Lemming Level List Game

Started by namida, July 19, 2004, 05:57:57 AM

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We still haven't done Holiday/XMas lemmings. There are a few interesting levels in there.


Quote from: Ahribar  link=1090216677/495#509 date=1114508346
Anyway, we haven't finished the unique levels, there are also the Mac and SMS versions. Adam has an SMS emulator, you could ask him if you want to download it.

I got a SMS emulator too! I also have NES and SNES ones.

Oh and I dont have the holiday of Xmas versions, so I cant post!


What's stopping you from downloading the XMas and Holiday versions? If you are willing to use emulators and Lemmings ROMs, why can't you just download the holiday lemmings?

Link to Abandonia


hey...is it possible to review member levels???  That would be very cool.  Someone should email the site maintainer of planet lemmings and ask for the method used to acquire screenshots.


That would be cool. It would actually be quite useful. What's a fair way of deciding whose levels to review (and/or which ones)?

I think this should probably be a different topic if we do this, though.

And anyone who wants their levels reviewed has to not be offended by the "Bad"; people should be able to be honest without hesitation.

As for the screenshots, it's possible to do it in DOSBox, but it would be nice if there were a better way.


Okay then.  I can't find DOSbox but this would still be cool.  Oh, and I'd like to note that I'd like it if my levels were reviewed.

I'm open to any critiscism - my levels can always be better.

Who'll start the new topic?


DOSBox link

Off to try your first pack and start the new topic.


If anyone wants images taken or hosting feel free to ask me.


Sorry if I'm backtracking too much for such a forward-thinking thread, but I just completed

Quote from: Ahribar  link=1090216677/495#503 date=1114427405

Sunsoft 30: Fall and no life (Part two)

And I just had to take Ahribar to town about this comment:

QuoteA brilliant puzzle with some very cunning red herrings, and everything has to be placed to perfection, because it comes down to the last fraction of the last second.

Now I'd be interested to learn your solution to the level, Ahribar, as the one I just used took between 2 and 2 and a half minutes to complete - not exactly coming down to the last fraction of the last second, you see. Any thoughts?


 Bother -- the level can't be as good as I thought then. I'd be interested to know what the other solution is.......
Second lemming mines on third stair. (Yes, afaik it has to be precisely the third.) First lemming builds over gap at the end of the metal. Third lemming builds back to the OWW on the left. First lemming bashes to stop building (he will have laid just one brick) and builds twice to reach the ledge on the right over the water. Make him a floater at the _bottom_ of his fall. He bashes left through OWW, mines at a precise point (I think it's directly beneath the edge of the fourth and fifth metal plates), bashes after four strokes. Build right from the top of the stairs on the left, bash OWW. Crowd go to far left then come back up bridge. Bash through it.


Oh, it's still a good level. This solution however utilises another underused technique in the MD game: multitasking.

Have the third lemming bash through the wooden steps. Make lemming one build over the thin gap and have lemming four close the gap to the left with another bridge. Have the second lemming mine to turn around when he's on top of the OWW and then when he falls down the pit, have him mine and bash his way through the yellow bricks to the left. When he emerges out the other side, have him build (he should be low enough to survive the fall from the end of the bridge). Have lemming one build across to the platform above the water, float down and bash through the OWW (as in part one). Free the group of lemmings by bashing through the bridge and then use the remaining basher to get through the right-pointing OWW.


And I thought there was only one solution to this level! I first tried a solution very similar to Ahribar's, but I was always about 30 seconds short. The route I eventually found to work is very similar to yours, Gunpowder, but different at the end.

  Lem3 bashes through the steps. Lem4 builds to the left to the OWW. Lem1 builds over the narrow gap. Lem2 mines on the OWW, turns to the second narrow gap, and bashes onto the room. Lem1 does the same thing the hero does in Fall and No Life. Lem2 mines out the room to the left, walks up the stairs, and turns. Make him build a step or two back from the very edge of the top step (so his first step can block the path of lemmings walking up), and make him bash through to release the others. Finally bash the remaining OWW.



Of course I tried something like those solutions -- that's what I meant about the red herrings, since it was so tempting to try using one miner to turn round on the OWW. But I always ran out of bashers, since I didn't think of SG's clever idea of using one bridge to break the fall, only of going all the way round on the left.

I wonder which was the intended solution now? If we could decide, I could add this level to my backroute remakes set........


I'm not sure. I think Conway's solution is the one that uses the most of the level's features, so it might be his. Usually you can tell the real solution as it ties up all the loose ends in the level - for example, in "No hurry. Relax", although there's a solution where you never need to go near the left-hand OWW, you can tell it's part of the intended solution just from the level design.


I don't know..... mine uses just as much of the level's features _except_ the second little gap in the OWW...... but that was vital to the first part of FANL. And you feel that the trick of building on top of the stairs to make a wall that stops the lemmings _can't_ have been intended, since (1) it's not like anything in any other level, and (2) the route would be plentifully hard to find without having to do that.