Art 'n' Such

Started by Chmera, June 03, 2006, 02:03:03 AM

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Wow, good stuff. I love the eyes... Great poem, too.

Lady Bug

;D Thankies. Oddly enough, writing the poem was what took the longest.


Actually, I wrote a Lemmings poem a while ago... Unfortunately it was a week or so before the computer messed up, royally so, and I lost everything. I should honestly have posted it here, or on DeviantART, or at least somehwere. And it was a good poem, too.


Yup. It's a rough animation for something. Never managed to clean it up properly.


Awesome. It's rough alright though. No offense.


Done a few pictures lately... Three good ones of general-purpose lemmings, one of my character.

Classic Camera Ham
Shadow and Shuriken
Egyptian Stall

And if you want a lemming drawn or coloured, I do take requests occasionally.


Those are all really cool. I like how you manage to make your Lemmings rodent-like and everything, Chmera.  :laugh:

I could've sworn I replied to this topic... but then I realized that was the topic a couple boards back.  :o  Well, time to fix that, since I just scanned stuff and I'm thinking of it.

Lemkoo, the evil demon guy. This one's really sketchy.

Some random Lemming.

Lemriesk, Lem'ka's half-brother who was captured and is part cyborg now.

Lemriesk again. I like the first one better.

Lemerek, Lem'ka's weapons instructor. I like his expression, and I guess I mostly like this, but I somehow forgot to include any way for the weapon to be secured to his belt... ah well.

Lem'ka, looking far less threatening than usual. The weird shading stuff is my attempt at making the face look more snout-like. Didn't work too great, but whatever.

Then of course there's the more pixel art stuff.

I got no clue why I did this any more. There it is, though.

Or this, really...

Lem'ka, I believe. I don't think I ever used this avatar.

I'm using this as my avatar right now, but that could change. Some random Lemming trapped in a dungeon.

Lem'ka again. I despise the armour on this. If I redid that it might be passable. It was going to be a layout thing (thus the writing), but I couldn't take the armour. Maybe I'll fix it up and add a background some day.

So there you have it. I think that's about where I left off last topic, but if not... oh well.  :P


Your stuff's really, really good... I guess mine's okay for realism, but you have some serious skill there. I bow. =P


There some crappy pictures:

Lololol!I will send more soon.XD.


Pfwahaha... I gotta admit, the SNES sprite-edits are cute.

I've got a few pictures to contribute of my own - both of Ch'mera and both in my scraps on DA, but still.

Duck and cover!
Could be a fresh outfit. Anyone here know how to draw jackets that don't look sucky?


There are some crazy Lemmings faces. :sick:

I send more snes sprite edits soon.


"Big eyes" looks like Kermit the Frog!! :tongue:


I made a couple of pictures of landmarks as Lemmings levels. One I made of Stonehenge in a couple of hours, and a rather fancier one of the Eiffel Tower that took several days to make.


Quote from: Megaritz on March 06, 2008, 04:29:43 PM
I made a couple of pictures of landmarks as Lemmings levels. One I made of Stonehenge in a couple of hours, and a rather fancier one of the Eiffel Tower that took several days to make.

Nice pictures!Make more!  :thumbsup:


The Eiffel Tower one is great! If only they had one more bridge! So close... :tongue: