Level Design Contest #22 - Playing Phase (Update Topic)

Started by IchoTolot, February 08, 2021, 11:52:42 AM

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Note: This topic is ONLY for posting updates to your levels, or making late submissions. All other posts will be deleted. If you want to discuss the levels, post replays, etc, please do so in the Discussion Topic.

Please follow these rules for updates:
1. When posting a new updated version of a level, remove any old updated versions of that level --> Have all your recent updates stored in 1 post! I will delete such old posts eventually if the author doesn't; so don't store any important information in them.
2. Make a new post for a new update; do not edit your most recent post. You may, however, post updates to multiple entries (if you have more than one) in the same post.
3. Use the same filename as found in the ZIP of the entered levels, with "V2" "V3" etc added at the end. No matter how minor an update is, give it a new number.
4. Do not post in this topic, unless it's to post an update to your levels. Use the discussion topic instead for anything else.

Please use the same naming format as in the zip file:  User1_Levelname_R3V5.lvl ---> Level "Levelname" by User1   for Rule 3   Version 5 of the level 

For late submissions also, please use the same kind of filename as is used in the main levels download - ie: your username, and "R1" "R2" or "R3" to mark which rule the level is for. Please be sure to check the original contest announcement topic for the rules; as the notes in the discussion topic are simply meant as reminders, not full explanations of the rules.

Please use the right naming format when posting updates! That would lead to less confusions and less work for everyone.

Link to discussion topic


Here's V3 of my R1 level. The background tile of the original was not allowed, so this has now been removed.


Interception v3

More backroute fixes. Technically, the changes to the skillset have been reverted, but the re-added skills are used differently than they were in v1's intended solution. It would also seem that it has been decided that flipping hatches is okay even though it wasn't part of L1, so I've gone ahead and flipped the hatches that are only unflipped because L1 didn't have that feature.

- Increased builders from 3 to 4.
- Increased miners from 1 to 2.
- Added shredder above exit.
- Added steel to top-right of rightmost one-way wall.
- Rightmost hatch is now flipped.

Old Changelogs
I'm not sure this fixes all the problems, but let's release an update and let someone break it again instead of wasting the entire playing phase trying to get it right in the first update. I'm hoping I at least patched two of the three backroutes I'm aware of.

- Raised the middle section of the level (the one containing the exit) to prevent a bahser+miner at the bottom of the right side from making it past the steel.
- Altered right side of the map to make crowd control a bit more complicated than just waiting for the last lemming out of the hatch. (yes, those pieces are originally part of marble - there's just a lot of erasing going on).
- Lowered hatch on right side. No real reason; it just kinda happened during other alterations and is noted here for thoroughness.
- Also altered right side so climbers on rightmost wall don't have to go as far before turning around (previous changes to crowd control made this an issue when doing the intended solution).

- Miners reduced from 2 to 1
- Builders reduced from 4 to 3

The Chamber of Mummies v2

Starting with a minor intervention. I suspect this can be bypassed to make the existing backroute(s) still work, but it's probably going to help get it fixed faster if I introduce some small changes now that might help and let people adjust their own backroutes instead of spending like 3 days trying to do it myself because I'm slow at this, only to find that I missed something and have to release another update anyway. Bonus: I didn't have to record a new intended solution replay proof; the old one still worked.

- Reduced starting platformers from 4 to 1.
- Reduced starting builders from 4 to 3.
- Added Platformer x3 pickup skill.
- Added Builder x1 pickup skill.


Take A Hike V2

- another trap added
- a few aesthetic changes to the landscape
My NeoLemmix packs: All You Need Is Lemmings - Long Live Lemmings! - Yippee! More Lemmings
SuperLemmix: Tomb Rodents featuring Lemmina Croft


A Rock and a Hard Place V3!

- Moved a piece of terrain in the middle wall one pixel to right to prevent a backroute.
- Extended the crystal wall in the middle to the ceiling to prevent more backroute potential.



-Added block of steel under the left entrance to stop people from digging under the entire left side
-Also, got a music track


Updated my rule 1 and 3 levels.
Added a major steel area in "Warmth" that I hope forces the intended solution.
Took some extra skills out of "Crazy Eights" and added a minor but necessary steel area.

I don't plan on updating my R2 so far. It's intended to be open-ended and I'm curious to see what people do with it. For example WillLem did it way differently than I did but his way was no less valid imo, and I think there's a place in contests for easier levels so I think that one will mostly remain untouched barring a gigantic break.


Let's Play Some Games V3 after kaywhyn's back route on his video.

- added more steel above the disarmer preplaced lemming.

Sorry I've only just got round to watching it.


ok, Update to my Rule 1 level. Seems like this level is too easy.
Way too many skills saved now.

Reduced builders from 13 to 9
Had to adjust tall terrain with Right-facing OWWs.
raised previously added block up a few pixels.

I think this fix will make the level better since it forces all the tricks I want. Because it seemed nobody was having much of a problem solving. Now I think it's more challenging


V6 of R1 uploaded

Changelog history of R1:

V2: added steel to fix eric's backroute

V3: removed the steel from V2 and put OWAs in their place and some terrain changes to fix Flopsy's slight backroute

V4: moved terrain to fix eric's nearly similar backroute from V1.

V5: fixed Crane's backroute by adding steel

V6: fixed eric's backroute with terrain changes and added steel

R2 remains unchanged

Changelog history of R2:

V2 - Terrain changes and moved some pickups to fix Armani's backroute

V3 - Terrain changes to fix IchoTolot's slight backroute

R3 remains unchanged.

Changelog history of R3:

V2 - Made 3 jumpers pick-ups, and the fencer is also a pickup to fix Armani's backroute

V3 - Fixed another backroute from Armani with the following:

  • Another jumper is a pickup
  • The cloners are now pickups
  • Fencer pickup moved
  • Moved the teleporter in midair

V4 - Fixed another backroute from Armani with the following:

  • Both cloners are now pickups
  • 4 builders are now pickups
  • There's still 4 jumper pickups, but the jumper pickup underneath the exit is -1 so it's now 2 instead of 3, while the third jumper is a pickup located elsewhere
  • One of the diggers is now a pickup
  • 2 platformers are now pickups
  • Moved the midair teleporter some more
  • Some terrain changes

V5 - Fixed yet another backroute from Armani with the following:

  • All builders are now pickups
  • All jumpers are now pickups
  • Moved the cloner pickup that's below the teleporter somewhere else

V6 - Fixed again another backroute from Armani with the following:

  • Made two shimmiers pickups

V7 - Fixed another backroute thanks to Armani with the following:

  • Added steel

V8 - Fixed backroutes thanks to Armani with the following:

  • Added OWAs
  • Swapped the jumper pickup that has a quantity of 2 with the nearby platformer pickup

V9 - Fixed backroutes thanks to Armani with the following:

  • Added steel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Fix to my R3 level thanks to kaywhyn

:8:()[: added some steels.


Fix to my R1 level thanks to Ichotolot and ericderkovits (V2 -> V3)

:8:()[: minor terrain change


Fix to my R2 level thanks to eric

:8:()[: added some terrains
:8:()[:-1 platformer
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


- Well, my third edit on the final day! V19 of Immortal. Probably not worth salvaging this level any more.
- High Rise Hijinks unchanged (V18).