One small problem in Custlemm

Started by MC Marshy, January 30, 2006, 01:42:42 PM

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MC Marshy

Hi there. I've been working on a level for Custlemm and it's in my 4th pack and the only problem with the level is that the rope traps won't work where ever I place them. Could somebody please explain what the problem might be?

MC Marshy


If the z-order is over 15 they won't work. Also try aligning the y coordinate to a multiple of 4.

MC Marshy

I removed most of the rope traps in the level and all the objects in the level are working. I hope to release the levelpak within 3-4 hours.


If the rope traps don't work and the Z-order is right,try to drop them down a few pixels...on most occasions the part of the rope that lies on the ground must be a few pixels lower than the floor.

MC Marshy

Check the lemmings file portal for my new levelpak.