[NeoLemmix] SubLems

Started by Colorful Arty, June 07, 2020, 08:14:45 PM

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Hello Colorful Arty,

Reviving this topic to let you know that I have started my LP of your Sublems pack. Exactly 3 months since the last post no less :lem-mindblown: The link for my LP is here: Kaywhyn's LP of Arty's Sublems. So far, I have completed the Newbie and the first two ranks, so obviously I'm not done with the pack. More videos to come at a later time. In the meantime, I'm going to go ahead and attach my replays and give feedback here. Replays from Newbie 1 through Scary 20 are attached, and so that means 50/110 levels completed. Total solving time is 2 hours so far for the first two main ranks + the Newbie rank. Not bad at all! :laugh:

As mentioned in Part 1 of the LP, I had already played and solved all of Sublems on Superlemmini back in 2017. 3 years later, I'm now taking on the New Formats NL version. I know there are some differences, such as how some levels that are in the SL version are not in the NL version. It's not a complete blind playthrough as a result, but I consider enough time has passed to start LPing the pack. Plus I don't really remember the solutions to any of the levels, especially since i don't have any replays for the SL version saved at all. Quite all right, since I can easily solve the levels for the most part. Should still offer enough of a challenge for me anyway :P

As for the music, I love the one for Sweet 17 - The Metropolos Lemopolis. That is the music I love the best out of the entire Putt-putt and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama game. I grew up with the game, and I'm quite happy to see that you have LPed the game. Oh, childhood memories! :) If I'm not mistaken, you were nearly a toddler that time when I first started playing Balloon-o-Rama. At that time I was halfway through elementray.

The other soundtrack I like is the one for Sweet 5 - Lemmings from the Caribbean. I recognize it as one of the tracks from the game Monkey Island. My brother and I grew up with the game, although I only watched him play it and I never got around to playing it until back in 2018, where I bought the Special Edition on Steam and played it. The other soundtrack I like from the game is LeChuck's theme. If you haven't played the Special Edition, I highly recommend it! You hear the spoken dialogue, and the graphics are extremely nice. Definitely difficult to go back to the no audible voices version once you do.


Regarding the Newbie rank, nothing to say here other than all these tutorial levels were very well done. For someone like me and experienced players, we can definitely skip this rank entirely and we won't miss all that much for the pack. Even more causal players could if they wanted to. Regardless of one's experience with the game, I would still advise playing through the rank. Icho's NL Introduction Tutorial pack does pretty much the exact same thing with the Skills rank. However, for the purpose of the LP I played through the rank just for completeness ;)

Regarding the Sweet rank, very well done levels. I especially love the design of Sweet 3 - Last train to Lemmingland. Mostly X-of-everything-levels, with X being 20 or less. There are a few levels with only 1 skill given, but overall it's a very easy rank. Certainly the passage of time has taken its toll on me, especially with Scary 20 - Boss Battle 1: Crystal Creep, as I totally forgot about


The mostly hidden traps. Mostly because there are subtle indicators on the ground to mark the presence. For some reason, I kind of remembered that the SL version didn't have them, but of course that's wrong, since most of the levels in the NL are the exact same as the SL counterpart.

Regarding the Scary rank, as I mentioned in Part 2 of the LP, nothing too hard here either, as the levels are still very easy and so the difficulty is not much higher than the levels in the Sweet rank. The only levels I would consider difficult are the final 6 levels of the rank. Of course, they weren't hard for me, but here I'm thinking for less experienced and more casual players that they will be stumping points for them. Another very nicely designed rank finisher in Scary 20 - Boss Battle 2: Scary Snowman. Certainly more visual appealing than Sweet's rank finisher, as the latter is quite bland due to the monotonous crystal tileset. It's still a nicely designed level, but between the two I'm certainly more in favor with Scary 20's design.

I think what I will do for the rest of the pack is I will come back and post my replays and feedback when I finish each of the remaining ranks one by one. In other words, I will post 3 more times since there's still 3 full ranks to play through. Keep checking back for my replays as well as more videos of the LP of the pack. Enjoy! :P

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Ok, Chaotic rank is finished. Replays up through Chaotic 20 attached, and so 70/110 levels solved. The entire rank is covered in one video. The video is a little over an hour and 10 minutes, so I apologize for the very long length. I knew I should had stopped at the halfway point :XD: Apparently I really underestimated how long it takes to solve 20 levels in a single video, let alone an individual level. Perhaps because I felt every level has been an extremely quick solve that it gave the impression that I haven't recorded for a long time. At the same time, I need to add in the explanation/commentary time too.

As for the Chaotic rank, while none of the rank was overly hard, it's getting a bit difficult now. As mentioned before, I underestimated how long the entire rank took to solve even though there were a lot of extremely quick solves. Still, I continue to enjoy the levels and the pack very much

Chaotic Rank Feedback

Chaotic 1 - Let's get dangerous! Ok level to start off the rank. Nothing too special. Although I built at the extreme edge each time, I think the level still allows a few pixels of leeway.

Chaotic 2 - Freeze, ya Lemmings! Another easy level. Simply all about containing two of the lemmings while sending one ahead to build the long bridge to the exit

Chaotic 3 - Death chamber Harder repeat of Scary 1. Can definitely be a huge step up in difficulty if one is not aware of compression to minimize losses to the traps. Of course, the level was easy for me.

Chaotic 4 - Lemmingade stand Ok level. Just bash to make all crowds meet in the middle and then a lot of it is waiting for the lemmings to come to the right spots to build up.

Chaotic 5 - What an AMERICAN level! 3 skills and done. Very easy. Good choice of the Star Spangled Banner as the music for the level

Chaotic 6 - Lemming divorce Very nice level involving delaying the second lemming as much as possible with the destructive skills to allow the first lemming enough time to build the long bridge to the exit. In some ways, it can be seen as a more interactive version of Chaotic 2, except with 2 lemmings instead of 3.

Chaotic 7 - An evil recreation Nice remake of Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming/Tribute to M.C. Escher. However, the extreme precision can be annoying. Definitely much harder in SL due to no skill shadows. I love the music here. Very threatening sounding tone and evokes the feeling of danger.

Chaotic 8 - Don't be afraid to improvise Very nice level involving making a digger-basher staircase. I think for even casual players this level isn't too hard. Plenty of diggers and bashers provided to allow a lot of leeway.

Chaotic 9 - Emerald City Wizard of Oz/Wicked fan, I presume? Great level, and certainly difficult due to the time limit. Very easy level otherwise without it. I remember this one being one of my favorites even though it's not much in terms of what skills to use.

Chaotic 10 - Sniper range I say the many bashers to compress the group is quite unique, although certainly not the most ideal since it can be annoying to repeatedly assign the bashers. Easy level if you know how, hard level otherwise. It's really just a different way to achieve compression instead of the very simple use a blocker that I used in Chaotic 3 to trap the crowd between the wall and blocker. It was somewhat cool to see all of the lemmings fall down together and get zapped 1 by 1. The floater assignments after all the traps can be quite precise, though. I think the only way is to do it while paused.

Chaotic 11 - Think before you act Definitely harder than your standard puzzle level. Nice 1-of-everything level that requires some thought in order to solve.

Chaotic 12 - Snow way to get up! Much harder repeat of the original, which was a climber tutorial level in the Newbie rank. This is the first level which I helped Shmolem with, although my first solution you will recall is extremely fiddly and heavy on precision. With this new solution of going up the middle, the solution is much easier to pull off.

Chaotic 13 - High fives save lives The second level I helped Shmolem with. Still took some time for me to remember what I did, but still a quick solve. Nice trick with the blocker to turn the crowds from both sides despite there being a small hole due to the way the blocker field works.

Chaotic 14 - Dead lem tell no tale Harder repeat of Sweet 5. My solution is quite fiddly here, since there was only one place to dig and bomb to be able to break through both sides of the wall where the portholes are. Honestly, I felt like LeChuck's theme from the Monkey Island game would had been a good choice for the music here for the repeat version.

Chaotic 15 - The legendary bash of Crystal Cove Probably the hardest level of the rank, especially for less experienced players. As seen in the video, I initially took the wrong path by going through the bottom, not realizing there's no way to turn the lemmings around to the left and stop them from going off the side of the level and dying. Even after realizing that one must go through the top, it's still not easy to place the builders to get through each obstacle. The fact that there's only one digger and one basher adds to the difficulty.

Chaotic 16 - A matter of traps Can be a difficult level, but it's really not hard at all. Still struggled for a few minutes, though before realizing my mistake and that it's better to bridge the gap from the left instead of the right. Not sure if my solution is intended.

Chaotic 17 - Through the fire and flame Excellent level! :thumbsup: I also remember liking this level from the SL version. Can be difficult and definitely requires some thought in order to avoid all the fire traps and to get to the exit safely, but it's not too hard.

Chaotic 18 - The icing on the cake Harder repeat of Sweet 1. Not that much harder, though. It's still easy. Last builder assignment to go over the cherry is a bit precise, though.

Chaotic 19 - Sandopolis Act 2 Another level where I had to give several hints to Shmolem to help him pass. Because I've seen this level already and played it while I was finishing United, it's definitely hard to not remember to take the ceiling here. Plus experienced players will easily pick up on the ceiling route due to the extremely limited destructive skills anyway. I didn't have as many builders leftover this time, but 30 is still way more than enough.

Chaotic 20 - Boss Battle 3: Brickosaurus Rex Very nice design here! :thumbsup: I have played Gronkling's version, and I'm certain I backrouted it, as I didn't do as much fiddly stuff. Not an overly hard level other than it's another hunt for the hidden exit. In my solution, I don't like how it almost misses the exit entirely, though it's probably because there's easier ways than mine to ensure getting into the exit, like perhaps with mining to the exit instead.

2 more ranks and 40 levels to go! 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Insane rank completed, and thus more replays and feedback inbound. Here are my replays up through Insane 20. So, we are at 90/110 levels solved. Definitely much slower going now, considering the rank took more than 2 LP videos in contrast to the other ranks. This is definitely an indicator that the levels are now getting hard to the point that they give even me a challenge and a good run of my level solving abilities. In particular, my stupidity definitely shows on Insane 12, as I ended up struggling with that level far longer than I thought I would. It's also the level that took me the longest in the rank, as well as the entire pack so far, to solve. Goes to show that everyone's stumping points/roadblocks are different.

Yea, this is definitely confirmation not for me to get too overconfident with any packs considered less difficult than United, because I still get stumped by these level packs from time to time, although certainly nowhere near as much as I was with United, which took me an entire year to solve completely.

Insane Rank Feedback

Insane 1 - Things are heating up! I used the exact same solution here as I did on the original, so this is definitely a backroute, as it's not as difficult as it's supposed to be thanks to this obvious backroute.

Insane 2 - Ice cream dream Solution is obvious, getting the setup right can be difficult. An example of not a hard level, just the execution is.

Insane 3 - Lemmings about town I struggled with this longer than I thought I would. Not a very hard level, I mostly didn't think about the solution completely before I started solving :XD:

Insane 4 - Polly Pimple I don't think my solution is intended, but at the same time I can't see how to use the climbers, since the ceiling is deadly in New Formats NL.

Insane 5 - Mini level marathon 4 of the original lemmings levels put together: It's Lemmingentry, watson, Tailor-made for blockers, Perseverance, and From the Boundary Line. The solutions are pretty much the same as they are on these repeats, other than the first one, where it's dig and then bash once it is low enough to not be splat height. Also the Perseverance one where it's dig and send one out to float and then bomb to turn the crowd around. The second one I'm sure everyone is familiar with the lose 3 solution for it. Other than 4 levels put in one, nothing too special here, and while I wasn't too big of a fan of the level, it's still an ok one.

Insane 6 - Block-O-Tron mark II Nice 1-of-everything level. I really like this one. It's a repeat of the blocker introduction level from the Newbie rank. Can still be somewhat of a difficult level, and the strict time limit can certainly add to the challenge, but time isn't as tight as I thought it would be.

Insane 7 - The Greater Lemming Caper Another level that took me a bit longer than I thought it would, but I really like this one too. As mentioned in the video, I made the error of assuming that the first lemming from the right side needed to be a climber right away instead of having him turn around to build the bridge to seal the water gap, which explains why I struggled with the level.

Insane 8 - BridgeWorks Another level where I know the solution, execution can be hard. The level was made easier due to how we have a lot of skills available and so players are free to experiment as much as they want. Luckily this isn't a huge builderfest. This can also be a roadblock for less experienced players.

Insane 9 - Next stop... lemmings penthouse Probably the biggest time cruncher in the first half of the rank. It's also somewhat of a difficult level, since it can be difficult to get up the level with the extremely limited skillset. I still somewhat liked this level.

Insane 10 - Failure after failure... To close off the first half of the Insane rank, the third level where I know the solution to the end part, execution in that area can be fiddly. The start still took me some time to figure out, but it clicked once I realized there's enough climbers for everyone to get up the level instead of mining them out.

Insane 11 - Crazy Christmas Crossing Nice use of alliteration in the level title. Yet another level where the solution is obvious, execution can be a pain. The 99 RR is what makes the setup easy. Even then, it still took me a while to get the entire setup correct. This is an ok level, I wasn't too much of a fan due to getting the two miners to cross one another without cancelling either one. Still, this is a good example of a level that demonstrates two different skills crossing one another, so it's a great level to demonstrate skills crossing.

Insane 12 - Play it like a flute! Yea, my stupidity really shows on this level. It's amazing how I ended up struggling for almost a whole hour here. I definitely sounded annoyed at times due to thinking the solution is quite fiddly, but as it turns out I simply went about the level incorrectly. Most importantly, I failed to realized there's enough climbers and floaters for just one entrance once the bombers are used. It also doesn't help that I was quite exhausted and sleepy while playing the level. At least The Nutcracker Suite was a nice music choice for the level here. That reminds me, I should definitely watch Fantasia again soon. It's been a really long time since I've seen it.

Insane 13 - The best-laid plans Another level that took me longer than I thought it would. I went about the level incorrectly for a while before I finally came up with the solution seen in the LP. Also I kept trying to readjust the builder from the left side of the OWW so that I can trap the correct number of lemmings in order to minimize losses. Can be a difficult level, but it's not overly hard. It's still not an easy level in any way. This was a fine level. I definitely feel it's the right difficulty for the rank.

Insane 14 - Firewall of fame I love how this level lists all of the level designers. Truthfully, there's way more than I thought there was. As for the level itself, it's quite a hard level due to the extremely tight skillset. The very large level size also makes it quite difficult to plan out the solution. I somehow have a feeling that the way I dug and then bashed towards the right entrances a bit past the middle of the level isn't quite intended. Especially since it comes very close to breaking through to the bottomless pit.

Insane 15 - Blame it on the chain This feels like a backroute, since I simply built up to the level and blocked on both ends of the platform the lemmings start on. Then again, it could be intended. I'm not sure.

Insane 16 - Lemmings of the Lost Ark Remake of the original level, which I'm blanking out on what it was called. Lemmings Ark? Nothing too special here other than it seems and feels easier than the original one.

Insane 17 - Farewell, my Lemmings If I'm not mistaken, this level or a similar one on Superlemmini has invisible terrain. Nothing too special here either other than to demonstrate that direct drop doesn't work and so fallers won't exit with an exit in midair, but floaters can still exit without terrain underneath the exit. However, the floater must be able to start opening up the parasol. They can still exit even if it doesn't open up completely. As long as the parasol opening animation plays before slipping past the exit trigger shows, then they're golden. Since I'm quite familiar with this mechanic, this was a very fast solve. Too bad we can't do anything else with the other lemmings and rescue them.

Insane 18 - No time for Lemmings! Definitely the hardest level in the batch of the final 4 levels of the rank. Not only is it difficult to get up the level, it's also a big time cruncher. It's still a nice looking level. You did pretty good with the clock design here.

Insane 19 - Balance Beam Bunker Another level with alliteration. Easy level, and I even went further and rescued the two climbers even though it's not necessary. The builder wall might not had been necessary, but it does make the level easier.

Insane 20 - Boss Battle 4: Molten Monster Another excellent boss battle level in terms of the design. Definitely one of the better rank finisher designs IMO. There's no indication as to where the exit is here, but as you have said the whole point of these rank finishers to destroy and kill the boss depicted in the level. Then again, I still think the skull is the likely place that people will look in and try to find the exit instead of searching the claws on either side. Also as has been true with all the rank finishers thus far, all are easy, although the Scary rank one can probably be the most challenging up to this point.   

Onto the final rank Hellish and the final 20 levels of the pack!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


And, Hellish rank solved and thus the entire pack on New Formats NL. Here is my entire Sublems replay collection, all 110 levels solved, as well as my feedback on the Hellish rank. In contrast to the previous ranks, Hellish needed the most videos due to solving time slowing down considerably. The Insane rank was also slow going, but Hellish was even slower.

I've already provided the link to my LP, but I'll put it here too just so all my replays and LP are in one place.

Sublems LP link: Kaywhyn's LP of Arty's Sublems pack. Enjoy! :P I do believe I'm the first and only one so far to have LPed the New Formats version of the pack.


Hellish 1 - Welcome to Hell! Like Icho, I agree with him getting past the gun of the flamethrower trap without dying on the SL version is a bug and shouldn't happen at all. Fortunately that's not an issue on NL even though I never actually tried it. Difficult level to start off the rank, especially since it's not obvious which route to take at all. I might had overcomplicated my solution, though, especially with the timing needed to get a climber past the basher at the top before he bashes enough of the terrain away before the climber can't make it over the top anymore. Still a nice level, even if my solution was fiddly. Here, I think I prefer the SL version's music for the level. It uses another track from the movie Fantasia, Night on Bald Mountain. I remember this segment scaring the crap out of me as a kid.

Hellish 2 - Crazy Christmas Crossing II Again, solution is obvious, pulling it off successfully is hard. Luckily there's an indicator as to where and when to start digging. Much harder on SL. Here, I prefer this music over the SL one. I'm not sure what the SL music is, though. Nightmare Before Christmas I think?

Hellish 3 - Lemmings sold separately Difficult level due to the extremely limited skillset. It's not obvious how to efficiently get through the level especially considering the many obstacles/walls in the way. Still a very nice challenging puzzle, even if it took me a while.

Hellish 4 - Complex connections My solution feels a bit hackish due to digging and bashing below the level. A bit easier than the previous level, but still somewhat difficult due to the very limited skillset. Nice looking level, though! ;)

Hellish 5 - Pipe monster is unamused Seems like a backroute due to how I have some skills leftover. Nice level, though, even if it's easier than some of the previous ones in the rank.

Hellish 6 - A diabolical masterpiece I struggled with this one far longer than usual, but that's because I was trying to get the basher to cross the digger pit successfully with the aid of a builder. I think I remember using this solution on the SL version. I gave up on it after the basher kept stopping instead of bashing all the way through to the top exit. I ended up using the solution seen in the video after a while. It didn't look like he was going to survive that drop. As it turns out, I later found out that the basher crossing the digger solution I tried is possible but that's because I failed to realize that the pillars don't go all the way to the ceiling and therefore the climbers can simply climb them. For some reason I thought they were connected with the ceiling. Guess I need to get my eyes checked :XD: At least the music is soft and soothing and quite nice to listen to.

Hellish 7 - Ensnared in a sticky maze A little easier than the previous one, although the difficult part is getting the top crowd to the bottom to set up the builders to get a basher to go all the way through. Those builders I stacked on top of one another was definitely unnecessary as I later found out that I could spread the builders out more and the basher will still go through. I think I remember there being much more space in that area on the SL version. Not to mention the pit is much wider.

Hellish 8 - I Am R.T. Much easier than the original I Am A.T. level that this is based off of due to the 80 climbers and 80 diggers. It can still be quite annoying due to being extremely repetitive and can be fiddly to execute. Still a nice level, though! ;) Also nice remix of the Tetris music, I believe?

Hellish 9 - Ice cream nightmare Repeat of the ice cream level but with a basher instead of a miner. Even though that is the major change from the original, this is definitely the harder version due to the checks needed for the basher to continue. The basher needs the bridges on the bottom for the floor, as well as bridges further back for the ceiling check. In contrast, the miner only needs the floor check to keep going. Luckily, we have more than enough builders to pull the basher solution off.

Hellish 10 - The barbaric bars The only level in the pack that needed multiple videos to solve. The solution I tried before I was successful would had ended up with me being one short of the requirement, even with the diggers and bombers on the bars pulled off successfully, since I wouldn't have any skills left to destroy the builder over the exit for the climber to exit. The successful solution is most likely a very bad backroute, but honestly I don't see any other way to solve it, since it doesn't seem the fiddly digging/bombing solution will work.

Hellish 11 - It's just a phase lemmings go through I definitely don't remember this level being in the SL version, so one of the many levels found only in the NL version. It's a real time cruncher if you go about the level the wrong way, and I already have seen this level from helping out a forum member who was solving the pack at the time. Even then, this was months ago, so I still ended up struggling a bit. The solution feels extremely fiddly due to how the lemmings almost cannot step up after bombing the wall. It was probably just due to where I started bashing, though.

Hellish 12 - Labyrinth of Lucifer Looks quite intimidating and seems difficult, but it's really not that hard at all. I don't mind levels like this, while some others might due to not liking very difficult to see the path maze. It's really not that hard to see the path in the maze. Even then, the solution isn't obvious.

Hellish 13 - Strike for victory! I think I remember there being some fiddly bombing timing here on the SL version, but I don't remember if I solved the level using a bomber on that engine. I didn't end up doing that for the NL version, and so this looks to be a really obvious backroute. It's probably not supposed to be this easy.

Hellish 14 - The ends of the earth Excellent level with a really nice solution! :thumbsup: Building after the digger has dug through all of the terrain can be a bit fiddly, but being able to do this was already seen in Bridgeworks in the Insane rank.

Hellish 15 - In the shadow of an empire I remember liking this level a lot on the SL version. Yet another excellent level with an awesome solution :thumbsup: It can be difficult, but it's all about knowing how to use the skills effectively to get two workers up ahead, one being a climber who will take the upper route while the rest take the bottom, and getting the climber far enough ahead of the crowd in order to put the builder step in time before they arrive and splat.

Hellish 16 - A tricky quicky This was the level that I struggled with the longest out of any other level in the pack when I played the SL version back in 2017. I think it took me about a week. I didn't struggle as much with the NL version, but it still took me time. Very aptly named, with some nice red herrings and a difficult large wall basher section on top of being a 1 minute 1-of-everything level.

Hellish 17 - A Small Colossus My solution is likely not intended, considering that I'm sure you're supposed to trap the climbers between the wooden pillars like I was trying to do before I gave up on it and simply brute forced it by using all the builders for the water gap.

Hellish 18 - Tri-color monstrosity The fact that this is a repeat of a Sweet level with the skillset being the exact same with the major difference being that there are no builders makes this a huge step up in difficulty. Likely the hardest level in the entire pack. No builders means it's very hard to get up the level effectively. This was another level I helped out the same forum member on and was definitely easy for me due to how I'm already familiar with the tricks needed from having played the NL Introduction Pack earlier this year. Even then, it still took me a while to figure out the end part. Basher staircases and blocking and bombing with a nearby lemming to keep the staircase intact is the name of the game here.

Hellish 19 - Live and lem die Another hard level, although somewhat easier than the previous one. Yet another level that I helped out the forum member on from earlier this year. Even then, I couldn't remember the solution and therefore it still took me time to solve. Doesn't really matter, since I can still figure these levels out myself. I originally used the very fiddly basher-blocker turnaround trick to solve this level, only to later realize there it's not required due to another member solving it in a much easier way while I was helping out the forum member who had solved the entire pack up to Hellish 19 on his own with some hints from me from time to time. This level is present in the SL version, although there's a lot of terrain differences here, and I believe the exit was at the top instead.

Hellish 20 - Final Boss: Lemstronsity To round off the pack, a very well-designed 99-of-everything level which can arguably be the easiest level due to the skillset. Note that the NL version is drastically remade to be far less frustrating by having animations of traps giving away their location/presence, as well as halving the save requirement due to how the original SL version was way more frustrating whenever a mistake/missed assignment was made, as well as hidden traps. Even with essentially an infinite amount of every skill, the level's no pushover due to the many traps and some fiddly maneuvers, as well as a difficult end section before the exit. I definitely remember this one taking me a long time on the SL version and after a while I got quite annoyed with having to restart so many times. If anything, the level is a real eye pleaser to look at.

Overall, a job well-done with this pack, Arty! :thumbsup: As was true with the SL version when I played through it back in 2017, I absolutely enjoyed many of the levels and the challenges some of them had to offer. I certainly don't remember much about the levels, and so I'll have to take a look at the SL version and see whether some of the NL levels that replaced them are definitely better. I definitely recommend this pack to anyone who wants a pack on the easier side. It does get difficult near the end, especially in the final two ranks, but it should still be manageable and doable. Even when the going gets tough, many of the levels are just artistically brilliant to look at, even if one can't solve some of the levels. I will likely take a look at your Artlems pack shortly after now that I've solved Sublems. I did also finish your Lost Pieces pack of rejected levels. But first, to take care of some more LPs I have planned and the ones that have been suggested/recommended for me to LP.

Hope you're doing well!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0
