[NeoLemmix] Which levels can be solved without using any Player-Assist Tools

Started by MASTER-88, November 23, 2021, 11:10:35 PM

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Okay we talking about pause free solutions in other lemmings version.

Yes i got my NeoLemmix work around week ago. I load Plus 1 pack and i am completed whole Mild, Whimpy & Medi difficulty and 18 levels in Danger difficulty.

At this point i am have to used framestep button only two levels. Medi 20 The Diving boards. This level was really hard. For sure its could be possible without framestep/pixel step button. I count 7-8 pixel perfect timing in this level.

How about Danger 18 The build station? I count 25 pixel perfect timings in one row.
Its more than any lemmings games solutions ever. IIRC Some SNES lemminsg hardest solutions challenges like Pillar of Hercules 2 lost requires use some 8-12 pixel timings in one row. Though you cannot use frame step button any console lemmings.

About Danger 18 The Build station. Here is simply replay. Its look easy level to make in replay. IMO this is nearly impossible level make without frame step button used. Without pausing is even more impossible. I just did it using heavy amount pausing and frame steps. Replay make it look easy.

Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


When I saw the title for this topic I thought it might be a discussion about levels in NeoLemmix which require the pause/framestep buttons in order to execute the intended solution. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are plenty.

My thoughts on this are that the engine provides these facilities, so it's absolutely OK for a NeoLemmix-made level to require them and I don't think it should be discouraged, generally. It also makes it interesting to see which levels can be solved without these (or indeed other) player-assist tools.

So, good topic! I might join in with this at some point; I've been meaning to see which Lemminas levels can be played pause/frameskip-free, but have had too much other stuff to do. I suspect that some of the levels will be impossible without the pause button tbh :forehead: I might even go so far as to see which can be solved without using any player-assists (direction select, skill shadows, etc)...


QuoteWhen I saw the title for this topic I thought it might be a discussion about levels in NeoLemmix which require the pause/framestep buttons in order to execute the intended solution. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are plenty.

Yeah i´ll totally agree with this at this point game. This is way much harder than any console or other PC lemmings version. At least pause button is 100% mandatory. Probably not need use frame steps if you are really master player. Some levels requires so many pixel step timings, so i think this framestep is nearly mandatory too.
Video games player.
See my youtube: Several games videos includes lemmings

My Huge Lemmings Projects

Lemmings Custom + Triology 394 Levels
Custom +1 (120 Levels)
Custom +2 (124 Levels)
Custom +3 (150 Levels)
Amiga Classic Special (30 Levels)

Lemmings World 150 Levels

My SNES Lemmings MAX Points Project


(Suggested modification for this challenge):

For this challenge, the goal is to find which levels can be solved without using any of the Player-Assist Tools (PAT) which NeoLemmix offers. Since the platform has introduced a number of these, it's become more likely that levels written specifically for NeoLemmix will require them in order for the level to be solved.

Here's a list of the PAT which NeoLemmix offers. The challenge will be to play through the levels without using any of these - so, really, we're looking for which levels absolutely require one or more of these to be used in order for it to be solvable:

:lemming: Assign-Whilst-Paused (Pause by itself is allowed, but no assignments may be made whilst the game is paused)
:lemming: Framestepping
:lemming: Direction Select
:lemming: Skill Shadows
:lemming: Clear Physics Mode
:lemming: Splat Ruler
:lemming: Highlight Lemming
:lemming: Skill Queuing
:lemming: And of course, Replay mode

Since the original games were written for Amiga, which doesn't feature any of these (and doesn't allow skills to be assigned whilst the game is paused), it's safe to assume that all of these levels are possible.

So, we're looking more at custom content for this challenge, and - even more specifically - that which is made for NXLV (new formats).

I've attached custom settings which disable any of the above features which can be disabled, and which uses the most minimal Hotkey layout; add these to your NeoLemmix/settings directory [BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR EXISTING ONES FIRST]. Feel free to add hotkeys for skill selection, fast forward, exit/skip level, restart and other general interface stuff - the idea is that none of the above features should be assigned to a hotkey, to make it easier to resist using them.

Note that the username in the settings file is set to "Player-Assist Challenge"; you can either leave it as this if you wish your contribution to the challenge to remain anonymous, or you can rename it. You can also of course modify the graphics/audio and other general settings to your liking.

Please do not upload videos as verification unless the level is particularly challenging or interesting. Replays will be accepted as verification on a trust basis to avoid a situation where many videos are being uploaded needlessly - for the most part, if you say you solved the level without using PAT, we'll believe you! However, if there are any levels which are revealed to be particularly difficult to solve without PAT, then we may ask for a video verification as well.

Good luck, and enjoy the challenge!