possible contest idea?

Started by mantha16, September 26, 2020, 06:21:59 PM

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so I bought myself one of these today (please note you can't click to zoom that was just on the image i copied)

They were half price so I bought two.  I was thinking about offering it up as a prize to the forum for a contest of some description if theres any interest in this heres my thoughts

either a level design competition to specified rules to be judged by myself and a panel of judges (maybe IchoTolot myself and Namida if they agree)

or an art competion for those who like to create but aren't level designers what do people think?


It's your figure, so it should be your rules.

Just in general: (Level design) Contests hosted by other people are totally fine and we even had one in the past hosted by möbius.


This would be a lovely prize for the main level design contest. Or let the main contest take a break while you host your custom contest.

-- Simon


am closing this now as Ive decided what I want to do look out for the competition post shortly.