The Lemmings quiz thread!

Started by Jazzem, December 18, 2005, 10:01:55 PM

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I know Sega Master System and Sega Genesis have Lemmings games.  Beyond that, I have no idea.  Are there any others?


MegaDrive, of course (same as the Genesis version of the game)


You'll need three more LemSteven.

May want to search through the thread for one of them ;)


Quote from: Jazzem link=1134943315/135#137 date=1137513630You'll need three more LemSteven.

May want to search through the thread for one of them ;)

I figured them out, but I had to look on Wikipedia for the answers.  Unless everybody is stuck, I'll let somebody else supply the rest of the answers.


Generally I'm very bad in knowledge about different consoles and stuff like that ;)


You may have to say lemsteven.

One more clue-Remember when I say "Lemmings" games instead of the original lemmings... May want to go to the latter games of the series.


Okay, since nobody else got it, here's the answers:

Sega Master System, Sega Genesis (Mega Drive), Sega Saturn, Game Gear, and Mega CD.

I'll post an easier question since I had to look up the answer:

Q: The music for the Polar Tribe in Lemmings 2: The Tribes is a medley of what two songs?


Quote from: LemSteven link=1134943315/135#141 date=1137629873Q: The music for the Polar Tribe in Lemmings 2: The Tribes is a medley of what two songs?
LOL, I didn't even realize it was 2 songs until you bring up this question.

The first part would be Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer, the second part Frosty the Snow Man

I want to ask this next question:

The tune from Lemmings that is track 16 in the jukebox consists of excerpts from 3 different songs.  Named them.

Unfortunately, I can't answer that question myself.  I can recognize the 3 different songs but don't actually know what they are called.  So instead a simplified version of the question:

One of the excerpts in the tune is commonly used in real life for something.  Identify that "something".


Well, one of them is the Itsy Bitsy Spider, which is commonly used in kindergarden circles as a sing-a-long song. &#A0;::)

Ok, ok, I assume you wanted the song they play during the weddings when the bride walks down the aisle.

I know the third excerpt, but cannot put a name to it.

Ok, question It's easy if you look it up, but try not to. (It will be a level question because I care not about different versions and the like.)

Name the second to last level of ONML that uses the Bubble set (#8 in LemEdit). Number and name, please. Thanks.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Actually, the main theme of #16 is "Ten Green Bottles", not "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" (or Incey Wincey, as we call it this side of the pond). The second one is, as Insane Steve said, the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin. No idea about the third.

For Insane Steve's question: 3 Havoc "It's the price you have to pay". (The last of all is "Flow Control". And I didn't look it up.)

Q: Which one (name and number please) of the Genesis/Megadrive unique levels has the same title as an Amiga Lemmings level with a different layout?


Quote from: Insane Steve link=1134943315/135#143 date=1137643221Ok, ok, I assume you wanted the song they play during the weddings when the bride walks down the aisle.

I know the third excerpt, but cannot put a name to it.
For some reason both you and Ahribar place the wedding theme (yes that was what I was looking for) as the second, when in fact it's the third.

The 3 excerpts I had in mind are, in order of appearance (only first few measures included in MIDI for each exceprt):

The way the Lemmings arrangement goes is 1-1-2-3-1-1.

I unfortunately don't know the answer to Ahribar's question, sorry for this interruption. ;)


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)(Guest) link=1134943315/135#145 date=1137674268For some reason both you and Ahribar place the wedding theme (yes that was what I was looking for) as the second, when in fact it's the third.
Ah..... I hadn't recognised that as being a separate "theme" from the Bridal Chorus, which was silly of me. What I meant by the third part was the bit right at the end when it just goes oom-pah oom-pah oom-pah..... but on second listen that's not a new theme, that's Ten Green Bottles stripped of its characteristic rhythm.


For some reason that tune reminds me more about a funeral than a wedding :-/


Maybe because in actual weddings the tune is generally played with an organ, and organ tends to remind people of funerals. &#A0;Still, I find it hard to imagine the bridal song being played in a funeralathe tune is not somber enough.

For reference, here's what the bridal song would sound like in real life: