Quest From Kieran [Difficulty: Medium - Very Hard]

Started by kieranmillar, March 04, 2023, 08:18:57 PM

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Having completed QFK today, here is my final assessment. I can make it short: I love this pack. It's a puzzle-centered pack right from the beginning, no fillers, everything is very well-thought. Moreover, this pack proves that great levels still can be made with the original skills only, the potential is not exhausted at all. It's hard to name favourite levels as there are so many. "Rescue Rodents", "Boxed in", "How's It Hanging?" are some to name a few. What I also like about it is the progression of difficulty which feels about right. The levels are well-placed, the final rank is really the hardest one, no doubt about it - which can't be said about every pack. The custom music is also nice, but that's just my personal taste. One of my favourite packs I played so far, along with Lemmings Destination, Insane Steve's World and Lemmings Reunion. Thank you for providing this!


Quote from: Swerdis on March 05, 2025, 12:17:47 AMHaving completed QFK today, here is my final assessment. I can make it short: I love this pack. It's a puzzle-centered pack right from the beginning, no fillers, everything is very well-thought. Moreover, this pack proves that great levels still can be made with the original skills only, the potential is not exhausted at all. It's hard to name favourite levels as there are so many. "Rescue Rodents", "Boxed in", "How's It Hanging?" are some to name a few. What I also like about it is the progression of difficulty which feels about right. The levels are well-placed, the final rank is really the hardest one, no doubt about it - which can't be said about every pack. The custom music is also nice, but that's just my personal taste. One of my favourite packs I played so far, along with Lemmings Destination, Insane Steve's World and Lemmings Reunion. Thank you for providing this!

Excellent review and congratulations once again on completing QFK! :thumbsup: I'll make sure to pass this review of yours on to kieran millar. I'm sure he'll appreciate the kind words you had for him and his pack! :thumbsup:

You'll be happy to know that Fiat Lem!, the pack you're playing next, is all classic 8 skills, except for one level in the second rank which has the walker skill available. That same level also has a pre-assigned swimmer hatch. So, other than the pack pretty much being a classic 8 skills one, the pack does use NL features. In particular, I remember one level using teleporters, and a few that uses a locked RR, to name a few examples.

You'll also be happy to know that my upcoming level pack Lemmings Memories will be classic 8 skills only ;) Furthermore, I don't think I'll be using any NL features for the most part, it'll just be a pure "classic" pack for NL. Maybe when it comes to backroute fixing I'll use pickups, but that will be as a last resort ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
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