Pie Craft

Started by Ice_Eagle, June 04, 2006, 03:39:02 PM

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I trade the game to some guy with crossed eyes and his tongue hanging out of his mouth who really likes baseball.  He has no idea that all he's getting is a big collection of stats.  He trades me for a pie.

A juke box that exists only in the fourth, fifth, and sixth dimensions.


I take a taxi to the fifth dimension, walk into a...what is this thing? anyway, I go in, turn it on, and save up enough...things with the money gained from it to go buy a pie... Atleast I think that's what it is.

A grain of rice


In the national sciene competition, I decide to put a grain of rice into my chemical mixture to see what happens. The new mixture turns the whole building into a disco house! I notice a table full of food, including pies. Quickly, I sneak over to the table, stuff the pies into my jacket, and run out of the building. Free Food!

A box full of snakes.

(should I have made it one pie? or are multiple pies ok)


(multiple pies are fine, as long as you comw out with atleast one intact pie, then the solution works. You may have noticed also, that the laws of physics don't necessarily have to exist, although they should to a degree.)

I sign all of the snakes up for a race that has pie as the reward. Then, I train them in the fine art of "running". (they call it speed-slithering)

After about one month of that I give up. How do you teach something how to move fast when nobody even understands how that something moves at all? I take them to an expert on snakes, and they tell me that there is no way to train snakes that humans know of, but the snakes know exactly how to train for speed-slithering. So, I have them train themselves and one of them wins the race.

They hand the pie to Jimmy (the first place "runner" who is one of my snakes) and he starts to leave with it when someone accuses him of cheating. The claim is made and it is discovered that  Jimmy is a snake! :scared: He is disqualified, (which is really discriminatory, just becuase he's a snake? He should have a disadvantage because of that!) Someone asks who his owner is, but by then I'm halfway back home with the pie safely in my backseat. Thank goodness I didn't put my name on the sign-up forms anywhere!

And then I have a pie.

(not including the program needed to create a character, and the operating system, 8 bytes are needed to make 1 character.)

Use a stick of RAM with one byte to get a pie.


I stick a load of flash stickers over my stick which says things like: "The one and only 2 Terabyte memory stick!" and such things as: "It can be yours right now, for the measly price of one pie."

Some sucker sees the blatant advertisement, trades me his pie for the stick, and I then make off as fast as I can, leaving the lone 1 byted stick with it's new owner.

A watch with a dead battery. You try to get into the watch, but the seal is inpenetrable.


"hmm... this screw takes awhile to unscrew..."

*fifteen minutes later.*

"I don't think this thing comes off."

I leave and come back with a hammer.

I go get some Ice and put it on my thumb. :XD:

Then, I run it over with a car. That didn't work, so i rran it over witha steamroller. Then I tried an alien super-heavy ultra dense material constructed steamroller. That doesn't work either.

I invent a time machine and go back in time. King Arthur is usually pretty good at this sort of thing. He fails. I go further back in time and sell it to a Japanese peasant in exchange for a Japanese... food. I'm not familiar to Japanese food, but I think its a pie. It's good at any rate. :thumbsup:

one gram. Not one gram attached to any substance, just one gram of nothing.


I sell the gram of nothing on eBay as a gimmick item - 'Air breathed by Elvis Presley'. Naturally, some obsessed sap buys it, and in turn I use the proceeds to buy a pie.

A jacket... For a cat! And no fancy danish here. It's for cats. Domestic cats. Not tigers. And unless you're a serious midget, you can't wear it.


I take the jacket home and show it to my mother, who is allergic to cats.  Since the jacket is covered with cat hair, she sneezes and drops the pie she was baking, which I catch.

A cough drop


I sell it to some guy at school so he can see if he can hit a bird with it (I ACTUALLY DID THIS WITH A COUGH DROP :XD:.) He misses, and hands over the money.

I fly up to the guy in the sky with a pie, and buy a pie in the sky.

(I did NOT use the proceeds to get a pie after I sold the guy a coughdrop.)

get a pie using: something that you can't prove exists. The object is floating 6 feet off the ground. It is made of a substance that becomes indetectable after a certain amount of force is exerted on it, something you quickly figured out when you ran headlong into it, making it undetectable and intangible. It doesn't cast a shadow, and nobody in existence believes that it exists.


The ghost that I see before me quickly possesses me, and then goes to find a pie, after ransacking where I live, but I only find 2 quid. I then go to the nearest shop to find out what I can spend my money on. I ask the sales assistant for a pie, but they've sold out. I decide to get on a number 24 bus to the nearest shopping centre and go into a pasty shop and ask for a pie, the sales assistant, in this shop gives me a pie, and I thank him, Now the ghost through which I'm posessed has what he wants, so he leaves. Unfortunately though, something that doesn't exist can't hold a pie, so I stand there and eat it in front of it. Poor ol' spirit.

Note: the item that I need to use is the ghost :P, I can see it but no-one else can, it's indetectable if I ram into it (dissappears), and only I can see it.

Grease that had already been applied to somebody's scalp


The person who used the grease had a lemming wig on; he used the grease on the wig. I secretly stole the person's wig, then ran back home, then used the wig to put the grease on my greasing pan so I could make my pie.

A dead sand dollar


I somehow convince the local sealife centre that the dead sand dollar is very much alive, and sell it to them for rather a lot of money, which I use to buy a pie. I use the rest to flee the country, as I don't fancy prison for a pie.

A tiny scrap of tin foil.


I... I Have no idea what to do with this tin foil... Since the bus depot is across the street from somebody's backyard, I would buy the property using part of the tin foil: "It's siilver, but it looks like tin foil. It'll cost you your backyard for a month or so aaannnnd... Çȵ0,000"

Then, I would build a powerful electromagnet using the leftover tin foil and some other things that would repel any buses from exiting the depot (and push traffic going through the road into the depot.) I could not be blamed for vandalism, and would tell the schoolboard this: I'll take it dowm for the small price of one pie. Seeing the stupidity of refusal, The school officials give me a pie.

An exact replica of Florence that is located in Northern Ontario

EDIT: WHAT ON EARTH!!!??? I just tried to post this, and apparently, my hour to be logged on was up, so I had to go back, copy and paste the post onto a new thing after logging back in and try again. Then It kept giving me a message: You already posted this message.

When I logged out then back in, It gave me the same message. I added a quote, I added text, I did all sorts of stuff, but it only worked when I logged out and back in a third time. Has anyone else run into this?


Using this replica I made a bunch of propaganda that attracted about 5,001 people into the place, and they gave me a lot of pies for that.

A Poke Ball


Through an item trade nobody knows about, I trade one poke ball for a pie.  The pie heals 10 hp.  Whoopee.

Excalibur at Valleyfair! amusement park.