Lemmings 3 level file format

Started by Mindless, June 25, 2006, 03:52:32 AM

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I've posted my Lemmings 3 level files documentation on my site... but I'm missing 2 bytes (0x16-0x17) of the LEVELxxx.DAT files, so if someone could figure out what these bytes do, I thank them and drop their name in the doc.

I've also figured out the format for some of the graphics of Lemmings 3 (mostly Lemming and creature animations) and I'm still working on the others.


Well, the first of those seems to be the amount of lemmings you can get extra in the level. At least this applies for the first six Classic and Egyptian levels (didn't check the others).
The second is almost everytime 0x02, an exception I found is Level205 (Egyptian 5), it is 0x0b there. No idea what it's meant to be.


Quote from: geoo89 on June 25, 2006, 11:30:20 AM
Well, the first of those seems to be the amount of lemmings you can get extra in the level. At least this applies for the first six Classic and Egyptian levels (didn't check the others).
The second is almost everytime 0x02, an exception I found is Level205 (Egyptian 5), it is 0x0b there. No idea what it's meant to be.

Thanks, that appears to be what 0x16 is, so I'll put it in the doc.  If it helps, I've written a little program to list all the bytes of the level files.  It needs to be in the LEVELS directory or it won't do anything.