Most annoying Lemmings level to you (any game)?

Started by Monkineer, November 27, 2021, 07:24:40 PM

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Quote from: Ron_Stard on November 28, 2021, 12:46:56 PM
"Take Up Archery", from Lemmings 2, is the hardest and most annoying level of all the saga. I'm sure most players would agree with me :evil::devil:

Yup, most definitely! Ugh, I remember the numerous restarts because I couldn't aim the arrows correctly.

Another L2 level I want to add is Highland 4 (I think it's Highland 4?), "A mere stone's throw." where you have to make a ramp with stones/rocks. It's a nice concept and all, but it's so annoying to get right without getting anyone trapped.

Quote from: mobius on January 02, 2023, 11:07:04 PM
nobody has mentioned "How Do We Get Up There" from Lemmings Revolution:

The worst kind of annoying; the devs took a concept that seems good on paper, or at least has potential then ruined it.

Sadly the ridiculous time limit completely ruins what would otherwise be a good level. What makes this level so hard is not only the time limit but with time limit removed altogether, I argue it would still be decent challenge. It looks pretty straight forward but turns out more complex than it at first seems, getting multiple worker lemmings where you need to go, a lack of skills and saving 100% isn't trivial by any means. I remember, back in the day being stumped on this level for a while before figuring out the proper route... BEFORE even realizing the problem of the time limit.

Completely agree there mobius! It's a great level and all, but the super tight time limit makes it so annoying that I dread having to do the level again after finally getting everything right, only to have to do it again because I ran out of time.

Another Revolution level I can add: I think it's called "Don't let them out!" If you remember, it took me nearly 2 hours on camera before I finally got it solved! At least when you're trying for what I believe is the intended solution to the level. Again, while you have more time available here than the level you mentioned, we still have a super tight time limit and the execution is so nightmarish to pull off on the level. Not only that, there's also a lot of good timing needed and even the annoyance of the bug of a 50:50 chance of either surviving or splatting, and on top of all of that one of the spinning gear traps has a really huge hitbox that makes it so hard to avoid by building over it. All with a very limited skillset that nearly provides no room for error.

Video of me solving the level with what might be the intended solution:

Quote from: Dullstar on February 25, 2023, 04:45:19 AM
We All Fall Down.

The solution is of course trivial, having been designed for the original game as an extreme example of a level where doing the solution is where the difficulty comes from rather than figuring it out. But from that regard, really only the Mayhem and maybe the Taxing versions are "interesting" in the sense that they may require a slightly different solution just to be reasonably completable, although NL framestepping tools show that the level DOES actually have enough space to do the trivial solution, if you can somehow pull it off without those player assists. And ultimately the thing that you have to do to be able to pass it isn't very interesting; it's just finicky because it's easy to have to start over because of a single very slightly mistimed input.

The interesting thing is that these levels are completely trivialized in ports where you have the increased fall distance before splatting, as you can win by doing nothing in this case, since they'll survive the fall without needing to dig. You can also avoid the challenge altogether in ports where digger cancelling is possible. In NL, for example, it's possible to complete the level using only two diggers!

If anything, I feel like the challenge could had been increased further at least for the Taxing and Mayhem versions by providing you with way less diggers than there are lemmings for those levels. Like probably half the number of diggers or even less. Maybe considerably shorten the diggable platform even. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


Triple Trouble on PS1
and King of the Castle on any version.

While im at it, just. PS1's Taxing Rank, due to the flawed frame work and controls, I find the PS1 version to be the worst non-8 bit version of Lemmings. Why the heck does the cursor have momentum?!


Quote from: GigaLem on February 25, 2023, 08:08:27 AM
Triple Trouble on PS1
and King of the Castle on any version.

While im at it, just. PS1's Taxing Rank, due to the flawed frame work and controls, I find the PS1 version to be the worst non-8 bit version of Lemmings. Why the heck does the cursor have momentum?!

What I find annoying about the Playstation port in general is that the music isn't assigned to a certain level at a time. It instead skips to the next song like a cycling playlist once you make a mistake and have to repeat the same level again. Plus half the tunes are missing in this port which could be because of several issues.

1. The disc was full of data and didn't have enough room to hold the entire 22 something playlist in redbook audio.

2. The growing awareness of copyright music may have become more of a deterrent at that point that it was far easier to just ignore the tracks that might offend or cause copyright? Go figure?

At least this port had someting I liked, ''Oh No More Lemmings'' expansion pack added.

The Tomato Watcher

Quote from: Adrian060756 on February 26, 2023, 04:36:31 AM
What I find annoying about the Playstation port in general is that the music isn't assigned to a certain level at a time. It instead skips to the next song like a cycling playlist once you make a mistake and have to repeat the same level again. Plus half the tunes are missing in this port which could be because of several issues.

1. The disc was full of data and didn't have enough room to hold the entire 22 something playlist in redbook audio.

2. The growing awareness of copyright music may have become more of a deterrent at that point that it was far easier to just ignore the tracks that might offend or cause copyright? Go figure?

It's the latter. Well, the special levels aren't in the game in the first place so it makes sense why those tracks aren't here, but aside from that, IIRC Tim10 caused some trouble (don't remember the details) and it turns out Doggie wasn't actually public domain either, hence why those two tracks are missing from the Windows version and all subsequent releases.


Quote from: GigaLem on February 25, 2023, 08:08:27 AM
King of the Castle on any version.

I was about to link the NES version of this level but uh, yea, never enjoyed this stage at all. On any version.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


For Normal Lemmings, it was all versions of "We all fall down". For ONML, it was "Dolly Dimple." Dolly Dimple made me scream at my PS2 and rage quit, whereas We all fall down was simply done for me by someone else.


There is just so much hate for We All Fall Down!!!

So, I need to re-address the balance. I think it's a great level, here's me playing it on the Amiga without pressing pause:

Normal solution
Cheeky 3-Digger solution


You did We all fall down without stopping?

You are one brave man, my dude.


In 2021 I did a let's play of Lemmings on Both the SNES and Genesis versions, one level I can't stand is "Lemmings Ark"

That level is a pain to get right, lining up everything correctly, the timing, selecting the right lemming, making sure you mined at the right location.

I had to speed up all of my failed takes and vent out how much of a pain it is to play that level. When I say I miss playing Neolemmix, levels like those are why.


Agreed. Level 30 of Mayhem on the Mega Drive should be titled ''A Bastard Of A Level.'' I've played the Mga Drive game for 30 years and can breeze through it without even having to think about the solutions except that one level. I always have to watch an old rerun I recorded of it to jog my memory in order to pass it.

Mr Esc

The only version of We All Fall Down that used to annoy me was the one in Tricky. Knowing there are 28 better levels after it, getting stuck there did make me impatient when I was younger. Its not the worst level at all though really

The things that can potentially be annoying for me are trying to assign a skill in a crowded spot and naturally it going the wrong way (especially in the Mega Drive version). Tight time limits can be annoying for me too as under pressure I make silly mistkaes sometimes . Can't pick just one but levels like Heaven Can Wait, Tightrope City and The Fast Food Kitchen would be way up there.


I think orginal/Snes lemmings Mayhem 29 Save Me & SUNSOFT SPECIAL 2 I am AT

Oh No More Lemmings. thats definitely Havoc 20 (final level) Look Before You Leap. Those absolutely pixel perfect bombs aim are extremely hard without tools and Rock style level not really give good landmarks.

NES Lemmings contains few ones. Mayhem 19 & 20 Easily two hardest levels. Its just because this NES controll system are very crap. I think if you play those levels with GB version you have much more help with pause buttons. I already beat all NES & SNES Lemmings levels without pause button. IIRC that NES level 19 was hardest but 20 requires some good idea, its not was that hard anymore.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


(With a twist of lemming please) was a very annoying level, I remember not making all the lemmings a parachute and then they went splatter.  I remember also near the end of the level not getting the basher bashing in the right direction as they were too many lemmings.  A hard and annoying level.