SuperLemmix 2.8.1 | Editor 2.8 | Styles 2.8

Started by WillLem, March 02, 2023, 01:38:33 AM

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SuperLemmix 2.1.1 Now Available

This is a major update, so it's strongly recommended that you download this as a fresh installation, and copy any mods/levels/styles/etc from your old copy into the new one.

(God willing, the next available update after this one will include online update/download/installation features, removing the need to download everything each time there's an update. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and support.)

:lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat: What's new... :lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat:

New Features

:lemming: Freezers can now be rescued! Instead of removing the lem from the level, the lem is actually frozen inside the cube and can be thawed out when the cube is destroyed by any means (partial destruction counts too). Whilst Frozen, lems cannot receive skills except (Time)Bombers, but are protected against nearby zombies and other traps. Give it a try, it's very cool! 8-)

:lemming: Oh, and the Freezer now has its own Skill Shadow :lemcat:

:lemming: Say hello to the Sleeper! This is a new lemming state in which the lem becomes a neutral and falls asleep in front of the exit. This is to replace the current "Time Up" behaviour in which the lems bunch up in the exit. More than just an aesthetic though, it simulates exit behaviour because the lems can no longer be assigned skills whilst they're asleep :sleep:

:lemming: Level sides and top are no longer deadly - the top is open, allowing Jumpers and Projectile skills to complete their arc of trajectory back into the level. Lems tend not to ascend above the level, but if they do, they'll come back the way they came and won't be skill-assignable whilst above the level. Meanwhile, sides are solid and so lems stop whatever action they were performing and turn around if they manage to reach the side

:lemming: DMA Compilation Pack levels have been tweaked to reflect the changes to the level sides: where necessary, space has been added at the sides of the level to make them generally inaccessible

:lemming: ohno_bubble water is now BLASTICINE! This is a new object which causes lems to explode on contact. Surrounding terrain is not destroyed, the effect is mainly for fun and to make the object non-traversable by Swimmers

:lemming: Similarly, ohno_rock water is now VINEWATER. This new object triggers the vinetrap animation (now a sprite in its own right, the Vinetrapper) instead of the drowner animation, remaining fatal to all lems including Swimmers

:lemming: -1 and +1 Frameskips are now mouse-driven by default. LMB performs a +1 skip as usual, whilst RMB performs a -1 skip unless assigned to something else in the hotkeys dialog. Pressing and holding the mouse button will perform repeated skips, like the framestep buttons in NeoLemmix

:lemming: Menus are now much more keyboard-compatible - all can be closed with the [Esc] key, including the Replay editor. The only exception is the hotkey dialog, which needs to be able to "listen" out for [Esc] for hotkey-assigning purposes

:lemming: Meanwhile, the Level Select menu can now be navigated entirely with keyboard keys - browsing from level to level with the arrow keys displays each preview (which previously didn't happen), whilst hitting [Enter] loads the level into the player

:lemming: Massive upgrades to the Hotkeys config - A new Reset button reverts any changes made back to the previous save and Cancel exits the form without saving changes, whilst Save & Close performs an immediate save and closes the form. Also, hitting "Find Key" no longer opens a dialog, and instead simply displays "Finding key..." directly on the button itself.

:lemming: Lemming names are now customisable! If you've created a style with custom sprites, you can give the set its own unique name (e.g. "Lemminas", "Millas", "SonicLems", "Ghostbusters") and it will appear in the preview and postview screens in place of the word "Lemmings". Singular and plural forms are both supported.

:lemming: An "Assign Fail" sound now plays when a skill assignment has been attempted, but has failed for any reason. There's a sound for general purpose (which can be customised by replacing "assignfail.wav" in the sounds folder), and one for steel (which reuses the existing steel check sound). This feature generates an AV error when the screen is clicked. It has been temporarily removed in 2.1.1 pending a proper fix.

General Updates

:lemming: Rewind mode is now vastly improved: flickering digits on the skill panel have been elimated, and the button responsiveness is now about 95% plus. The button (and hotkey) still sometimes doesn't respond whilst Rewind is active, but it's now a much more rare occurrence - I'm looking into it, and hopefully I'll be able to get responsiveness all the way up to 100%

:lemming: Low-res Builder, Platformer and Stacker now have individual backpack colours

:lemming: All Blocker sprites now shake their heads fully from left to right

:lemming: Release Rate sound is now quieter, has its own dedicated sound file, plays whilst paused, and has a more musical logarithmic curve!

:lemming: Skill panel sound has also been fine-tuned so it's closer to exact musical semitones...

:lemming: Gameplay no longer ends when only zombies remain - this is to support the Kill All Zombies talisman

:lemming: Gameplay no longer ends for single-lemming levels if that lemming has died (if cloned, normal behaviour is resumed)

:lemming: Gameplay now ends if the save requirement is met AND time has run out

:lemming: Gameplay now ends on "Time Up" when in Classic Mode

:lemming: Gameplay now ends when no time, lemmings, or zombies remain

:lemming: Button selectors are now drawn on all buttons including RR -/+ and Restart

:lemming: Panel graphics have all been given an upgrade thanks to Jeremy Kapp; the new ones look much more neat and pristine, especially in hi-res

:lemming: Meanwhile, the skill panel digits have been made shorter to better accomodate the skill icons (particularly the Floater) - it's an improvement, but this may change again depending on feedback

:lemming: Hatch and pickup numbers have been reverted to the previous graphic from NeoLemmix (albeit with a slight pinkish hue). The new Amiga-style countdown numbers remain active for Timebombers and Nuke

:lemming: F2 and F3 have been swapped in the main menu; F2 now opens the Config options, and F3 opens the Level Select. It was either that, or swap the position of the cards

:lemming: Zombies now have their own death sound when falling out of a level, much more befitting a zombie

:lemming: Preview screen now says "By X" instead of "Author: X" - the latter has now been implemented in the Level Select menu instead. So, they've swapped, basically


:lemming: Jumper > Exit skill shadow is now displayed correctly

:lemming: Amiga menu cursor hotspot is now more accurate, thanks to Jeremy Kepp for the improved graphic

:lemming: Timebomber, Freezer, Grenader and Spearer now appear in hotkey config dropdown

:lemming: Fixed bug which caused helper graphics to be displayed in low-res when switching between resolutions and screen sizes

:lemming: Blockers can now be assigned on One-Way-Fields in both directions

:lemming: Lemmings can now ascend out of Freezer cubes (if they're not the lem that had the Freezer assigned to them), Lix-style

Editor Updates

:lemming: Auto-start checkbox is no longer checked by default, but its state is remembered when closing and re-loading the Editor

:lemming: Alt + Arrow keys now move selected pieces by a custom amount (specified in the F10 settings menu - the default is 64px)

:lemming: Pressing Ctrl + Alt before moving selected pieces with the mouse activates Horizontal-only movement, allowing the selected pieces to be moved only along the X-axis

:lemming: Similarly, Ctrl + Shift before moving selected pieces with the mouse activates Vertical-only movement, allowing the selected pieces to be moved only along the Y-axis

:lemming: Pickup skill graphics now display correctly

:lemming: Support for Blasticine and Vinewater added

Have any comments? Please use the SuperLemmix Discussion Topic.


2.1.1 - Bugfix update

Had a couple of reports that the gameplay screen in 2.1 was generating an AV error when clicked. This has now been fixed in 2.1.1. It turns out that the "Assign Fail" sound procedure was causing the bug, so this feature has been temporarily removed until I can find a proper fix.

All other 2.1 updates, features and bugfixes remain intact. I've also added some updated menu & panel graphics courtesy of jkapp76.

Enjoy! :lemcat:


SuperLemmix 2.4 Now Available

At last! Apologies for the delay on this one! :lemcat: :forehead:

This is a major update, so it's strongly recommended that you download this as a fresh installation, and copy any mods/levels/styles/etc from your old copy into the new one.

(The plan is still for a future version of SLX to include online update/download/installation features, removing the need to download everything each time there's an update. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and support.)

:lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat: What's new... :lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat:

New Features

:lemming: Re-inroducing SUPERLEMMING! :lemcat: We now have Superlemming mode once more, with some additional tweaks so that it plays more like the OG; as well as the game playing at 3x normal speed, players can't use FF or Rewind, and cannot assign skills whilst the game is paused.

:lemming: New Talismans - "Play in Classic Mode" and "Play Without Pressing Pause". These have been extensively tested and seem to work fine, but please do let me know if you spot any bugs with these. These talismans should fail if a replay is loaded at any time (including Mass Replay Check! ;P), but in the event that hitting restart causes the game to pause or auto-replay, the player has a few seconds to exit replay and unpause the game.

:lemming: Turbo-FF speed implemented - it's accessible via hotkey (mapped to "T" by default), or the FF button can be set to always Turbo by toggling "Activate Turbo Fast-Forward mode" in the Options menu. It's frameskip-based to mitigate any slowdown due to graphics rendering.

:lemming: The level sides are now one-way-forcefields! Any lemmings who reach the side will respond to it in the same way they'd respond to a Blocker or a one-way-forcefield - in some cases, the lemming turns and continues with the skill (e.g. Builders, Miners), in other cases where it wouldn't make sense for them to continue, they stop and turn (e.g. Platformers, Bashers).

:lemming: "Poison" is now its own object, and turns any lems which contact its trigger area into zombies! All styles that have already had their water renamed to "poison" (e.g. orig_marble) have this object included.

:lemming: Radiation and Slowfreeze objects have been added. These are based on the original objects in old-formats NeoLemmix. Each sets a 10 second countdown timer to the lemming - Radiation leads to a Bomber, Slowfreeze leads to a Freezer. This is brand new to SuperLemmix (literally implemented the day before this post!) so testing is needed and bugs are likely. Plans are for these objects to eventually have variable countdown timers, sounds, and either state recolouring or a "glow" effect for the lemmings.

:lemming: The Assign Fail sound (which made a brief and unsuccessful appearance in 2.1) is now fully implemented and working - a sound is played whenever a lem can't receive an attempted skill assignment, and the steel sound is used if the skill assignment fails because steel. It also works for highlit lemmings!

:lemming: Previous assignments are no longer overwritten when playing in Replay Insert Mode! Instead, the new assignment fails (the assign fail sound plays to alert the player that the assignment is impossible on that frame). This is a placeholder feature until I can figure out how to allow same-frame assignments to different lems, but it works, and it's way better than accidentially overwriting a previous assignment.

:lemming: If a lemming has begun to exit before time runs out, they now count as saved!

:lemming: Gameplay now ends if the lem dies whilst playing a single-lemming level in Classic Mode.

:lemming: Freezers are now drawn in original sprite colours, so that sprite recolouring works for all states. The "Freezing" and "Unfreezing" states have a separate overlay drawn over the top to provide the gradual-freeze-fade effect, and the Frozen lem is drawn behind the actual ice cube rather than in front (which also makes more sense anyway).

:lemming: Freezers are protected against zombies during the Freezing & Explosion state as well as the Frozen state. They remain zombie-vulnerable during the Unfreezing state.

:lemming: Freezers can now be assigned to Timebombers, meaning that they can stop a Timebomber in midair, and can be used to more accurately position a Timebomber for explosion.

:lemming: Freezers now explode 2px lower when assigned to Swimmers, enabling following lemmings to "dive" below the water's surface (similar to NeoLemmix's Stoner/Swimmer skill interaction).

:lemming: Jumpers now "bounce" when they hit terrain - they turn, and complete the trajectory of their arc facing in the opposite direction. Turns out this is how Jumpers behave in L2; I genuinely didn't realise this until after making the decision to implement this behaviour!

:lemming: Shimmiers now have an extra pixel's grace for overhead terrain checks - they now fall at 3px instead of 2px.

:lemming: Music now plays in the Menu screen! It can be customised per-pack, and toggled on/off via the Audio Options menu. The default menu music is a 38-second sample of an Amiga disk drive loading :)

:lemming: The Postview screen text is now per-line recoloured (modelled on the Amiga recolouring). The plan is eventually to make this user-customisable.

:lemming: The SuperLemmix window caption now displays level title and save requirement info. It also displays "Mass Replay Check" when in MRC mode.

:lemming: The save count is no longer displayed as a negative number in the panel - to compliment this, the panel now displays the save count in red if it hasn't yet been met.

:lemming: The Level Select screen now has a "Reset Talismans" button, so players can reset their talisman progress on a per-level basis. Very handy for level testing, and when replaying an already-completed pack!

:lemming: The Grenade graphic now animates during its arc, and it can be customised per-style (the Grenade graphics are now stored in styles in a new "grenades" folder alongside lemmings, objects, terrain, etc). Please note that BOTH resolutions need to be accounted for when creating custom grenade graphics. Also note that the actual Grenade destruction mask (as well as the Spear masks/graphics) are still in gfx\masks and cannot be customised, for obvious reasons.

:lemming: SMS fire and marble styles have been updated to include "lava" and "poison", as with the OG fire and marble styles.

:lemming: GigaLem's Millas and Flopsy's SonicLems have now been fully updated to include all SLX sprites. The plan is to eventually have all custom sprite sets updated in this way, but this will take time so will be done over the course of several styles updates.

:lemming: Level Info icons can now be customised per-style (the level's theme chooses which style is used for these), as well as per-levelpack. Theme is preferred, and defaults will be used if no customised versions are present.

:lemming: Sounds have been added for Spear hits, and for the Laserer!

General Updates

:lemming: A new line for "Fewest Total Skills" has been added to the Postview screen text.

:lemming: All level info icons have been updated.

:lemming: Postview Jingles are back!

:lemming: Every level in the DMA Compilation pack now has a "Play in Classic Mode" talisman.

:lemming: Platformers, Bashers and Fencers are now cancelled when reaching a one-way-forcefield. This prevents unnecessary skill continuation when the lemming turns around.

:lemming: Lemmings are now drawn to FOUR separate layers, meaning that there is now much more flexibility in the way that they appear in the level. The most notable difference is that Freezers now appear behind the terrain, so they don't overlap adjacent pieces and the ice cube is fully displayed in CPM, and all explosion graphics are drawn behind active lems to aid visibility when framestepping.

:lemming: FF, Turbo, Rewind and Superlemming modes all toggle the HQ minimap off to conserve rendering power.

:lemming: Sleepers are no longer neutrals - so, no state recolouring, but they still can't receive skill assignments.

:lemming: Default scroller text has been updated to include a few more credits and development info.

:lemming: Added a Double-click event to the Level Select treeview, so that level labels are loaded correctly when opening a pack's tree nodes.

:lemming: The Xmas levels are now in the root folder of the DMA Compilation pack

:lemming: Pressing Up/Down on the Group sign in the Main Menu stops at the highest and lowest rank respectively, rather than cycling infinitely. This makes it easier to know which order the ranks are in when the names are ambiguous.


:lemming: Talisman info popup now displays centre-screen for all orientations.

:lemming: The last Sleeper in the level now finishes its animation before the level exits.

:lemming: The level select screen caption now says "SuperLemmix Level Select" instead of "NeoLemmix Level Select".

:lemming: The Shimmier skill shadow is now displayed in all relevant states - the previous bug meant it only displayed when the lem was a Climber.

:lemming: The user is prompted to restart SLX if bass.dll fails to initialize.

:lemming: Rewind no longer touches user config, at all (it previously toggled "pause after backskip" off). Rewind has also been fixed so that entering and exiting Rewind mode never pauses the game.

:lemming: Countdown and Highlight arrows are no longer drawn behind other lemmings.

:lemming: Traps now don't affect lems, and Disarmers don't fix traps, whilst the lem is in any of the Freezer states and over a trap's trigger area.

:lemming: Default Previous/Next Skill hotkeys are now mapped to Down/Up instead of Up/Down - this seems to make more sense.

:lemming: Fixed bug which caused the Replay "R" graphic to occasionally flicker on and off when changing the RR in Classic Mode.

Editor Updates

:lemming: Ctrl + Wheel now scrolls the level horizontally, whilst Shift/Alt + Wheel scrolls the level vertically (when zoomed in).

:lemming: Shift + LMB now selects/deselects individual pieces as well as Ctrl + LMB.

:lemming: Horizontal Drag is now controlled by Ctrl + RMB as well as Ctrl + Alt + LMB.

:lemming: Vertical Drag is now controlled by Alt/Shift + RMB as well as Ctrl + Shift + LMB.

:lemming: (RMB on its own still performs drag-to-scroll).

:lemming: "Activate Superlemming Mode" checkbox added.

:lemming: Support for "Play in Classic Mode" and "Play Without Pressing Pause" talismans added.

:lemming: Support for Poison, Radiation and Slowfreeze added.

:lemming: Many UI updates
* Further refinements to scrollbars
* Moved Custom Move numeric to Settings menu instead of Pieces tab (seems more appropriate there)
* Updated all menu dropdrowns to display the hotkey to the right
* Condensed "Tools" and "Options" to a single menu
* Moved "Play Level" and "Validate Level (which now has a Ctrl+F12 hotkey)" to the File menu
* Significant improvements to Hotkey dialog.

:lemming: The state of the AutoStart checkbox is now remembered per-level when Closing and re-opening the Editor.

:lemming: "Display Tabs" is no longer an option - tab display is the default and only option. This is necessary due to the various UI updates that have happened since Editor 2.0.

:lemming: All dialogs (Hotkeys, Options, About, Validate Level, etc) now appear centre-screen.

:lemming: Fixed bug in which a num up/down box was displayed for Kill All Zombies talisman when it didn't need to be, and wasn't displaying when it did need to be for other talismans.

Have any comments? Please use the SuperLemmix Discussion Topic.

Get your copy of SuperLemmix 2.4 here


2.4.1 Bugfix

Well... I thought I'd reversed the "steel is always steel" change, but it turns out I didn't!

Here's 2.4.1 with this corrected (so, steel behaves exactly as it does in NeoLemmix). If you already have 2.4, you can just download the attached .exe - you don't need to download everything again.

If you don't yet have 2.4, please download the full pack as normal from here.

A reminder of what's new in SuperLemmix.


2.4.2 Bugfix Update :lemming::lemming::lemming:

:lemming: Changelog:

  • Rewind bugfix - Rewind mode no longer makes intermittent large backwards jumps, and instead always performs the intended repeat -3 Frameskips, all the way to the start of the level
  • Rewind and Turbo FF bugfix - the hotkeys for these modes now always respond - no more occasional unresponsive mouse clicks or hotkey presses!
  • Assigning a Freezer to a Timebomber/Radiator with less than 1 second on the timer no longer prevents them from exploding
  • Freezer ice cubes are now always drawn completely above other terrain
  • Freezers explode an extra pixel lower (than in 2.4) when Swimming - much better for "nudging" other Swimmers downwards
  • Rescue, Time and Skill records are now only displayed when a record actually exists (i.e. the level has to have been played in SLX)
  • Rescue, Time and Skill records are also now only displayed when the level has a non-zero save requirement
  • Improved Replay checks for Classic Mode and No Pause talismans
  • The Replay "R" no longer flickers when jumping to min/max Release Rate
  • The Replay "R" is shown when playing a replay in Classic Mode (this behaviour was removed as part of a bugfix in 2.4, but is now restored)
:lemming: Also, an editor update:
  • Kill All Zombies, Play in Classic Mode and Play Without Pressing Pause talismans no longer unnecessarily display ": 0" in the talisman creation dialog

A number of bugfixes and feature updates this time - this one is well worth grabbing! If you already have 2.4 or later, you can just download the attached .zip and paste the .exe files into your current SuperLemmix directory - you don't need to download everything again.

If you don't yet have 2.4 or later, please download the full pack as normal from here.

A reminder of what's new in SuperLemmix 2.4.x


SuperLemmix 2.5 Now Available

This is a major update, so it's strongly recommended that you download this as a fresh installation.

This isn't the feature-packed update that 2.4 and 2.3 were - it's time to start slowing down on new features and making sure that SuperLemmix is as stable as it can be. Feedback is very welcome! For a reminder of everything that's been added to SuperLemmix so far, see the full feature list in the OP.

(The plan is still for a future version of SLX to include online update/download/installation features, removing the need to download everything each time there's an update. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and support.)

:lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat: What's new... :lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat:

New Features

2.5 is pretty much "the Big Zombie Update"!

:lemming: Zombie Walkers now have their own dedicated sprite, which also applies when the Zombie is falling.

:lemming: Zombies now walk at half the speed of regular lemmings.

:lemming: Zombies can now Exit - but, they count as -1 towards the total lems saved!

:lemming: Zombies can now interact with buttons, since they can now also exit.

:lemming: Zombies now collect pickups, but the skills are not added to the panel and are instead eaten!

:lemming: Non-Swimmer lems that encounter Poison now become Zombie-Drifters - these float across the Poison at half the speed of Swimmers, keeping the newly-created Zombie active in the level (previously, they immediately drowned, which seemed a bit redundant - hence the update). Note that this behaviour is for Poison only - Water remains fatal to all non-Swimmer lems.

:lemming: The Skill Panel string now shows a "Z-" prefix for all activities being performed by a Zombie.

:lemming: New Zombie sounds added for infection/level intro, exiting, splatting, falling offscreen and ohnoing.

:lemming: Airborne projectiles that hit Zombies now cause the Zombie to explode (without leaving a destruction crater - this is purely to compliment the Kill All Zombies talisman and provide another way to remove Zombies from a level). Also, grenades detonate on contact with the Zombie.

Plus the following brand new features:

:lemming: New menu sounds added - L2's "OK" when choosing something, and an original sound "Bye" when exiting.

:lemming: Spearers and Grenaders now have a sound when throwing the projectile.

:lemming: Jumper sound from L2 added for Jumpers.

:lemming: Radiation and Slowfreeze objects now have variable countdown timers, along with improved animations and a larger trigger area.

Physics Updates

:lemming: Jumpers & Shimmiers can now be assigned to Swimmers.

:lemming: OhNo-ers and pre-Ice-Cube Freezers can now exit in midair if they're made to arrive at the exit's trigger before they explode.

General Updates

:lemming: Athlete clothes and hair-swapping behaviour has been restored, but the current default will remain as it is.

:lemming: "Set To Alternative Layout" is now "Set To NeoLemmix Layout" in the Hotkeys config.

:lemming: Improved low-res Glider sprite (thanks to jkapp76 for the work on this).


:lemming: Danglers no longer "phase" through <1px high platforms.

:lemming: The Assign Fail sound now only plays the "steel" version when attempting to assign a Miner or Digger (previously, it was always triggered whenever the lem was on steel and any skill couldn't be assigned).

:lemming: Assert message for <0 lemmings no longer displays for Time's Up or Nuke.

Editor Updates

:lemming: Support added for variable countdown on Radiation and Slowfreeze objects.

:lemming: Play in Classic Mode, Play Without Pressing Pause and Kill All Zombies talismans no longer display ": 0" unnecessarily when added to the Talisman Creation dialog.

:lemming: Settings dialog is now displayed centre-screen.

Have any comments? Please use the SuperLemmix Discussion Topic.

Get your copy of SuperLemmix 2.5 here


2.5.1 Bugfix Update :lemming::lemming::lemming:


:lemming: Bugfix - Zombies now always explode after being hit by a grenade - this bugfix involved relaxing the projectile check; it now works as expected following extensive testing, but if you do spot a Zombie not exploding after being hit by a grenade, please report it.

:lemming: Bugfix - Lemmings no longer fall vertically at the right-hand-edge of the level after turning around. This bug arose in 2.5 as the result of an experiment with Wrap physics; previous 2.4 behaviour has now been restored.

:lemming: Bugfix - Time and Skill records are now displayed on the Postview screen after successful completion of a level. This bug resulted from an oversight in checking for a non-zero result.

If you already have 2.5, you can just download the attached .zip and paste the .exe files into your current SuperLemmix directory - you don't need to download everything again.

If you don't yet have 2.5, please download the full pack as normal from here.

A reminder of what's new in SuperLemmix 2.5


I'm aware that the version of the editor included with 2.5.1 shows Ballooner and Ladderer in the "skills" tab.

This is a genuine mistake - these were meant to have been made invisible (and did appear invisible when I tested this prior to release), but for some reason, they are visible.

Since it's a not a game-breaking bug (the skills can be added to the level by the editor, but will simply not appear when the level is opened in the player) and 2.6 will be along shortly anyway, I won't bother releasing a hotfix. Apologies for any inconvenience/distraction this may cause in the meantime.


SuperLemmix 2.6 Now Available

This is a major update, so it's strongly recommended that you download this as a fresh installation.

As always, feedback is very welcome! For a reminder of everything that's been added to SuperLemmix so far, see the full feature list in the OP.

:lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat: What's new... :lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat:

New Features

:lemming: New Skill Introducing the Ladderer, a brand new SuperLemmix-exclusive skill! The lemming unfolds a diagonally-downwards bridge allowing for quick construction. Check it out in action here!

:lemming: New Skill A warm SuperLemmix welcome to the L2 Ballooner! The lemming produces a large helium balloon and floats upwards with a slight diagonal drift in the direction they're facing. The Ballooner is a non-permanent movement skill which interacts with a number of other skill actions, including being cancellable and assignable to pre-placed lems. Check it out in action here!

:lemming: Introducing the SuperLemmix Welcome Pack - this pack of levels will ship with SLX from now on, and showcases all in-game features that have been implemented in SuperLemmix so far. Its difficulty remains easy throughout in order to give players a chance to explore the features at their own pace, whilst also featuring talismans to give experts a greater challenge! It can also be regarded as an extension of the NeoLemmix Introduction Pack, many features of which are of course still relevant in SuperLemmix.

Physics Updates

:lemming: Lasers, Grenades and Spears can now pop balloons as well as kill zombies!

:lemming: Shimmier-Climbers now transition to Climber if they no longer have shimmyable terrain, but they do have climbable terrain (at least 2px thereof) immediately above them - this mimics L2 behaviour

:lemming: Bashers and Fencers can once again be turned by Blockers - this behaviour was removed when implementing sides behaviour in 2.5

General Updates

:lemming: Preview & Postview text can now be custom recoloured per-line by adding textcolours.nxmi to the data folder (applies game-wide) or the level pack's root folder (applies to the current level pack). The default colours remain hard-coded into SLX in the case that a file doesn't exist in either of these locations

:lemming: Added option to load Next Unsolved Level, or Last Active Level (current behaviour) - see this topic for a deeper explanation of how it works

:lemming: The HQ Minimap is no longer displayed for levels larger than 1600px in width, and/or 640px in height. This is to help mitigate gameplay slowdown on larger levels

:lemming: Grenade animation, Freezer overlays and Balloon pop images are now stored in a new "effects" folder within the relevant style - any style featuring custom sprites must include this folder, or else the defaults will be loaded (which may or may not be appropriate, depending on the shape of the custom sprites). This has mainly been done to keep the file system tidy, and to keep all graphics which users may wish to customise in the same place

:lemming: Levels now require at least 1 exit to be playable, unless in test mode (F12 from the Editor)

:lemming: Lemmina names are now included in the "recoloured" versions of the Lemminas styles (classic, slushworld, tealkingdom)

:lemming: Radiation and Slowfreeze countdowns are now hard-capped at 99

:lemming: Updates to the menu signs, glider helper icon and the RR button graphics courtesy of jkapp76

:lemming: Xmas Builder, Stacker and Platformer now have different bag colours

:lemming: Menu Music has been removed - it was a nice idea, but caused way too many behind-the-scenes issues and slowed down loading times, so it had to go


:lemming: Reset Talismans now refreshes the currently-displayed level rather than rebooting the entire treeview

:lemming: Disarmers' skill shadow is no longer interrupted when Building/Platforming/Bashing/Mining/etc into and beyond a disarmed trap's trigger area

:lemming: Fixed some Freezer-related bugs, particularly regarding bottom-of-level behaviour and assignability to drowning lems

:lemming: Mouse action no longer interacts with gameplay when the window isn't focused (this bug was introduced when implementing hold-to-skip mouse buttons back in 2.1)

:lemming: Edge scrolling works once again when Show Minimap is deactivated

:lemming: Implemented this bugfix from NeoLemmix preventing walker-blocker combos from pushing lemmings through solid terrain - N.B. this fix has not yet been released in NeoLemmix, so may require further attention to guarantee stability

Editor Updates

:lemming: Support for Ladderer and Ballooner added

:lemming: Maximum level width increased to 6400px, maximum height decreased to 1600px

:lemming: Maximum number of lems increased to 1000

Have any comments? Please use the SuperLemmix Discussion Topic.

Get your copy of SuperLemmix 2.6 here


2.6.1 Hotfix Update :lemming::lemming::lemming:


:lemming: Radiation and Slowfreeze now have different coloured countdown timers - red for radiation, blue for slowfreeze. These are also customisable by editing the relevant .png files in gfx/mask

:lemming: Pickup numbers are no longer displayed after the pickup has been collected

:lemming: Sounds and styles for GigaLem's Festival Millas have been added (the styles are included in the main styles download)

:lemming: Bugfix - the new game loading options no longer treat cheated levels as solved, and still load the next level as normal regardless of which option is chosen

:lemming: Bugfix - the skill panel display now reads correctly for neutral zombies ("ZN-" instead of "Z- N- ZN-")

:lemming: Bugfix - removed Hoverboarder skill from Hotkeys dialog

To get this update, please download SuperLemmix as normal from here.

A reminder of what's new in SuperLemmix 2.6



SuperLemmix 2.7 Now Available

This is a major update, so it's best to download this as a fresh installation.

As always, feedback is very welcome! For a reminder of everything that's been added to SuperLemmix so far, see the full feature list in the OP.

:lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat: What's new... :lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat:

Please note that the "Replay" folder is now titled "replays" (all lowercase) - please copy your existing replay files into that folder.
I've added a replay to the download just for fun - right-click and Windows-associate the file with the SLX 2.7 .exe, then click it and see what happens ;P

New Features

:lemming: At long last - a dedicated Classic Mode Button has been added to Menu Screen and Level Preview Screen! This was the very first "dream feature" that prompted me to begin work on SuperLemmix, and it's now been realised! Besides looking pretty, it's now possible to toggle Classic Mode on-and-off on the fly which removes the need to menu-dive when encountering a "Play in Classic Mode" talisman, and hopefully encourages players to give it a try now and again :lemcat:

:lemming: New Object - Collectibles - Collectibles are objects whose only purpose is to be collected! Records are tracked in the preview and level select screens, and the level designer can choose to make invinciblity a reward for gathering all collectibles in a single level...

:lemming: "Invincible" Lemming State - Invincible lems can survive any fall, are immune to traps and fire, can swim in all water object types, don't get zombified, are de-neutralised if originally neutral, can leave freezer cubes and bomber craters without being killed during the fireworks, and can use as many skills as they like!

:lemming: Lava is now its own water object type - swimmable only by Invincible lems!

:lemming: Infinite Skills Hotkey - this sets all skill counts on the current panel to infinity, allowing the player to experiment with different solutions, get a better feel for the various skill actions, or just have fun with the level without having to worry about the skill count! This should also prove to be a particularly useful tool for level creation as well. Once Infinite Skills mode is active, pressing the key again resets the game to the point at which the mode was first activated, so that the level can be played normally (all skill actions are preserved in the replay, but only those for which there are enough skills will play out from this point on)

:lemming: End-of-Gameplay Behaviour is now much more comprehensive - in most cases, play will no longer exit to postview unless the save requirement has been met. Overtime will be applied whenever (time is up and there are still lems to be saved), (only zombies remain and there is a Kill All Zombies talisman), and the game will freeze if (all lemmings are removed and the save requirement hasn't been met). This may later be changed and refined, and options may be added, but for now it's the overall best possible behaviour for all possible states

:lemming: .nxrp File Association - .nxrp replay files can now be associated with the SuperLemmix Player in Windows. When associated, clicking a replay file will open SuperLemmix and load the level & replay, ready to be played back immediately!

:lemming: The Replay "R" icon is now animated - it can also be clicked to cancel the replay, even in Replay Insert mode

:lemming: Hotkey-to-Skill Panel Button Assignment - as well as assigning hotkeys to specific skills, it's now possible to assign hotkeys to panel buttons themselves, regardless of which skill happens to be assigned to that button for the current level being played

:lemming: Fall Distance Ruler has been updated to only show the actual fall distance, nothing else. It also now has the same colour cycle effect as objects in Clear Physics Mode; this has been done so that it's easier to distinguish between the ruler and any surrounding terrain/objects, although this can be toggled off in the Options menu if users would prefer the solid colour ruler

:lemming: "Icons" folder added to styles with custom sprites - 'levelinfo_icons', 'talismans' and 'panel_icons' can now be customised per-style

:lemming: The SuperLemmix Welcome Pack has been updated to include levels featuring Collectibles and Invincibility, as well as improvements to various other levels

Physics Updates

:lemming: New "Turner" state added for transitioning between Shimmier and Climber on a vertical overhang

:lemming: Ballooners now turn-and-push away from the wall when assigned to a Climber, Slider, or wall-adjactent lemming

:lemming: Ballooner "pop" collision is now slightly larger to prevent the lem turning when popping is more reasonably expected

:lemming: Blockers can be assigned to Swimmers - the effect is that the Blocker is "treading water" - they can be cancelled with a Walker skill

:lemming: Climbers, Sliders and Drifters now bypass "oh no" and "freezing" phases when assigned a (Time)Bomber or Freezer (or after Slowfreeze/Radiation countdown)

:lemming: The lem count is now decreased at the end of the Sleeper animation rather than the beginning

General Updates

:lemming: Many styles have been updated to reflect the changes in 2.7 - it's definitely worth updating your copy - go here to get the latest SuperLemmix styles

:lemming: Default pickups, buttons and updrafts have been updated - Pickups, in particular, are now larger and display the relevant explosion graphic for (Time)Bombers

:lemming: Highlit lemmings are now drawn as selected (the arrow is still shown as normal)

:lemming: "Flipper" has been renamed to "Splitter" both code-side and in the helper graphics. So, the official and only name for this object is now "Splitter"

:lemming: "Background" objects have been renamed to "Decoration" for clarity, but behave exactly the same as before

:lemming: Lemmings now shrug and the "OK" sound is played when a level is cheated. This is just for fun!

:lemming: The option to recolour Swimmer sprites separately from other athletes has been added. This must be done by manually editing the scheme.nxmi file - instructions can be found here - Swimmers are otherwise recoloured as normal athletes by default

:lemming: Some unnecessary render layers have been removed; hopefully, this will improve graphics rendering performance

:lemming: The SLX QuickMod Tool has also been updated. Go here to see what's new


:lemming: Timebomber explosion particles are now the correct colour when a Timebomber is assigned after a Freezer being assigned (previously, the Freezer explosion colours were applied)

:lemming: LMB-clicking in midair no longer cues the assign fail sound when a lemming is highlit

:lemming: In Level Select screen, "Reset Talismans" now only redraws the Talisman buttons rather than the entire level preview screen

:lemming: Exit count numbers are now centred over the exit

Editor Updates

:lemming: Bugfix & UI improvement - Levels with missing pieces no longer create infinite popups; instead, a status bar is used to inform the player that the level has missing pieces

:lemming: Furthermore, saving a level with missing pieces will create a unique file rather than overwriting the original

:lemming: Support added for Collectibles, Lava and Decoration objects

:lemming: Support added for Invincibility - allowing this for Collectibles is designer-side optional; if checked, the lemming to grab the final Collectible will become Invincible for the remainder of the level, whilst if unchecked then Collectibles in that level will have no effect other than updating the records

:lemming: Improved Pickup Skill graphics

Have any comments? Please use the SuperLemmix Discussion Topic.

Please note that the "Replay" folder is now titled "replays" (all lowercase) - please copy your existing replay files into that folder.

I've added a replay to the download just for fun, right-click and Windows-associate the file with the SLX 2.7 .exe, then click it and see what happens ;P

Get your copy of SuperLemmix 2.7 here


2.7.1 Hotfix Update :lemming::lemming::lemming:


:lemming: The Postview screen now has its own cursor (lemming asleep in bed from Amiga version)

:lemming: Added all Skill Buttons (1-14) to Advanced Hotkey layout

:lemming: Bugfix - Blockers are now only drawn to the lower render layer when in water (prevents regular Blockers being drawn behind terrain and other objects)

:lemming: Bugfix - the correct number of dashes "-----" is now shown for athlete info (it now includes Invincible lems)

To get this update, please download SuperLemmix as normal from here.

Alternatively, if you already have 2.7, simply download the attached .exe and paste-replace it into your existing SLX directory.

A reminder of what's new in SuperLemmix 2.7


2.7.2 Hotfix Update :lemming::lemming::lemming:

A number of bugfixes and updates this time around, well worth getting this as it's way more stable than the previous 2.7 iterations.


:lemming: Infinite Skills hotkey is now Numpad 8 by default (it was previously Insert, which was a bad idea due to the existing Windows functionality of this key)

:lemming: Restored "level attempted" treeview icon in level select, so a different icon will be shown when a level has been attempted but not completed - this is experimental for now, if people don't like it we can always go back to not using it

:lemming: Improved visibility of treeview icons - e.g. when a check mark overlays a talisman icon, it's now much more visible than previously

:lemming: Timebombers, Radiators and Slowfreezers now have dedicated panel text when hovered over

:lemming: Bugfix - Restarting now always resets "game was paused" status, so restarting a level will never fail a "Play Without Pressing Pause" talisman (I thought I'd already done this, but it needed a different approach to the one I used previously)

:lemming: Bugfix - meanwhile, pressing Rewind now counts as a fail when attempting a "Play Without Pressing Pause" talisman

:lemming: Bugfix - Jumpers now have a "bounce allowance" of 3 bounces when Jumping against a wall or other terrain; once they have bounced and turned 3 times, they will fall when they next hit terrain

:lemming: Bugfix - fixed various water object bugs related to position checks; all water objects are now handled separately, and Swimmer>Jumpers do an additional terrain check to prevent "clip-Jumping" through water-overlapped terrain

:lemming: Bugfix - Talisman icons are now displayed correctly when set by style rather than level pack or default menu gfx

:lemming: Bugfix - "No Auto Replay" is now "Auto Replay" internally as well as in the config menu - the internal logic has been reversed where necessary, and this has been thoroughly tested

:lemming: Bugfix - fixed cursor file path; only the hi-res postview cursor was working, they should both work now

:lemming: Bugfix - restored original digit alignment; turns out these are handled per-object, which makes way more sense

Other updates:

:lemming: Styles - updated digit alignment for orig and ohno exits, and default pickup

:lemming: Editor - added "Cleanse Levels" menu item - this automatically re-saves all levels in a specified pack to ensure compatibility and tidy up the text file; this has been added mainly for use alongside the QuickMod tool, but it may also come in handy for pack creators, particularly when updating an older pack

To get this update, please download SuperLemmix as normal from here - please note that, due to updates to styles and menu gfx, the update must be downloaded in full.

A reminder of what's new in SuperLemmix 2.7


2.7.3 Hotfix Update :lemming::lemming::lemming:

This one's optional, but adds a few features that you may find handy when playing through Lemminas Origins.


:lemming: Classic Mode status is now written into the replay, so replays are marked as having been completed in Classic Mode. Note that this isn't used for passing the Talisman - it's purely for reference.

:lemming: Amiga-style "cursor flicker" implemented - particularly handy for selecting an opposite-direction-facing lemming when mousing to the left or right of a crowd in Classic Mode ;)

To get this update, please download SuperLemmix as normal from here.

Alternatively, if you already have 2.7.2, simply download the attached zip and paste-replace it into your SLX directory.

[move]A reminder of what's new in SuperLemmix 2.7[/move]



SuperLemmix 2.8 Now Available

This is a major update, so it's best to download this as a fresh installation.

As always, feedback is very welcome! For a reminder of everything that's been added to SuperLemmix so far, see the full feature list in the OP.

:lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat: What's new... :lemcat: :lemcat: :lemcat:

New Features

:lemming: Playback Mode - this allows replay files to be played back as a continuous playlist without the need to manually load the level and replay each time! The selectable options are to playback by Replay (in the order they appear in the folder), by Level (in the order the levels appear in the current pack), or Randomized

:lemming: Rivals! These are Lemmings that wear red instead of blue tunics, and must be guided to their own exit. If a lemming goes into the wrong exit, the save count is decreased by 1! See the SuperLemmix Welcome Pack for 5 brand new Rivals levels which showcase some of the possibilities of this new-to-lemmings concept

:lemming: Mass Replay Check is now Replay Manager. The replay result (Passed, Talisman, etc) can now be added to the .nxrp filename when renaming, plus some other minor tweaks to make the dialog more user-friendly

:lemming: Hints added to the Skill Panel (optional via config menu) when mousing-over any panel button/item

:lemming: Amiga Theme added! A purely cosmetic feature which sets all menu and panel gfx to an Amiga-style colour scheme and layout

:lemming: Menu screens now Fade In as well as Out when transitioning

:lemming: The Skill Panel is now Hi-res only, regardless of game setting (low-res gameplay is unaffected by this update)

Physics Updates

:lemming: Exits are now given priority over all other objects wherever the triggers overlap

:lemming: Relaxed Builder collision - removed the infamous "belly check" so that Builders only stop when they meet obstructive terrain at their foot or head position

:lemming: Jumpers and Reachers can now phase through any solid pixels below the lem's original head height - see this topic for details

:lemming: Top-of-Level now behaves like a forcefield wherever possible - see this topic for details

:lemming: Lemmings that spawn outside of the visible level area (for any reason) are automatically saved!

General Updates

:lemming: DMA Compilation Pack re-vamped to package all miscellaneous levels into two packs - Yippee! Even More Lemmings and Lemmings Multiverse. The Holiday levels are also compiled into a single sub-pack

:lemming: 5 Rivals levels added to SuperLemmix Welcome Pack

:lemming: Improvements to Skill Panel visuals - Time limits are now shown in blue instead of yellow and the font has been improved

:lemming: NXRP file association update - the Level selection dialog now shows the pack name in brackets for easier browsing when levels have the same ID and title

:lemming: In the Replay Edit dialog, it's now possible to skip to any selected replay event by pressing the dedicated button, [space], [enter] or by double-clicking the event in the replay list

:lemming: Some of the Classic Mode features that don't make much sense as individual options (e.g. Hide Frameskipping, Hide Advanced Select) have now been integrated into the general Classic Mode option

:lemming: Tooltip hints added to some Config and Level Select menu items

:lemming: Improved Postview cursor hotspot position

:lemming: Level info icons have been updated to include Rivals, and are now the sole source of lemming icons throughout the program (Level Select screen, Talisman popup, Skill Panel, etc)


:lemming: No Pause talisman checks have been improved - after thorough testing, the talisman should now always pass when Pause/Frameskip is not used during gameplay

:lemming: Jumpers can now teleport in midair

:lemming: Teleporter cycle must be fully complete for teleporting lem to be zombifyable

:lemming: Fixed trigger area positionings of flipped/inverted/rotated objects - NOTE THAT THIS MAY AFFECT EXISTING LEVELS

:lemming: NXRP file association - the correct menu/panel gfx, etc. for the chosen level are now correctly loaded into the player

:lemming: When performing a replay check with another user's replays, talisman-passing replays are now marked as such without updating the user's own records

:lemming: Exits for orig and ohno styles now show the lemming cap digit when/if the count is at 0

:lemming: Updated Orig and OhNo Exits so that their "Top" positions are always the actual top of the total image (i.e. including wherever a Secondary animation fills the top part of the Exit graphic) - PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS UPDATE WILL AFFECT ANY LEVELS WHICH USE THESE EXITS - TAKE CARE WHEN PORTING LEVELS ACROSS FROM NEOLEMMIX! - the QuickMod tool has been updated to help with this

:lemming: Improved position of hatch & exit helpers

:lemming: Spriteset recolouring is now correct when falling back to default sprites

:lemming: Vastly improved Level Select treeview loading time - it's still not perfect, but it's much better than previously

:lemming: We now make absolutely sure SLX is in the foreground before trapping the cursor (this bug was introduced in a previous version of SLX)

:lemming: The "fallback to default" message is now shown only when the level is about to be played (i.e. it's no longer shown in the Level Select menu or anywhere else)

:lemming: Further improved Rewind feature for smoothness/responsiveness

:lemming: We now fallback to default effects in hi-res if none are found in style's effects folder

:lemming: When using the Cheat hotkey, Pause/Rewind/FF/etc are cancelled

:lemming: Removed obsolete WINE warnings

Editor Updates

:lemming: Helper icons added to show pre-placed lem/hatch/exit properties

:lemming: Support for Rivals added

:lemming: Fixed trigger area repositionings for rotated/flipped/inverted objects to match with Player update

:lemming: Added Save As Image option (plus shortcut) to the File manu - this saves a .png image of the currently loaded level

:lemming: Added buttons for Random Skillset and Set All Skills To Zero

:lemming: The total number of collectibles is now tracked in the .nxlv file upon saving

:lemming: Zoom factor is now 1 instead of 0 when opening the Editor

:lemming: Cleanse Levels update - we now show a progress bar during the process, and re-initialize the Editor when it's finished

:lemming: Added option to use comma and period keys for draw sooner/draw later (good for keyboards that have PgUp and PgDn as fn/shift keys)

Have any comments? Please use the SuperLemmix Discussion Topic.

[move]Get your copy of SuperLemmix 2.8 here[/move]