Turrican's Superlemmini projects

Started by Turrican, September 21, 2020, 11:55:01 PM

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I wasn't concerned about the ini file vs lvl file. Rather, what I was curious about was why the replay broke for you while it was fine for Turrican and me, especially since there seems to be no real reason that it should due to the levels looking exactly the same. It's probably due to assignments being assigned just a frame or a few too early or a frame or a few too late, or just how SL seems to interpret the files differently from one another and so it gets confused or something. In any case, my point about interrupting the replay to fix it still stands. You can let it run up to the the points where the replay appears to have messed up and then interrupt it so you can take control to fix it. The intended solution is still the same, as it's the exact same level regardless of file extension name.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Quote from: kaywhyn on September 24, 2020, 08:17:44 PM
I wasn't concerned about the ini file vs lvl file. Rather, what I was curious about was why the replay broke for you while it was fine for Turrican and me, especially since there seems to be no real reason that it should due to the levels looking exactly the same.

The reason that the replay broke in the non-fixed version of the level , is because the opening hatch was 1 pixel higher than it's intended position!

Also there were some more inconsistencies that didn't affect the replay , because they were in parts of the level , that I used them for decoration! For some examples , in the non-fixed version , the owws didn't fit well the squares , I had designed in that exact place , the exit between them was not well-centered , and at the right edge of the level , the water wasn't well fit with the triangle I have designed!
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


Quote from: Turrican on September 24, 2020, 09:14:39 PM
The reason that the replay broke in the non-fixed version of the level , is because the opening hatch was 1 pixel higher than it's intended position!

Interesting that that one pixel difference is enough to affect and break the replay. I'm guessing the skill assignments were therefore at least a frame too late then?
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Quote from: kaywhyn on September 25, 2020, 10:38:28 AM
Interesting that that one pixel difference is enough to affect and break the replay. I'm guessing the skill assignments were therefore at least a frame too late then?

Most probably yes! ( To be honest , I am not very familiar with the logic the replays operate! )
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


Here is a level , that I had modified from the Lemmix version of Revenge of the Lemmings v1 , some years ago ( I had modified it for Lemmix back then ) . The level is "All that a Basher can Do" by Dodochacalo . The level was in the beta the Lemmix version of RotL , but It was about to be replaced , because in order to be solved , it required two Lemmini-only glitches .

My modifications here , make the level possible to be solved , without the use of these Lemmini-only glitches. It is a non-glitch level now , but also it's intended solution is close to the original one.

One thing to know , is that the level has 4 hidden traps ( at the two open spaces in the left of the level ) . I Tried  to make them visible , but unfortunately I couldn't , because in that case , their trigger areas would end being completely inside the terrain.

I have also attached the replay of the solution , and the music track for the level ( many thanks to ericderkovits , for providing the link in his thread for Dodochacalo's packs )

For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.

EDIT : I have uploaded the version 1.02 of the level. The ledge , near the exit area is more visible now , and the basher assignment at the final part of the solution , is easier too.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


Here is a conversion of a level from Lemmix to Superlemmini! The level is "Oh No, Not Again!" by Tseug . The level has appeared on the "Revenge of the Lemmings" pack too , but this is the original version , from the 1tseug pack .

Compared to the version for "Revenge of the Lemmings" , the original version has some differences on the terrain , that make the timing required for the solution , stricter!

The only modification , I have made here , is that I moved  the opening hatch 3 pixels lower , compared to the original version , because the original position , was above splat height when lemmings entered the level!

Link for the music track , that I use for the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=40478

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


This is another "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "Rush Hour" by Tseug ( from the 1tseug pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=143070

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


This is another "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "The Isle of Skye" by Gronkling ( from the contest1 pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=61616

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


This is one more "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "Not Quite..." by Tseug ( from the 1tseug pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=190642

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


This is another "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "Crystal caves" by Wihu61 ( from the hubbart2 pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=116256

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


This is another "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "From the Brink" by Clam ( from the ClamSpam04 pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=52701

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


I have got permission from Geoo , to port several of his levels to Superlemmini!

So here is a "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion of "Prepairing their ways" by Geoo (from the geoopk1 pack) !

I have attached also replays of two solutions for the level (the first is the intended solution , and the second is a close alternative) !

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=105691

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


This is another "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "Everything you don't need" by Geoo ( from the geoopk0 pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=111419

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


This is another "Lemmix to Superlemmini" level conversion . The level is "Trading and Cooperating" by Geoo ( from the geoopk1 pack ) .

I have also attached the replay of the solution!

Link for the music track , that I use with the level : https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_by_moduleid&query=132259

EDIT : For the music track , create a folder , called "Turrican projects" in your music folder , and put the music track  inside that folder.
My Youtube channel ( Turrican Lemm )  :


Here's my replay for Everything You Don't Need. I'm still working on Trading and Co-operating, that one's a tough cookie!