Author Topic: Tranquility Bay  (Read 14250 times)

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Offline Chmera

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Tranquility Bay
« on: March 20, 2006, 10:16:58 pm »
The Official Site

A descriptive article about what really goes on

A site designed to point out everything wrong with the place

This... Disgusts me. Outrages me. And, above all, scares me out of my mind - If a place like this is allowed to stay, will that mean camps and the like for unruly adults and even young children come to exist? Will they be like this? Will this mindless torture and theft of independence of body and mind even become standard? Is this the future?

I'm scared...  [smiley=cry.gif]


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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 12:27:06 am »
WTF!!! [smiley=shocked.gif]
That is scary...

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 01:56:15 am »
Huh. I thought this was a great idea (with proper execution) until I read about halfway through the second page how one of the integral "readjustment" strategies is to force the children to tell personal secrets and encourage the other residents to insult this person for being imperfect. Right, because the best way to help someone with no self-esteem is to lower it, yielding "negative" self-esteem. Before I confuse you more, what I mean by "negative" self-esteem is that someone becomes so self-doubting that they can't even think for themselves. The equivalent of brainwashing. Brainwashed children are incredibly easy to mold into whatever you want. And reading the testamonials, definitely brainwashing torture camp. Doubtlessly.

I still don't get what good could come from telling someone that their close friends are laughing at them/sleeping with other people/dead. Seriously.

I had a teacher in 2nd grade who thought it'd be a good idea to encourage the other children to make fun of me. The result was near irreversable emotional damage preventing me from ever being able to approach anyone my age again.

So, ya, any parent who feels the need to utilize such a place is obviously a terrible, incompetent adult. And should probably be sent to a place like this to be "readjusted."

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

Offline Mindless

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 02:57:37 am »
For an average adolescent, this would definitely be overkill.  However, there are many American teens who have been corrupted by the culture and could use some brainwashing.

[edit:typo :-[]

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 03:49:43 am »
My problem, as was hinted at in the last sentence of my post, stems from the fact that these teens are suffering because their parents are incompetent, unqualifed, and oftentimes just don't give a damn about their children's well-being. I mean, if they really cared, they'd at least do more research into this place before spending a year's salary hiring kidnappers to take their children to a brainwashing camp, ya know? Why discipline your child when others can do it for you! I'd imagine that for every success this place yields, there's AT LEAST one person who suffers irreversible psychological damage and can no longer function as a member of society. All because they have terrible, uncaring parents.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

Offline Timballisto

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 04:34:13 am »
...Just more idiots in this world... -_- .  I can't believe what people do sometimes.  What I can't believe even more though is how they justify what they do, or what they think about it.  It's true, I think, that only some incompetent parent would send their kid there.  Heck, if I found out some way or another that I was going there, I'd bike as far as I could toward...somewhere, and take my savings with me.  Well, as soon as I can drive I think I'd change my course of action >_-.  But yeah, for the most part, just more idiots in this world that will be dealt with sooner or later.

Offline Chmera

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2006, 12:39:06 pm »
This just shouldn't be allowed. At all. Perhaps in very serious cases it should be allowed, But what I don't get is why the parents just don't seem to be giving any second chances. This should, as the article suggests, DEFINITELY be the last resort. I've got a few quotes from a person from another forum who was there in '99.

"It wasn't meant as a boot camp.. It is meant to be a behavior modification program.. The laying on your face is meant to subdue you so that you will be more open to changing your ways... The problem is that they have no idea if you were "bad" before or not... They treat every kid there exactly the same; Some kids were in there merely for having a "bad attitude", or smoking weed once... There were some in there for worse things, but the point is that it did not matter to them...

Laying on your face for 18 months straight is akin to solitary confinement for 18 months (except you usually talk to people intermittently while in OP)... OP, though, is not just for layin on your face...OP is also the room where they beat you... You can hear screaming coming fom that room usually 1-3 times a day... Sometime a day would go by with none, but usually you would hear a friend getting beat; If not a boy, then you would hear it from the girls side..."

 "There are a lot of staff, and they are backed by local authorities... There was a riot there, but it was subdued... A few kids tried to fight back individually, but you quickly learn that is the worst thing you can do... They will swarm you, and you will get a very severe punishment (arm dislocated etc...)... Your only hope is to just shutup and wait it out... Its horrible, and the hoplessness of the situation get to everyone eventually... You just feel so damn hopeless...
Second... Most of the staff are good local people... They obey the rules, and a few of them even disagreed with the beatings (they got fired)... They just do what they're told... They are not necessarily bad people... They just needed jobs...
Jay Kay is the guy who runs the place... He's the bastard... and his wife"


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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 02:07:46 pm »
Quote from: Insane Steve link=1142893018/0#2 date=1142906175
I had a teacher in 2nd grade who thought it'd be a good idea to encourage the other children to make fun of me. The result was near irreversable emotional damage preventing me from ever being able to approach anyone my age again.
That's fucked up, man. From my experience, a lot of teachers have a tendency to pick out one kid and give them harsher treatment than the rest. These teachers, fully grown adults, are too weak to handle a personality clash between themselves and a pupil. It's a truly pathetic, and almost perverted way for an adult to be.

My nephew got treated similarly in year 3; the teacher simply allowed the other children to make fun of him because he was particularly sensitive and should thus (in her opinion) be made to 'toughen up'. It's fucking sick, and demonstrates how little most teachers know about how childrens' minds work.

I know so many first-hand stories of incompetent and insensitive teaching, and it frustrates me no end that so many children don\t reach their potential because they have no any self-esteem.

As for Tranquility Bay, everyone else has said what needs to be said. Competent parenting wins the day over brainwashing, any time.

Offline Liebatron

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2006, 09:39:33 pm »
Yeah, I have to agree, there are alot of Idiots in this world. The not being told part is what bugs me the most, you get hit with this unexpectedly and so have no opportunity to run away. I would follow Timballisto's stead on this occasion... Problem, where to run?


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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2006, 06:10:28 pm »
I am always confirmed in hating humankind. >_<
I not sure if I really want to see the tv report you can download.

Offline Timballisto

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2006, 12:12:05 am »
...So you hate everyone?  Well that's not good.  You should fix that.  I mean, it's okay to hate some people, but not everyone.


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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2006, 06:05:58 am »
I hate not the people themself. I hate the common stupidy in humankind.

Offline Chmera

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2006, 04:59:08 pm »
I totally agree. Humans are weird.

Offline Mr. K

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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2006, 09:00:56 pm »
I'm lucky I'm not human  ;)

It's fucking sick, and demonstrates how little most teachers know about how childrens' minds work.

You know what's funny; they were kids at one point too...

As for TB, I read the article and was like "wtf, isn't this illegal!?!?! "  It sounds entirely wrong and abusive.  Not one bit tranquil like the name suggests.


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Re: Tranquility Bay
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2006, 01:55:55 am »
Quote from: Mr. Ksoft / Timmy the Geek link=1142893018/0#13 date=1143493256
You know what's funny; they were kids at one point too...
It IS funny... I don't understand how people can so easily forget what they were like as a child, and what they once percieved bullshit to be. It's crazy how out of touch with themselves people become.