Superlemmini's Lemmings Reunion (Finished)

Started by ericderkovits, August 09, 2020, 10:47:37 PM

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I've decided to make this one my next LP. I love the music and styles used in this pack :thumbsup:


RE: WillLem
Just for your info. One can play the pack with 2 choices of music. It looks like in my dropbox I have the levelpack.ini set to the lemmini version music choice. But also one can choose the neolemmix
music choice (which is in the lemmings reunion levels folder levelpack(neolemmix music).ini). So to change it to the neolemmix music choice(my preference), just rename the levelpack.ini to something like
levelpack(lemmini music).ini and rename levelpack(neolemmix music).ini to just levelpack.ini. Of course in the music folder both sets will be there(lemmini and neolemmix). So whatever music choice one wants, the levelpack.ini will correspond correctly with the music folder.

Again I prefer the neolemmix music version over the Lemmini one, so my Superlemmini Reunion pack plays the neolemmix music.


Thanks for the tip regarding the music Eric.

One question: the "mods" folder appears to be full of styles (including ones included with SL anyway) and, bizarrely, a copy of Arty's SubLems pack! Is this correct or have you accidentally loaded too much stuff into it?

And, I can't seem to find the aforementioned "Epic" style anywhere in the downloads.

I've attached a copy here so you can see exactly what I'm looking at.


Quote from: ericderkovits on August 18, 2020, 07:55:22 PM
ok yes, but that's because your styles folder is set to the normal one, because you tested original game "You need bashers this time". so it crashes. When I saw this post I already knew the answer to your problem.
as I said keep 2 separate folders for the styles
Here is the solution to the problem

1) Download my normal styles from the My superlemmini packs post and name it styles-normal
2) Download Icho's reunion styles you can download from my dropbox. name it styles-for lemmings reunion only.
3) when playing a normal pack copy the styles-normal folder and name it styles
4) when you decide to play reunion delete the styles folder and copy the folder styles-for lemmings reunion only and name it styles.
5) and when going back to normal game- delete styles folder and copy styles-normal and name it styles.

This seems a very cumbersome way of dealing with a styles issue; the level file should be set up such that it refers to a completely independent object, rather than a version of an existing object which the player needs to manually replace every time they want to play the level.

Which is the level that causes this issue, and what style does it use? I would suggest adding the offending object to the style as a new tile, and then open the level in the Editor and replace the object with the new tile.

These sorts of things are worth finding permanent solutions for to make playing levels in SuperLemmini as problem-free as possible.


Hi Willem.

Sorry about that. I just noticed in my Reunion dropbox mods style folder the Epic style for some reason(strange) was missing. Because it IS actually there in my mods folder in my Superlemmini.
I don't know why it wasn't in my dropbox. Unless maybe I accidently deleted it when putting Icho's styles in my dropbox. I'm surprised you are the 1st one to even bring it up.

Anyways you are also right, some of the styles are not needed for Reunion (ie the Sublems one you mentioned). So I went ahead and updated the Reunion styles mods for only the styles that
are needed for reunion. But still some have to be there (ie dirt, bubble, etc) even though they are original styles. Because Icho noted in his Lemmini Styles old post(2015) that those have to be
there, since the regular ones won't work with his Lemming reunion. Also it will affect my other packs if I use the reunion styles for those. Also the Reunion ones I had to fix so lemmings will exit, also so traps will work and also had to make sure some of the traps
won't crash by adding ",1" to the styles init files(sound) so the levels won't crash in Java. I found this out in a post Tsyu mentioned about this. I think he mentioned he was going to fix this, but who knows when and if that will be, since he hasn't been online in quite a long time.

So now you can re-download the mods styles for reunion again from my dropbox. All the required styles are there now(including EPIC). Also removed unneeded ones(ie Sublems,etc). I guess I was just kinda lazy
and just put my entire Styles folder into the Reunion Mods folder. But many are not needed so I went ahead and fixed.

Now reguarding your 2nd post. You don't have to do the switching anymore(yes that would be cumbersome). That's why I went ahead and used the MOD feature. So no more switching.
In fact my main Styles folder is used for all the other packs(except for Reunion which uses the Mod feature(overrides the main styles folder)) since Reunion won't work with the main styles)

Also I went ahead and tested my replays to make sure every level works with the updated style mods(all good now)

so here is my updated mods dropbox link(repeated from a previous post)

Also this is my favorite Superlemmini pack too, due to the awesome styles Icho has in the pack along with the music.

also solving just the 1st rank as you do with other LP's shouldn't be too difficult. Only a few levels near the end of the rank, and perhaps the rank finisher can be a little tricky, but nothing I don't
think you can't handle. Strato's Open air, even the 1st rank is much harder than the 1st rank of reunion in my opinion. And if I can solve Open air then you certainly can solve the 1st rank of reunion, since as you know I'm not very good although I did beat Lemmings Open air, but with alot of struggle. Of course I know alot of tricks now due to seeing many replays from people, mostly Kaywhyn and Icho, otherwise I wouldn't be able to beat it.


Thanks @ericderkovits for taking the time to sort out the mods folder, it's definitely worth it :thumbsup:

I actually didn't realise that mods could also be used to override default styles... this is also very much worth knowing!

And, thanks for your vote of confidence in my ability to take on the first rank of Reunion :lemcat: I'll likely do it in the next few days, so we'll see how far I get!


ok, Update to Metropolis (Hurt me plenty 25). due to SL (As well as regular lemmini giving an extra basher) the extra miner I added is not needed so I reduced it back to just 1(Matfching regular
lemmini-saw Icho's PMd solution for this level which indeed took 2 bashers in the 1 spot(so 3 bashers in level unlike in NL's)

Anyways here is the updated level .ini
and the replay

Also updated the level and replay in my dropbox.


ok, some changes to a few of the levels(backroutes) that Icho did for his NL version

I didn't remove any timers though as I wanted to keep them to match regular lemmini's version.


Ultra-Violence 8 (Ten Friends) added the gap and added 1 builder, obviously I couldn't add the blocker pickup since SL doesn't use pickups.  (New replay added)
Ultra-Violence 12 (The Bubble Cave) added steel. Doesn't affect the replay.
Nightmare 21 (Rockbiter). Added steel. Note in this level there is a funky steel behavior as noted under Bugs in SL behavior. But I think it will stop the backroute since following lemmings can't go through. (New replay added-Since the steel affected it)

Nightmare 27 Unsecure Area. Added OWWs. Doesn't affect the replay.

NOTE: since there are no Up Arrows in SL, I couldn't add them to Ultra-Violence 1(Empyrean), so in SL still can be backrouted
          also in Nightmare 12 (Way into Madness),  obviously, I couldn't add the 6 builder pickups
EDIT: Thanks to Kaywhyn, I added 2 steel blocks to prevent a backroute in place of Up arrow.

here are the 4 changed level .ini's. Just put them into the lemmings reunion levels folder
          and 2 of the replays that were affected(place "Ten Friends" in the SL Lemmings reunion Ultra-Violence  replay folder) and "Rockbiter" in the SL Lemmings reunion Nightmare replay folder).

I also updated the 4 levels and 2 replays in the new Dropbox link. (First post)


Hey eric, actually, you can still stop the backroute for UltraViolence 1. Remember that OWAs act like steel if you go against it. Even though SL doesn't have up OWAs, you can still stop it with steel. You just add them near the top corners. See attached. Although, I'm not sure if there's a way to make it look prettier and hence not sure if the fix is worth it. The steel blocks are also far bigger than I thought they be. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


ok, Thanks Kaywhyn, I have done that the same way the screenshot shows. It may not be nice looking but it should do the job. It's more important to stop backroutes than have a level look totally nice, and I don't think it makes the level that much worse looking. Can't be any worse than adding water to my LDC 22 Rule 1 level (which I did only for backroute
prevention-although I think with only 9 builders now, I'm not sure the level can be backrouted as before without the water.)

Anyways here is the new Ultra-Violence 1(Empyrean) ini file with the 2 new added steel blocks. Doesn't affect the replay

Also updated the level in my dropbox.


Yes, sometimes that's the way it goes. Due to backroute fixing, sometimes you give up visual quality as a result. I'm glad we're in agreement with the backroute fix. Also, you're right about it not looking that bad at all. It looks great, actually. I guess it's different once you load it in Superlemmini because of the innate high-res graphics.

I will LP this in the upcoming days! ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


Just as a Note.

No change to Nightmare 02 Castle Rush in SL due to Pickup skills are NOT in Superlemmini.