[SuperLemmini] Engage Xmas mod for one level only?

Started by WillLem, December 13, 2020, 02:59:35 AM

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Do any SL users by any chance know how to engage the Xmas lemmings mod for just one level within a pack, rather than the whole pack?


Right, nevermind. I've decided to make XMAS SUPERLEMMINGS as a separate pack with 8 levels :lemcat:

If anyone does know the answer to this though, please post it here in case others need it.


hi Willem,

yes I was reading Tsyu's docs, both level format and level pack format. It looks like it mentions mods only in the level pack format doc so I'm thinking one can't use the xmas mod for just 1 level.

I know one can do it with music where one can override the levelpack.ini one for just 1 level, which does state this in the level format doc.

I also wanted to use the xmas mod for just 1 level in the past but was not able to do it.

I wish Tsyu would come online once in a while so we could ask him about this, so maybe he could update Superlemmini to work for this if possible.

Even when one puts the mods = xmas inside just the 1 level.ini, it ignores this unlike the music = musicfile inside the 1 level.ini


Thanks for getting back to me Eric.

I've ended up spending some time today making a bunch of Christmas levels, so it look like there's going to be 2 mini SUPERLEMMINGS packs. I'll release them at the same time, though, and as the same "set" of levels.

WillLem's SUPERLEMMINGS :lem-mindblown:


As of now, mods indeed can only be specified by level packs, not individual levels. I can look into adding this later; no promises, though.