Release: Lemmix Players V29I (unofficial)

Started by Aaron44126, June 21, 2020, 07:24:26 PM

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I am releasing version V29A builds of the Lemmix players (

Background —
This all started because I just wanted to just do a Lemmings play-through and ended up settling on the Lemmix players for this.  However, I noticed a bug with explosion particles not getting cleaned up.  I figured, the source code is here, I know a thing or two about coding, and it doesn't look like anyone else is really interested in fixing the issue, so I came up with a fix myself.  One thing led to another and I ended up fixing a few more things and adding a couple of minor features, and now I have a release.

I'm posting the binaries here on GitHub (along with the source code changes):

  • Support some "Lemmings for Windows 95" keyboard shortcuts:

    • 1-8 keys: Select skills

      • The '5' key was previously used to cheat a level if cheat codes were enabled; this function has been moved to the 'C' key.
    • 9: Toggle fast forward
    • 0: Toggle pause
    • =: Increase release rate
  • New option in the options menu (F4): Enable state control. State control is enabled by default.

    • If state control is disabled, functions that involve slowing down or reversing time during play are disabled. Specifically:

      • Loading replays is not allowed
      • Backing up time is not allowed
      • Frame advancing while paused is not allowed
      • A single skill assignment may be issued while paused
      • The '-' key no longer backs up the game by one second, so it can be used to decrease the release rate.
  • Corrected an issue where "particles" from exploding Lemmings could get stuck on the screen until the level was scrolled.
  • Corrected an issue where the timing of Lemmings exploding during a nuke could be off if explosion animations were in progress when the nuke command was issued.
  • Corrected an issue with Extra-PSP level 33: "Cagey Business". The platform above the spinner trap was too far to the right, so Lemmings walking off of the left edge would be killed by the trap, making the level unsolvable.
  • Changed Lemmings Forums URL in the credits on the title screen from (which is dead) to

[Edit] Added V29B.

  • Integrated fixed PSP levels from ericderkovits.

    • #29 "A Bridge Over Lemming Slaugter": Lemmings should fall from the entrance onto the left edge of the pillar.
    • #32 "Gather round and break away": Lemmings should not be able to fall from the second level to the third and start building from there.

[Edit] Added V29C.

  • Corrected the position of the fire trap in PSP level 32 "Gather round and break away" so that Lemmings cannot fall in from the side and walk around underneath it.

[Edit] Added V29D.

  • If state control is disabled, loading save states is not allowed.

[Edit] Added V29E.

  • New game option: enable or disable skill assignment while the game is paused.  Works independently of the "state control" option.

[Edit] Added V29F.

  • Correct inaccessible exit in Extra / Other level 10 "Don't Make The Wrong Choice!".

[Edit] Added V29G.

  • Make the fix to Other 10 "Don't Make The Wrong Choice!" by moving the exit only; no terrain adjustment.

[Edit] Added V29H.

  • Adjustments to Extra - SEGA level 10, "Stepping Stones": lowered release rate and adjusted terrain to more closely match the experience of playing the Sega Master System level that it is based on.
  • Fix "More than enough ." typo in the ONML result messages. I know that it's a typo in the original game, but I'm fixing it anyway.

[Edit] Added V29I.
Just some minor string changes:

  • Fixed the ellipses in the "Time to progress.." end-of-level message (now with three dots).
  • Changed the title screen name of four of the games to more accurately reflect their original names:

    • COVOX Lemmings is now "Save the Lemmings" (the proper name for this game).
    • Prima Publishing is now "Lemmings Official Companion" (these levels were released with a guide/book called "Lemmings: The Official Companion").
    • Xmas Lemmings and Holiday Lemmings have full four-digit years instead of shortened two-digit years.

I named it "V29A" to differentiate it from an official release — I would expect the next one, if there ever is one, would be named "V30" and I didn't want to create the possibility of confusion with that.

The decision to include Lemmings for Windows 95 keyboard shortcuts, when there are already similar shortcuts available that use the F1-F12 keys, was made for two reasons.  One, I spent a decent amount of time with that game in the past so I was already used to the shortcuts.  Two, these keys are probably more comfortable on a laptop, where F1-F12 keys are smaller and maybe even "hijacked" for other functions like volume control.  (My primary PC is a laptop as well.)

The option to disable state control came out of my desire to have a more "classic" play experience.  I found myself using the "back up time" feature too often on the mayhem levels and decided that it would be best if I could just remove the temptation to make the game easier.

This issue with the "Cagey Business" level was reported by another user in this thread.

The code might not be as clean as it could/should be.  This is my first time doing anything with Delphi or Pascal.  I was careful not to change anything except for where I needed to.  The only change that impacts the game logic at all is the nuke timing fix.

I'll leave it up to ccexplore and/or namida to decide if any of these changes should be brought in to an official release.


thx aaron I downloaded it. I'm the one who reported level 33 psp originally unsolvable. It now works. thx a lot now I can test my replays from v29. I noticed I had to make a new one for the v29a though.


oh and here are 2 levels i uploaded that were fixed.

psp29 A Bridge of lemming slaughter. After the lemmings exit the hatch there supposed to land on the leftmost side of column.
psp32 Gather round and break away. the lemmings after dropping from 2nd level they are not supposed to land and build on bottommost level. This one I checked for Proxima using my PSPPSP PSP lemmings rom that's why I know because Proxima is doing the redo of the original levels and I replied to a thread he had.

also psp29 same thing in official PSP rom the lemmings land on the leftmost side of column after exiting hatch.

I have uploaded the new fixed .lvl for the lemmix players that you can open with the old editor.(0629.lvl and 0633.lvl)


Ok, great, thanks for fixing those levels...  I didn't notice that you had posted them before (if you did).  I will get those integrated into the game and post an update in a bit.


I published an update "V29B" which has these PSP level fixes.


great, I wouldn't caught the level 32 on my own until Proxima was asking about the 2nd to level to 3rd level drop so I used the PSPPSP emulator with the Lemmings roms to play and told him(he is doing for neolemmix though). the level 29 one I Caught on my own.

Im sure others may respond with theirs. Also I think Eric Lang was doing an upgraded lemmix version but haven't heard from him in a while on the forums. the one I have downloaded from his github a few months back was 2.0.7 beta. if you use the search bar  in the forums and enter his name you can see his threads mentioning his.

also the level 29 you can see someone starting that level (on youtube) and seeing the lemmings land on left edge of pillar after entering.
the level 32 you can't tell from youtube videos(I think thats why Proxima needed help on this one). the level 29 he probably knew  by the video


just noticed another mistake in level32 after building from 2nd level to next drop, yours needs to also have it so when the lemmings fall into the first fire trap (on left and rightmost edges) there supposed to die. They still die elsewhere.  you will have to realign trap. sorry about that, I just remember somebody posting about that too but for neolemmix


Ok, I see that the Lemmings are able to walk around beneath the fire trap but they die if you try to build out of it after three steps.  I'll see if I can correct the trap position.


Ok... Easier now that I am a bit more used to the Lemmix editor.  I corrected the trap position and pushed a new release.

I am aware that Eric Lang has sort of recently started working on Lemmix again.  I decided to start with the versions from the NeoLemmix site as they seem to be the most refined, carefully set up to use mechanics/bugs exactly from the DOS version.  Not really intending to cause a big split, nor am I intending to do any further major work; I just wanted to fix some issues that I saw and make a few tweaks to the gameplay to better suit my own playstyle, and share the results.  Happy to continue to fix issues with these players as people report it as long as it is minor-ish and within my ability.


Added V29D, which disables loading a save state if state control is disabled.  (Just now figured out the keyboard shortcuts for load and save state.)


Found another level with an issue.  This was also in the "Extra" pack, "Other" level 10, "Don't Make The Wrong Choice!"

In this case the exit is placed in such a way that the Lemmings are not able to hop into it.  They walk right beneath it.

Lowering the exit into the terrain doesn't work (probably the trigger window Y-axis multiple of four thing).  I ended up raising the entire upper metal platform structure by two pixels.  The Lemmings are able to exit, and even though the layout is changed slightly, it doesn't change the solution.

This fix is published as version V29F.


Moving the exit down so that the exit is at a Y coordinate with a multiple of 4 and touching or buried in the ground, would fix it.

With that being said - I strongly suggest reverting this change. Lemmix's goal is to reproduce the official gameplay / levels accurately - and the flaw you note on that level is present on the legit Amiga version of the level too.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


It looks like I would have to lower the exit by four pixels in order to fix the problem (without otherwise adjusting the terrain) and at that point it starts to look kind of odd with how buried in the platform it is so I decided that raising the terrain slightly instead was the way to go.  I did it carefully to make sure that it had minimal impact on the appearance of the level and basically zero impact on the solution to the level.

I didn't realize that the exit issue occurs in the Amiga version.  (I found this video which shows Lemmings exiting even though the exit is raised.)  When trying to figure out what was up with this level, I checked and saw that this level is present in the Sega Master System and Game Gear versions of the game (under the name "Nearly There...") and it does not have the issue in those ports.  The purpose of these updates (which I am sharing, but doing mostly for myself) is just to improve the experience for a casual player who wants to play through these original levels on a modern system; having an unsolvable level runs counter to that so I'm going to keep this "fix" in place.  Of course, should you guys ever decide to take some of these updates and merge them upstream, it wouldn't bother me at all if you decide to leave this "fix" out.


QuoteWhen trying to figure out what was up with this level, I checked and saw that this level is present in the Sega Master System and Game Gear versions of the game (under the name "Nearly There...") and it does not have the issue in those ports.

These ports have very, very different physics from DOS / Amiga, and all levels are entirely remade from scratch for it. It should not be taken as authoritative in any way about how DOS / Amiga behave.

Are you sure the level is impossible? I don't recall for sure, but I think I would have tested that at some point? If it truly is impossible, or if the issue in fact doesn't happen on Amiga (though I'll note that the LVL file is a direct rip, so in such a case this would point to an inconsistency between Amiga and DOS - which while rare, is not unheard of), then there is more grounds for an adjustment. However, I'd still argue very strongly in favor of a "move the exit" approach in this case - higher terrain can have subtle impacts on challenge solutions etc.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


It is definitely possible to arrive at the exit with a spare builder to get around the problem.

I don't have any strong view on fixing or not fixing this. On the one hand, Lemmix players should preserve the authentic gameplay of the original because their main purpose is challenges -- casual players are better off being directed to NeoLemmix. On the other hand, this group of levels has never been included in any of the original-game challenges, not even maximum saves.