All Hallows Eve (2019)

Started by ∫tan x dx, October 06, 2019, 02:34:45 PM

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∫tan x dx

Greetings to all you Spooks and Specters!

To accompany the release of Halloween Lemmings, my brother and I have created a level pack using the style.

You can get the style here:

There are two ranks: Child's play and Hellraiser, each with nine levels.
Difficulty ranges from slightly tricksy, to pure evil! :devil:
Some of the levels have talismans. See if you can solve them all!

A set of solutions is also attached.

This pack comes with its own menu screen. Also included is a set of alternate menu graphics, which my brother has created for you to use in your own creations. The files can be found within the level pack folder.
In addition, this level pack comes with its own special music tracks. See the style post for details.

Feedback, criticisms and comments are appreciated as always.

We look forward to seeing the inevitable backroutes to these levels. ;)



Here are my solutions for the Child's play rank. :)

Great pack so far! :thumbsup:


And here is the Hellraiser rank! ;)

∫tan x dx

I've finally gotten around to updating this style to work with the new formats!

Both this level pack and its corresponding style have been updated to the latest NeoLemmix version. You'll need to download and install both the level pack and the style.



Just to inform. The pack still has a thing left to fix. Pick-up skill triggers are now a pixel higher so that some levels are not solvable. Should be a quick fix though. ;)

Edit: Maybe even a few pixels. :P


Another style update and now everything works again! :thumbsup:

Can really recommend this pack! :)


Thanks for fixing up this pack with the most recent update as well :) I will also be giving this pack a go soon! - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


Yes Even though it's a small pack, it's awesome. nice errie music. Tan x dx must have fixed the pickup skill pixels, because All Icho's replays worked.
So now I can add this to my neolemmix packs that I have all the replays for.

Again Thanks Tan x dx for fixing this one as well as Renaissance lemmings.


I've started to upload my solutions of this pack to my YouTube channel:

Edit Simon: Topic name "New level pack - All Hallows Eve" -> "All Hallows Eve (2019)"


yes although it's a small pack, it's reallly a nice little one. Just in time for Halloween too. I like the music. really spooky.


Is there a music pack for this? I see the levels call for tracks but I don't have them.
...Jeremy Kapp


@jeremy kapp - See the OP, where tan x quotes, and since I've quoted it here, you can just get the music from the quoted link in my post here.

Quote from: ∫tan x dx on October 06, 2019, 02:34:45 PM

You can get the style here:

In addition, this level pack comes with its own special music tracks. See the style post for details. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:


Hi tan x/Dexter,

I have completed this level pack, so here is my entire replay collection, as well as some feedback. Also, I've already linked tan x to my LP, but I'll leave it in this topic as well: Glad to hear you gentlemen are doing well, and of course always happen to hear that my LPs have been very enjoyable! :)

General Feedback

All Hallow's Eve is a Halloween themed level pack by tan x and his brother Dexter. The pack uses their Halloween tileset, one where I have played some levels in, but there's still plenty of things in it that I haven't seen and hence I saw for the very first time in the LP. Like with their other tilesets, this one is quite a great one to make levels with, though I have yet to make one with this. They did a great job with this one.

Out of the other 3 level packs I've played by tan x and Dexter, this is definitely the easiest one. The other packs are ones where they have unusually difficult levels, and even the first packs are chock full of them. Needless to say, this pack is somewhat of an oddball in that the levels are easier than the usual or typical tan x/Dexter levels. Maybe this was an intentional design choice? Doesn't bother me at all, as I love playing levels of all difficulties. Yes, hard levels are my type that I like playing/solving, but I definitely enjoy easy ones to, as they are certainly a very welcome sight for me if I've been playing nothing but hard ones for a while.

Despite the overall difficulty being much lower than their other packs, this was still a very enjoyable pack for me! I can certainly recommend this pack for the great quality of the levels, as well as for the music tracks. It has some really good music! Most of these I don't think I've ever heard before.

Child's Play Rank Feedback

Other than 2 or 3 levels in this rank, this is quite an easy rank, mostly due to the fact that there's a lot of X-of-everything levels. The only X-of-everything level in the rank I would consider somewhat hard is Child's Play 3 - Feat of the Dead. Even then, it's still not overly hard, and same thing with the 2 or 3 that I wouldn't consider easy by any means. At the same time, perhaps the rank being easy is intentional due to the name of the rank. It's still a quite well-done rank! :)


Child's Play 1 - Danse Macabre Excellent level to start off the pack! :thumbsup: I guess it can be considered somewhat difficult, but that's only if you don't realize what needs to be done. I really love how the solution all comes together and the timing works out perfectly. Sending up a worker to go over the top to get over to the right to bash through the OWW and then to make a splatform to get the crowd down safely, while everyone else goes down and across to the right, except for one basher through the lower part of the roof.

Child's Play 2 - Pumpkin Patch Very easy and nice level!

Child's Play 3 - Feast of the Dead I really love the design here, especially with the pairs of skeletons sitting and facing each other at each table. Due to the much more restricted X-of-everything skillset, this can be difficult, but it's not too hard. You still have more than enough to be able to solve the level somewhat comfortably! 100% is possible here.

Child's Play 4 - Knight Time Somewhat hard despite just two skill types, and the save requirement may look very generous, but the losses add up very quickly, owing to the fact that the trap activates pretty fast, which definitely took me by surprise! :laugh: Even then, I love the solution idea here, where you must collect all bomber pickups in order to be able to get to the exit, as well as figuring out how to not lose too many to the traps in order to save enough. Really nice level here! :)

Child's Play 5 - The Heebie Jeebies Zombie level, but fortunately it's not a very hard one thanks to the huge X-of-everything skillset. The level is quite easy once you find a way to get the zombies out of the way so that the crowd can travel along the bottom to the exit safely. Even then, most of the level will probably be traversed through higher ground.

Child's Play 6 - The Witching Hour This I seemed to have severely overcomplicated and hence made quite messy and super fiddly :XD: I saw Icho's solution after solving this one and I like how much easier and cleaner it is than mine. Mine consists of a lot of delaying with shimmiers and walkers and just spamming a lot of them to keep everyone safe.

Child's Play 7 - Grave Danger Another nice, somewhat easy level, with an interesting one-time firework trap. That's really cool how a lemming gets strapped to it and it blasts off and explodes in the sky. Here, I suspected it's possible to save everyone, but I didn't bother to go back to. Even then, the fact you can lose up to half makes the level easy. There is a part of the LP I edited out because I was very confused as to why or how I lose 1. Turns out I forgot that it was due to the firework trap :laugh: As hilarious as my reaction was, I didn't do anything other than "retry" and just time skipped all the way to the end, so therefore I edited out the part in between so that I simply click to get to the next level after I solved the level.

Child's Play 8 - Across the Abyss Biggest favorite of mine in the entire rank! :thumbsup: It definitely got me thinking and wondering how in the world would the crowd get all the way across to the exit given the huge gap to get over, but once I realize that everyone shimmies over, the solution came to me easily afterwards. Other than that, there's the hard part of timing the release of the crowd to shimmy over and pushing the button to unlock the exit before the worker lemming on the right side to build three times to get everyone to shimmy successfully dies to the trap by the exit.

Child's Play 9 - Poltergeist Nice level to finish off the rank. Can be difficult, but not very hard. My solution kind of uses what appears to be very difficult to tell if a fall is safe or not just by sight alone. Seems that I somewhat overcomplicated my solution here as well, as I saw Icho's solution and once again I like his better than mine. Even then, I take whatever solves a level, regardless if it's messy and fiddly or not :P

Hellraiser Rank Feedback

Levels are a tid bit harder here, but they are still nowhere near as brutal as most of the levels found in tan x's or tan x's and Dexter's other level packs they've made. The only level I would probably consider hard in this rank is Hellraiser 3 - We All Float Down Here, with maybe Hellraiser 4 - It Is a Mystery a close second, if maybe it was patched up properly. Otherwise, still a nice rank!


Hellraiser 1 - The Lurking Fear Nice level to start off the rank and one of my favorites! :thumbsup: It's pretty much the same thing done twice. I love the use of a stacker to make a splatform for the crowd. Skill placements are somewhat precise, especially the blockers, but that's also a nice trick with using a nearby bomber to release them

Hellraiser 2 - The Ol' Switcharoo Not too hard of a level, although it can still be a bit confusing to think through the level as to how the solution should be. This one definitely reminds me of that one level in LemRunner in the Gear World rank involving something similar with releasing zombies in order to be able to get to the exit safely without going out to the left on the lower part of the level to drown. I think my solution ended up being more or less the same as Icho, so nice to see that that's supposed to be the way to solve this level :laugh:

Hellraiser 3 - We all float down here Hard one. The start is hard to figure out, as well as figuring out how to the get the pre-placed swimmer down safely in the area right near the entrance. It took me a while to see that a builder and stacker is necessary to prevent the swimmer from splatting. Even though I struggled here, this is quite a nice level! :) I really like how everyone plays a role in helping the pre-placed lemming get down safely to the exit, as he is the only one that can access to the exit due to being a swimmer. I think my solution is only slightly different from Icho's? I can't remember right now.

Hellraiser 4 - It is a mystery This is probably the first backroute of the pack? I think Icho doesn't use the stacker and stoner trick that I used to extend the digger, but if the intended solution does involve that, then that's the first time I've seen it required in any custom level. Even then, I didn't have to get either the platformer or the fencer pickup, as I simply got everyone to the right side to get to the exit. There is some timing needed here, as it is necessary to get the digger to push the button to unlock the exit before anyone dies to the trap right by the exit.

Hellraiser 5 - I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride Another favorite of mine! For some reason, it took me a while to see how to get a worker lemming over the top, as it took some time to realize to stack and then stack after getting on top and then cloning him. I love that builder to extend the fencer trick! I also love the part of the solution of shimmying over the top and then digging so that he can get down safely to make a landing platform/splatform for the crowd, as there's no safe way down otherwise. Once you do realize this, the only other hard part is knowing when to release the crowd so that you don't lose too many. After doing so, you just have to endure the losses as the final two gaps are platformed. It might be possible to release the crowd by fencing later, but I'm not sure if you won't be able to save enough this way.

Hellraiser 6 - The Floating Forest Probably another backroute here, as I don't collect the platformer pickup at the top, but then again it might just be one to solve in any way you can with whatever pickups you think are needed. Very nice level nevertheless, and certainly not hard at all thanks to the very low RR and generous save requirement.

Hellraiser 7 - It Crawls As mentioned in the LP, I like the solution concept of getting the pre-placed shimmier over to the right side of the level, but unless there are much easier ways, the solution is quite frustrating to execute. Honestly, I would probably add another miner to ease up on the precision needed, as most of the time it's very easy to place the miners incorrectly and it won't be wide enough to keep the shimmier going. They both seem to require very pixel precise placements, but that's also dependent on the pixel precise placement of the bashers too. Also, the miner going to the right needed to be saved, as I wouldn't be able to save enough. I also could had saved up some builders had I delayed the other one with some so that he doesn't catch up to one making it to keep the shimmier going. This is the level I definitely spent the longest out of any other level in the pack, about 4-5 hours, 2 hours of which was spent on the second LP video with more attempts at it :lem-mindblown: There's definitely no justification for that at all, other than how I was very determined to try and get the level solved so that I didn't have to switch to off-camera time to do so, but alas I couldn't do it and just gave up in frustration after the solution kept failing due to constantly rewinding and readjusting the skill placements and possibly even some long waiting :'(

Hellraiser 8 - Mirror Mirror Easier than the previous level and another nice one. This is the first time I've seen the teleporter objects for this tileset, but I really like how they're in the form of a mirror and the sound effect it makes. It's really just about managing everyone carefully so that no one slips by the teleporters when they aren't supposed to. RR manipulation appears to be necessary to achieve this to an extent, as well as to avoid running out of time. I really like the overall solution, as well as the sense of urgency with the time limit :)

Hellraiser 9 - The Lemityville Horror To finish off the pack, we have what appears to be quite an anticlimatic one, where it is quite easy for the final level. Either that or it's just one huge backroute, if anything can even be considered one in this pack. I nearly one-shotted the level too! :P I know there's two exits, but I simply got both crowds to use the bottom one. Even with the time limit, not a hard one at all. It's also not too tight, either.

Well done on a great pack, gentlemen! :) This was still quite enjoyable for me even if it was on the much easier side than your guys' other packs. Just like Icho, once again, I can definitely recommend giving this pack a go. Just some really great levels, as well as some awesome music tracks! Thank you for this pack! :thumbsup: Happy belated Halloween, and the reason why I decided to LP this pack around this time ;) - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

∫tan x dx

Hi Kaywhyn!

It's been a real treat watching your let's plays of our level pack! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Here's our thoughts on your solutions:

Danse Macabre - Great solution. I especially liked how you commented on the date of Feb 14 1991 being the original release date of Lemmings. I think you're the first person I've seen who noticed that! :thumbsup:
Pumpkin Patch - Good job on this one.
Feast of the Dead - Good job on this one too!
Knight Time - Very good solution! Was a real treat to watch you figure this one out.
The Heebie Jeebies - A very nice solution!
The Witching Hour - Nice work with this one!
Grave Danger - Great work. I laughed out loud when the first lemming was killed by the trap, because it caught me off guard.
Across the Abyss - Your solution here is spot on, great job!
Poltergeist - A very nice solution! Oh, and a poltergeist is indeed a term for a ghost, more specfically one that levitates or moves things around. Hence all the floating furniture :P

The Lurking Fear - Another very nice solution :)
The ol' Switcharoo - You mention in your lets play that this level is very similar to the Lemrunner level, "Switching Gears". You are correct! I consider that level to be a sort of spiritual successor to this one. Great job with your solution.
We all float down here - Great solution! Incidentally, some of the level names are references to famous horror stories or movies, including this one! How many can you spot?
It is a mystery - This is a backroute. I seem to recall this level has a ton of backroutes. I don't really mind all that much, since it's still a very tricky level. Great work! :thumbsup:.
I want to get off Mr.Bones' Wild Ride - Great solution :thumbsup:
Floating Forest - Another level with quite a few backroutes. This one was very rushed to try and get an october release, so I didn't really have time to playtest it. It probably needs to be moved up in the level rank. Great job again!
It Crawls - This is a very nasty level! I've reworked it to be more forgiving. Great solution though! :D
Mirror Mirror - Excellent solution! This level was always one of my favourites, and your playthrough of it was a joy to watch.
The Lemityville Horror - D'oh! A nasty backroute! Hopefully I can fix it...

The OP has been updated with a new version of the pack, with just a few tweaks and fixes.


We all float down here - Made the swimmer lemming neutral.
It Crawls - Increased skill counts and decreased save requirements.
The Lemityville Horror - Added metal beneath the floorboards.
Moved the Floating Forest level to an earlier position in the rank.

We've also fixed the broken rank graphics on the main menu. No need to redownload the style, it's all in the level pack.


After having finished Lemmings Plus IV, Kaywhyn recommended two Halloween-themed level-packs to me to play next since it was that time of the year. I decided to play Raymanni's pack first and solved it recently. So this one is the next in line and I think I will enjoy it as much as the other - even though Halloween is long gone by now.

Child's Play

1 - Danse macabre

Not an easy level to start off a pack. Took me a while to see the necessity of the second basher - but otherwise the crowd reaches the one-way-pillar too early.

2 - Pumpkin Patch

Now that's what I call a real breather despite the locked exit. I like the atmosphere here with the nice looking pumpkins and the falling leaves.

3 - Feast of the Dead

Again, very simple. The construction skills are just enough to seal all the gaps. Nice artistry!

4 - Knight Time

Very hard level at first, especially since all of the pick-ups have to be collected. But then I turned on my brain and I was able to minimize the losses. Intelligent use of the Release Rate is key here.

5 - The Heebie Jeebies

Since there are no bashers available, the upper road is unanvoidable. Therefore, it's an easy and completely pioneercentric level. Attention should be paid to the fencers as they run out quickly. The music reminds me of Lotus III on the Amiga ;)

6 - The Witching Hour

Pretty chaotic level which is all about resource-managing. At first I thought these uprising ghosts were traps, but they turned to be just background. I didn't realize the existence of the splitters until the very end ;)

7 - Grave Danger

Easy level. Hardest part was to to turn a Lemming around to catch those from above. But there are enough floaters available and I didn't even touch the gliders. The rest was a cakewalk. By the way, the firework-trap is just great.

8 - Across the Abyss

Tricky one. First problem was to trap the Lemmings - I wasted a digger there as I didn't realize the purpose of the walkers. I can say that I discovered the solution step by step here. Assigning the shimmiers was a bit fiddly - otherwise, great level.

9 - Poltergeist

My lowlight of the pack so far. This level seems to be put together quickly, there's no real puzzle in it and it's ridiculously easy. Also, no music for me here.


1 - The Lurking Horror

This one looked hard at first, but actually wasn't. It was quite clear that the stacks must serve as landing platforms, so with a bit precision everything went smooth.

2 - The Ol' Switcharoo

Surprisingly tricky. Took me a while to make my way thorugh this splitter maze. I wonder if it's possible to solve this one without any shimmier.

3 - The Floating Forest

Hard level for me. I'm not particularly good at pick-up-puzzles and so I did not have an easy time finding a path through this level. In the end I missed two of the skills and spared a basher, so this wasn't quite intended most certainly.

4 - We all float down here

Incredibly easy since only one Lemming has to be saved. I didn't even bother with the neutral Lemming here and don't even know what he is good for.

5 - It is a mystery

Another easy level, but one I really like! Again, I didn't collect all the pick ups here.

6 - I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride

There were several times I thought I had this level solved, but I narrowly failed. I like this one a lot - it's full of mean details. It already starts in the beginning: One is tempted to use either a stack or a bridge or a platform to stop the crowd - and it seems to work. But it won't and the low save requirement should be a warning. Also, the fencer-extension is not easy to see. But the hardest part, at least for me, was to bring one Lemming over the top. Which is trickier than it looks, considering the skills that are needed for the rest of the level. Great work here! And did I mention the music? It's just the best of the pack.

7 - It Crawls

A nightmare of a level. The basic solution is not difficult to grasp, but the execution is really painful. There's a ton of adjustments to make the shimmier go to the other side. He stops at the slighest unevenness and, what was even more annoying, when there is too little space beneath his feet. At least, the provided skills and the save requirement was quite lenient. Still, I'm not too fond of this one.

8 - Mirror Mirror

Great level which wasn't easy to solve as well. Had to play with the Release-rate here as the preset 20 is too slow to do the level in time. Also, it has to be avoided that the Lemmings reappear on the upper platform once they reached the bottom. Saved the blocker in the end.

9 - The Lemityville Horror

The final level of the pack is certainly no the hardest one. I overlooked the bottom part in the beginning. Later, I thought that both halves of the level should interact with each other somehow, but this is not the case, at least not in my solution. So the level actually plays pretty straightforward, trickiest thing to see are probably the dropping bombers.

All my solutions can be found here: