Level Packs I Have Completed / Am Currently Playing

Started by WillLem, December 01, 2020, 05:36:05 AM

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Lemmings by DMA Design
Oh No! More Lemmings by DMA Design
Xmas Lemmings by DMA Design
Holiday Lemmings by DMA Design
Lemmings Redux by The Lemmings Forums Community
Reverse Lemmings by Colorful Arty
GeoffLems by Geoffster
Sammings by Mantha16
TeleLems by Mantha16
Lemmings Plus I by namida
Yippee! More Lemmings by NieSch
TMChallenge by Proxima
Rodents by Ron Stard

Plus my own packs:

Lemmings DD
Lemmings Recurring
Reverse Lemmings (Classic Edition)
Oh No! More Reverse Lemmings
Tame Gone Wild!
Xmas Lemmings 2019


Lemmings by DMA Design
Oh No! More Lemmings by DMA Design
Xmas Lemmings by DMA Design
Holiday Lemmings by DMA Design


Lemmings by DMA Design
Oh No! More Lemmings by DMA Design
Xmas Lemmings by DMA Design
Holiday Lemmings by DMA Design
Reverse Lemmings by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Plus I by namida
Zemmings Vol. 1 by zanzindorf

Plus my own packs:

Lemmings, But With Lemminas
Reverse Lemmings (Classic Edition)
Oh No! More Reverse Lemmings


Lemmings (For Windows 95) by DMA Design
Oh No! More Lemmings (For Windows 95) by DMA Design

Currently Playing


All The Styles by Mantha16
Casualemmings by nin10doadict
Doomsday Lemmings by namida
DoveLems by Dodochacalo/IchoTolot
Gotta Go Fast by Flopsy
Sammings 2 by Mantha16
Lemmings Migration by Nessy
Lemmings Destination by Nessy
Lemmings Plus II by namida
Lemmings Plus III by namida
Lemmings Plus VI by namida
NepsterLems by Nepster
PimoLems by Pieuw/IchoTolot
SEBLems by Flopsy
Ski Sloping Lemmings by grams88
Zemmings Complete by Zanzindorf


Lemmings 2 by DMA Design
All New World Of Lemmings by DMA Design


SubLems by Colorful Arty
Revenge Of The Lemmings by Mobius/The Lemmings Community
NepsterLems by Nepster


Lemmings Revolution by DMA Design

Would Like To Play Eventually


Lemmings Uncharted by Armani
Lemmings United by IchoTolot
Mike's Lemmings
Insane Steve's World by InsaneSteve (compiled by mobius & Wafflem)
Long Live Lemmings by NieSch
Integral Lemmings by ∫tan x dx


I definitely reccommend giving Lemmings 3D a go at some point, if you haven't already. :)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I wonder if we should index topics like this in some way, if it becomes a trend?

(kaywhyn's topic -- my topic)



Thanks for linking to my topic, Proxima! :thumbsup: I should also take the time to clean up the OP, since admittedly it's getting both quite confusing and annoying whenever I modify it, since not only will things be moving from list to list but I also have to remember to adjust the numbers in each list too. WillLem's tutorial video on formatting posts is especially helpful on how to do lists and a bit easier than I thought it would be. I initially thought about doing spoiler tags as well, but the thing is my list is far more extensive, and I know how very annoying it can be to click on each one to open them. Hence why I didn't do that :P
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Finally reached the finish line of GeoffLems! OP updated accordingly. I'm tired now, but I'll post my records up on the various threads at some point :lemcat:

It's a brilliant bunch of levels. Not too difficult, but becomes a real challenge towards the end of Mayhem. Some of the levels could have belonged quite happily in original Lemmings, and at times it's clear that's what Geoffster wanted this pack to feel like.

Exclusively using the "orig" tilesets and the classic-8 skills, GeoffLems is an ideal first step into the world of custom Lemmings levels; a perfect blend of old school familiarity and high quality fan-made content. Highly recommended!


Awesome, WillLem. Also as you know it's availiable for Superlemmini as I converted it from very old NL formats(1.43)