after a while and then was stuck on it for a few days before finally getting it solved earlier this morning. As a result, I simply tacked on today's recording to the video I recorded a few days ago.

I checked your intended solution after I got Rigel 9 solved and quite honestly I'm not sure if I would had been able to come up with that. That's a really sneaky solution! :laugh: However, I definitely have some ideas with some of the elements you have in the level, such as


using zombies to take advantage of the nuke timer, as well as a specialist zombie to go around and disarm traps to make a safe path for others

Your level is the first I've seen that puts the spoiler elements to really good use! :thumbsup: The biggest problem I have with Rigel 9 is the extremely tall level size and the massive lag while I was playing it, but that is because I had the high quality mini-map enabled. With it off, it's a huge improvement with the lag completely eliminated.  Even then, I would say for the sake of CPU performance issues to be careful with tall/large levels, particularly since not everyone has a powerful PC/laptop like I do. Other than that, it was a nice challenge, especially with figuring out how to save that critical skill in the unfortunate backroute I found :P

Finally, I definitely say Rigel 9 is far harder than Rigel 10 and hence these two can swap positions. It's even arguably harder than CyberLems, but honestly I feel the CyberLems levels are a much better levels to end the Rigel rank. At the same time, it might be fine for Rigel 10 to be a bit of a breather after the very difficult Rigel 9 and hence it would be ok in this position. It's ultimately your decision, but yea, just thought I throw it out there that IMO Rigel 9 is far harder than Rigel 10 while quite possibly equal difficulty with the CyberLems levels, if not harder than either of them.

Overall, these levels are once again great additions to the pack. I especially enjoyed Sun 6 and the new AI Bonus 5 level! :thumbsup: 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


I have uploaded the version 1.12 of the pack. It contains the version 1.01 of Rigel 9 - "Space Program 10.000 B.C." . The new version of the level contains a fix for a backroute , found by Kaywhyn.

I have uploaded also , the updated replay collection , which contains the replay of the solution, of the new version of the level. The replay works in the new version of Neolemmix (12.13.0)

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


 I have uploaded, the version 1.13 of the pack. It contains a new level. That level is : Bonus 6 - "Floating Above the Valley of the Clouds" . That level contains AI art .

In order to play it , you will need the updated version of the "turrican special" tileset . I have attached it in the first post.

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the new level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have uploaded, the version 1.14 of the pack , which contains some big changes.

First of all the Rigel rank , has been split into two ranks now. These ranks are Arcturus and Rigel. And 5 levels that previously were in the Rigel rank , are in Arcturus rank now.

Also the "AI art" levels , and the ""Excavations in the Cubic Cave" level , that previously were in the Bonus rank , are now in the main ranks.
 More precisely "Excavations in the Cubic Cave" is Sun 3 now.
                "The Mushroom Village" is Sun 5.
                "In the Sight of the Colossus" is Pollux 3.
                "Floating Above the Valley of the Clouds" is Pollux 6.
                "The House With the Thin Foundations" is Arcturus 3
                 "The Astral Monolith" is Arcturus 8

Also , the new version contains a new level. That level is : Arcturus 7 - "A.T. in construction" . It is based on a challenge solution for Genesis - Sunsoft 29 ( "I am A.T." ) .

I have upladed also , the updated replay collection, which also, contains , the replay of the solution , of the new level.

Also I uploaded , the updated version of the soundtrack of the pack , in my dropbox , and I have posted , in the first post , the link for my dropbox , which contains , the updated soundtrack , of my pack.

Here is how the new level looks :

My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :