Simon streamed Lix puzzles: Wed 2025-02-26, Nepsterlix

Started by Simon, December 21, 2022, 05:56:52 PM

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I'll stream Lix singleplayer tomorrow, Saturday, June 1st, starting 17:00 UTC.

I'm planning to play the Classy rank from geoo's pack. Or should we wait with that until geoo has time to watch, and instead play late lemforum/Hopeless, or early Nepsterlems?

As usual: Join the chat and help solve, unless you know the solution already. Apparently, this is more lenient than most other people's puzzle-solving streams. Most solvers don't want any backseating, but I'm happy to take ideas.

My feedback from my streams about geoo's pack

-- Simon


The next stream was on Sunday, Feburary 9th:

I'm back in Lix development, with singleplayer features to playtest during this stream:

  • Scissors mouse cursor when you can click air to cancel the replay. Will it be annoying?
  • Small scissors next to the cursor, or a small "+" sign in insert mode, when the cursor opens over a lix during the replay.
  • Explain the gadget in the infobar whenever the mouse hovers over a gadget. E.g.: "Goal. Save 10/20 to win." Or: "Catapult. Flings +4, ↑16 in 8 ticks." These texts appear where "Lix #7 is bashing" would also appear.

I'll play NepsterLix, and I'll start at its very beginning.

Over the years, I have looked only sporadically at NepsterLix, ClamLix, and Rubix's pack. I want to try them properly. Last year, I've played geoo's pack on stream, and I can still warmly recommend that.

-- Simon


Stream is over!

-- Simon


Next stream will be Tuesday, Feburary 18th.

I'll play more NepsterLix.

Assignments from clicks will play with the usual sound (ding). Assignments from replays will play with a different sound: The ding lowered by a quint. Let's see how this feels in practice. I've even made it a purely-intonated quint, and it's −2 dB from the original ding.

I've removed the big scissors cursor again. Reason: In the previous stream on Feb 9th, I wanted to point at things with the crosshair, but I had no crosshair because the entire cursor turned into scissors.

Now, you'll always have the crosshair. The small sidekick will be scissors when you can cut the replay.

-- Simon


Stream is over! Recording will remain for 14 days at:

-- Simon


The next stream was Saturday, 2025-02-22.

More Nepsterlix. My solutions to 5-of-all, Moon, Planet.

I was happy with the UI during the stream, and released Lix 0.10.30 after the stream.

-- Simon


Stream is over!

-- Simon


Next stream: Wednesday, February 26th.

I'll play more NepsterLix. Join Twitch chat or the Lix IRC (Quakenet #lix, I'll read both) and help solve!

I've added a note in my Lix that will be visible in this stream, to make it really explicit that we'll solve the puzzles together. In most other puzzle streams on the internet, you're disallowed from giving hints to puzzles. But my stream is different. It's fun to solve together!

-- Simon


Stream is over! Recording will remain for 14 days at:

-- Simon