entrance order in original Lemmings

Started by ccexplore, July 04, 2006, 09:39:28 PM

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I just noticed today that in the DOS version of original Lemmings, apparently when there are 2 entrances, the order in which lemmings come out are 1,2,2,1, rather than the expected 1,2,1,2.

I believe this only holds true for the very original DOS version (where vgalemmi.exe is like 30K or so; if you have the version where vgalemmi.exe is over 100K then it's not the "very original").  It doesn't hold for ONML, and I don't think it holds for Xmas Lemmings or CustLemm either (though I haven't checked).  It doesn't hold for the non-DOS versions of the game as far as I know.

The "very original" version I have comes from abandonia.com.  Can someone who got the "very original" version from elsewhere verify for me whether what I said is true?  Taxing 2 and Taxing 4 are good for checking.  Thanks.


I checked Taxing 2 and 4.
Both use the release order: 1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2.
So one lemming from the first entry and after that always 2 lemmings from the same entry.
VgaLemmi is about 30 KB.
I never noticed.


Wow, I can't believe I didn't notice that before  :shocked: I suppose because it doesn't very much impact the particular levels that have 2 entrances.

(Of course, if you need custom levels in the original Lemmings that have the 1, 2, 1, 2 behavior, you can use 4 entrances, 1 and 3 at the 1st, and 2 and 4 at the 2nd.)


Now that kinda bothers me. Is the entry order in these cases level breaking or is it just "different"?
Last time we discussed this, everyone agreed that only 3 entries were different.
Is this 1221 thing really restricted to the ("original") DOS version? Has someone already checked the Amiga version?


I have specifically checked the Amiga version and it uses the normal 1,2,1,2 order.  And also in DOS ONML it is also 1,2,1,2.  In fact, there's a version of DOS Lemmings that came on a CD with this solution book by Mark Tsai/Psynosis, that version also uses 1,2,1,2.  So I'm pretty confident it is restricted to original DOS Lemmings.

So keep 1,2,1,2 for Lemmini I'd say.

Mr. K

This is interesting.  I'm going to go pop in my Lemmings disk (I don't believe it's an original, as the manual had ads for Lemmings 2 and the Mac version of L1) and see if it holds out in later versions.