The Lemmings quiz thread!

Started by Jazzem, December 18, 2005, 10:01:55 PM

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Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)(Guest) link=1134943315/90#92 date=1136411903
Quote from: Shvegait link=1134943315/90#91 date=1136408604The fourth level is (of course!) "No added colours or Lemmings" (Mayhem 20)
Hmm, actually, I'm starting to think that level might conceivably be solvable without using all given skills. &#A0;I'm at work right now though so I'll have to wait about 6+ hours to try it out on the Amiga emulator (the solution, if possible, is not Amiga-specific; I just don't have anything at work and Steve did say Amiga lemmings).
After some sketching and trying out on the Amiga emulator last night, I was unable to find an alternate solution for the level that would work on the Amiga, so looks like the correct answer to Insane Steve's question will remain unchanged.


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)(Guest) link=1134943315/90#104 date=1136500966Question:

Give a version of Lemmings 2 for which the music for the Classics Tribe is not a remix of Lemmings 1 tunes.
Did I kill the topic again with a too-hard question?

I'll come up with another question sometime tomorrow if no one answers it.


I'm going to try and make a very wild guess.

Game Boy version?


Quote from: Jazzem link=1134943315/105#107 date=1136719172I'm going to try and make a very wild guess.

Game Boy version?
I checked and no, the GameBoy version actually has more or less the Amiga version's music.


Ah well, that singles out one possibility :P


My memory is poor at the best of times BUT isn't it the SNES version?


Nope.  Although the SNES version does indeed have different music for the Classics Tribe than the Amiga, the SNES version is still based off of Lemming 1 (namely, track 13 in the jukebox).


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)(Guest) link=1134943315/105#106 date=1136694451
Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)(Guest) link=1134943315/90#104 date=1136500966Question:

Give a version of Lemmings 2 for which the music for the Classics Tribe is not a remix of Lemmings 1 tunes.
Did I kill the topic again with a too-hard question?

I'll come up with another question sometime tomorrow if no one answers it.
Ok, I thought of another question, hopefully much easier (to know and to guess), which has the same answer as the answer I am thinking for the old question above.  So I'll phrase my new question as follows:

Give a version of Lemmings 1 for which there are more than 21 possible music for the levels (so music outside the levels do not count).  Restrict answers to those platforms that also have a port of Lemmings 2.


Sega Megadrive / Genesis; 17 standard tunes plus five, not four as on other versions, specials.

Q: Which of the deadly traps appears on the most levels in the Amiga game?


guess #1:  the fire pit trap first seen in Fun 18


Guess #2: The fire shooting machine first seen "A Task for blockers and bombers".

Wait, wouldn't traps include the liquids?


Jazzem is correct, and no, liquids are not included.

(Looks like I'm showing my Cheapo bias; I meant "traps" to mean just the ones that can only kill one lemming at a time, because the others are classed as "fire" objects, but I didn't specify that in the question. Oh well, there's always a next time........)


Righty-o then.

Q.Not including the PSP version (Obviously due to it not being out yet), what is the latest version of Lemmings released with no ONML content at all?


Whoops I misread the question, I was counting total occurrences when Ahribar asked for number of levels the trap is featured in.

(Though turns out I'm close.  Coal pits 13, fire shooters 14. ;))


Ooh dear, another too hard question?

Don't think along the lines of SNES or Game Boy. And it's more recent then you might think...

Oh, and obviously it's only offical releases, no fan stuff.