[NL] Gronkling's Animal Pack: #1 RODENTS [difficulty: Easy & Hard]

Started by Gronkling, December 11, 2020, 05:44:00 PM

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Welcome to Gronkling's Animal Pack: #1 - RODENTS EDITION, my first actually released pack in at least 5 years!

My small, rodent-themed pack! There are 20 levels, that appear twice each in a bonus EASY mode and the main HARD mode (there is no middle). The hard rank is sorted roughly by difficulty, and the easy rank has a more consistent difficulty.
Each level is tied into a specific rodent, with some fun decoration for each, and each has a specially selected tracker music piece. The levels here are a mix of newly created levels that use modern NeoLemmix skills, and classic levels I made 2016-2018 using only the original skills.

People who have beaten it, with intended solutions:
No one yet!

People who have beaten it, with backroutes:
2020/12/12 - Armani - 11 backroutes first solve on V1, 52 backroutes total
2021/01/09 - IchoTolot - 10 backroutes first solve on V4.2

2021/01/14 - V6.2, 5 more Armani backroute fixes

2021/01/13 - V6.1, 5 more Armani backroute fixes
2021/01/12 V6, fourth "Armani Update", 5 more backroute fixes + altered solution for Hard 16
2021/01/11 V5, an IchoTolot + Armani joint update, a huge 17 backroutes fixed
2020/12/16 V4.2, patch, fixed a really stupid oversight created on level 9 by update V4.1 + an extra joshescue backroute fix for level 10
2020/12/15 V4.1, minor "Joshescue Update", backroute fixes for 9, 10, + an extra for 17 that I found Note: Level 9 is messed up on this version
2020/12/14 V4.0, the third "Armani Update" released, 10 backroute fixes
2020/12/13 - V3.0, the second "Armani Update" released, 9 backroute fixes
2020/12/12 - V2.0, the first "Armani Update" released, 11 backroute fixes
2020/12/11 - V1.0 Released

You can find it attached to this post! Have fun! :lemcat::thumbsup::8():

Strato Incendus

Nice job, Gronkling! :thumbsup: Given that you were the first person to beat my most recent pack, that you once had a pack in development many people expected to be the most difficult one ever, and that I could see from your development screenshot(s) that this was also going to be a very artistic pack, I was very curious to see what you had come up with.

Replays for the first rank are attached! I was positively surprised by the low difficulty on this one - that gave me more time to appreciate your designs of the various rodents! :thumbsup: Especially everything involving your Beast II tileset (the squirrels, various creatures holding acorns etc.). Even though I usually had lots of skills remaining, the puzzles weren't trivial, and especially the last level of Easy did indeed make me think for a bit and rewind a couple of times to try different approaches.

I expect quite a sudden jump in difficulty on the Hard rank, since it really seemed to me like you made the Easy rank deliberately easier. Almost like two different packs in one to cater to different audiences.

I think this is only the second pack to feature the Jumper after my own LOA? I've seen quite a few Shimmiers by now, since I'm playing Lemminas in parallel. I haven't tried "The Lemmings Have Grown" yet, though.

I used a specific Stacker trick a couple of times on these levels, I don't know if that was intended or not... ;)

Stacker trick
Specifically, whenever I had to turn around Climbers - which Stackers on their own can't do unless you build into terrain - I would stack first, then dig down the stack once the Climber had climbed onto it, and when there was only 1 or 2 pixels in height remaining, I would mine to have the Miner tank on steel.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Yea I wanted the easy version to just be a really nicely easy version for newer players, so more people could enjoy. There's no set solutions here so all your replays are acceptable!


1 - Solid standard solution
2 - Interesting :P Definitely a more complicated route than most would take
3 - Really cool solution, goes a completely different direction than I'd expect most people to!
4 - A less open ended one, you got the solution that I planned for
5 - Fun, you completely skipped using the disarmer
6 - Nice, nothing unexpected other than digging on the edge for some reason
7 - Fun one, no nuke for you
8 - Very different to the expected route, pretty cool
9 - Nice, went for the easier looking entrance
10 - Cool way to turn the climber around
11 - Odd solution, I respect it 8-)
12 - I had a feeling most non-beginner people were just going to go through the middle layer like that, its possible both ways!
13 - Good, similar to the solution I had for it
14 - Great route, different to mine
15 - Similar to how I had it solved
16 - Another similar one to me, but with some added StackerTrix :8:()[:
17 - Nice standard solution
18 - Great way to do it, not using a basher rather than not using a digger like my solution
19 - Good one, that stacker trick is cool
20 - Great solution, a lot more interesting than the one I had

Another nice set of solutions, more similar to mine with a few more like Strato, though the ones for 16,17 and 18 are very interesting.


Quote from: Strato Incendus on December 11, 2020, 09:59:21 PM
you once had a pack in development many people expected to be the most difficult one ever

I can vouch for the difficulty of these levels. During testing, I backrouted four of them, and all the others were no-solves!

Quote from: Strato Incendus on December 11, 2020, 09:59:21 PM
I could see from your development screenshot(s) that this was also going to be a very artistic pack

That, too. Each level has its own animal, which is super cute! :cute:

Well, it's good to see these now exist in easy form, let's see how I get on... :P


Oh wow that porcupine looks so cute :thumbsup::thumbsup:

I will take a look at the pack today. :D


Really great looking levels! I can definitely see you put a lot of work on to this pack!

Most of the levels from the first rank seem open-ended, so I don't think there's any real backroute. And the difficulty increases drastically in the second rank. :evil:

Levels from hard rank that I might've backrouted :

Hard15 Coypu : don't use a climber and I just feel my solution is a little bit weird. I can see some terrains screaming for shimmier, but I ignored that scream.
Hard17 Hamster : definitely a backroute. I have so many leftover skills.

Beside these two levels, there are some solutions with some leftover skills :
Hard3 pocarana : 1shimmier
Hard7 Viscacha : 1climber 1stoner
Hard11 Capybara : 2gliders
Hard13 Beaver : 1blokcer 1digger
Hard14 Porcupine : 1blocker
Hard16 Cloud Rat : 1climber
Hard19 Mole Rat : 1blocker
Hard20 Rat : 9climbers 1basher
I think these can also be backroutes.

Again, you really made nice looking levels! Especially I love the chipmunk, squirrel, porcupine and hamster. And the levels have fairly decent puzzles too. I think you successfully killed two birds with one stone.:thumbsup: Replays attached.
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


My NeoLemmix packs: All You Need Is Lemmings - Long Live Lemmings! - Yippee! More Lemmings
SuperLemmix: Tomb Rodents featuring Lemmina Croft


Haha, just as expected, loooads of backroutes in the second half :XD: Time to prepare the first update


1 - Intended
2 - Intended
3 - Intended, the extra shimmier is just to make the skillset nice and symmetric :P
4 - Intended
5 - Backroute! Updated this level
6 - Intended
7 - Backroute, pretty cool one, but updated it
8 - Intended
9 - Backroute Magnet #1: Backroute! Updated it
10 - Intended
11 - Big old backroute. update
12 - Intended! :D
13 - Backroute, updated with a bit of steel
14 - Semi-intended, you got the first part, but did a different second part. Your version requires a bit of guessing-timing in the second part, so I went ahead and fixed it.
15 - Backroute Magnet #2: Yep, a backroute, but a cool one! Fixed it
16 - Another backroute!
17 - Backroute Magnet #3: Super sneaky backroute! Easy enough to fix
18 - Intended :D
19 - Backroute!!!
20 - And finally... another backroute :forehead:

I updated the pack fixing these backroutes


Resolved all the updated levels

Hard5 Lemming : It seems intended now. Before the backroute fix, the level was pretty neat already but now the level is even more awesome. :thumbsup: The solution is incredibly well hidden considering that the give skillset is very limited.
Hard7 Viscacha : My solution still doesn't use a climber and a stoner.
Hard9 Chinchilla : I don't think my solution is 100% intended since it contains some fiddly RR manipulation and long waiting. But lets see..
Hard11 Capybara : This solution is basically same as before except that I simply release the blocker with leftover bomber.
Hard13 Beaver : Too many leftover skills I think.
Hard14 Porcupine : I bet this is intended now. I use every single skill and my solution does not contain timing part now.
Hard15 Coypu : Same here. Very clever level! I love it.
Hard16 Cloud Rat : Another backroute ;P seems easy to fix
Hard17 Hamster : Now the solution is much more interesting . I have a basher left though.
Hard19 Mole Rat : Definitely a backroute. I think it's even worse than previous one.
Hard20 Rat : Same here.
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


2 more intended, then another 9 backroutes :8:()[:


5 - Intended! I took a while to get everything to line up really nicely so I'm glad there's not too many backroutes.
7 - Another backroute!
9 - Definitely an interesting solution, but I'd never make someone guess the RR like that in my modern levels. I don't do long waiting either, the easiest way to fix this would be to fix the RR but I don't want people to have to wait at the end since upping the RR would mean loads more splatted lemmings
11 - Ah classic "fix failure" :forehead: Hopefully this different approach will work better without making things too obvious
13 - Definitely a backroute, added some more reinforcement
14 - Yeah! Intended
15 - Used every skill, but still a backroute I'm afraid! You can tell as you use my previous fix in a certain part of the solution that wouldn't have worked before. I feel like this level is the most backroute susceptible in the pack, I even gave a special notice about it to my testers
16 - Intended :lem-mindblown: Nah, just kidding, surprised that got missed!
17 - Yea another backroute, reinforced my previous fix with some fun tileset mixed traps
19 - Hopefully fixed, cool stacker trick
20 - Another leaf for that palm tree coming up

Pack updated again


More backroutes incoming :devil:

Hard7 Viscacha : Attached 2 differnt solutions. Both of them use similar trick but first one have a climber, stoner and a basher left while second one use every skill.
Hard9 Chinchilla : Similar to previous solution but does not require RR manipulation and long waiting.
Hard11 Capybara : I think I'm getting closer to the intended solution, but I still have some leftover skills
Hard13 Beaver : I got a no glider solution!
Hard15 Coypu : Attached 2 differnt solutions. First one is almost same to my previous backroute. The only difference is that I use bahser to turn the climber around at the steel. And for my second solution, I think I fianlly found the intended solution! Bahser+jumper combo to seperate a pioneer lemming at the beginning and useing a builder and miner tunnel to make long way for shimmier. If this solution is intended, this level is my fovourite of the pack! :thumbsup:
Hard16 Cloud Rat : several leftover skills.
Hard17 Hamster : No leftover skill this time. I hope this is better than before!
Hard19 Mole Rat : Attached 2 differnt solutions. First one is almost same to previous backroute. I just use digger at the different position and all others are same. And for my second solution, I found completely different backroute.
Hard20 Rat : I might've backrouted this level again too. Attached solution doesn't use a basher and a climber.
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023


2 more intended solutions... but 10 more backroutes ;)


7 - First is indeed a backroute, 2nd is close enough to intended though!
9 - Fix fail, hopefully this one does it
11 - Mhm, another backroute :P
13 - MORE fortification added
15 - Solution 1 is of course a backroute, and was pretty hard to fix. Solution 2 is INTENDED :thumbsup:
16 - Backroute
17 - Cool solution... still a backroute!
19 - Another 2 backroutes
20 - These palm trees! So many backroutes caused by their specific shape


First ten levels complete.


Quote from: joshescue18 on December 15, 2020, 04:50:08 AM
First ten levels complete.

Only 2 backroutes :thumbsup:


1 - intended
2 - intended
3 - you managed to save some skills, but in a way that keeps both of the main parts of the solution so I'll consider it an alternate solution
4 - intended
5 - intended
6 - intended
7 - intended
8 - intended
9 - Another backroute for this level featuring horrible pixel-precise guessing and waiting for like 10 minutes :P
10 - First backroute for this level! I don't see any way to fix this one without resorting to pickup skills... so I suppose i'll have to be using those for the first time :8():

Released a minor update to fix 9 & 10, as well as another for 17 that I found myself