Lemming Level List Game

Started by namida, July 19, 2004, 05:57:57 AM

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Actually, my "Two seperate groups" solution might not work. Do you need two builders to get up that metal block or can you do it with just one?


Gunpowder, that solution to 'Right or Left (part two)' might have worked, but I've just tried it in the emulator and there are no blockers. Here's the left-hand solution: Lem1 digs as soon as he lands, then turn him into a bomber so he bombs the left-hand corner, then bomb the corner below with the next lemming as he falls from the trap door. He should leave a step in the wall for a lemming to build from across the gap. Finally bash the rest of the way. Screenshot


Thanks Conway!

SG: yeah, I'm afraid it does take two builders to get up there.


I wanted to do "I am AT," but Gunpowder got there first :-(

I didn't want to do Sunsoft 28, but since it would be my last...

Sunsoft 28: The gate trap lemmings

Skills: 1 Floater
          1 Bomber
          1 Blocker
          6 Builders
          5 Bashers
          2 Diggers
Save:  100/100 (100%)
Release rate:  70
Time: 5 minutes
Good: It looks a bit daunting at first.
Bad: Still not hard enough


I've just downloaded the emulator. How come none of the passwords work?!


The rom is most probably a non-European version of the game.



Ah, no, they do work. Just not the passwords that that website gives!

Sunsoft 29 - I am A.T.

1 Bomber
1 Builder
40 Diggers

Save 80/100 (80%)
RR 01
2 minutes

Good: definitely the most inventive solution in the entire game, and tricky to pull off too (especially with Mega Drive handling!)
Bad: the title's a bit cryptic isn't it? (I believe A.T. was the initials of one of the game's programmers)

And of course I liked this level so much I decided to rip it off shamelessly in my level "Diggers With Attitude"...with a couple of extra puzzles thrown in for irritation factor.


Yeah...... when you solve Sunsoft 30 and get the credits, "A.T." is listed as the Total Designer, whatever that is.

As for your rip-off, that level's so infamous it's almost compulsory for people to include a version of it, isn't it? I've got one planned as well..... might try to work on it later this week.

And now, the one we've all been waiting for!

Sunsoft 30: Fall and no life (Part two)

1 floater, 5 builders, 5 bashers, 2 miners

To save 100% of 50
Release rate 50
3 minutes

Good: if there's one level it could be worth wading through an entire category of (mostly) junk for, it's this. A brilliant puzzle with some very cunning red herrings, and everything has to be placed to perfection, because it comes down to the last fraction of the last second. And it employs my favourite trick -- parts of the level that you thought were just scenery turn out to be essential -- you thought there couldn't be more of that after the first part, but there is!

Bad: why the hell couldn't we have had more levels like this?


Because the designers would have had to have thought them up!

I tell you what, if you'd put the best of Present and the best of Sunsoft into one set you'd probably have something a lot better. If it was up to me, it'd look like this:

1: Lemmings standing on the earth
2: Don't leave my Lemmings
3: No time for a detour
4: Anxiety
5: Is this a circus?
6: Field athletics
7: Exodus!
8: Everyone turn left (Part Two)
9: Fix the road, quick!
10: Evacuating a coal mine
11: Just a minute (Part Three)
12: Water processing plant
13: Evil whisper
14: A trap is a trap
15: Precarious oasis
16: Underground city
17: Haunted botanical garden
18: Electric circuit
19: Two heads are better
20: Everyone's a hard nut
21: Be sure to be a builder
22: Out, away from the tune
23: Pitfall
24: Try anything once
25: The gate trap Lemmings
26: Which one are you trying to get?
27: Private room available
28: I am A.T
29: Final Impedement
30: Fall and no life (Part Two)

Or something like that, perhaps?


Hey, interesting idea for a new topic!

No....... I think it should look much more like this.........

1 Don't leave my Lemmings
2 Lemmings standing on the earth
3 No time for a detour
4 No world without you
5 Exodus
6 A trap is a trap
7 Acrophobia (backroute removed)
8 Fix the road, quick!
9 Inside the bone
10 Anxiety
11 Train your body
12 Pitfall
13 Is this a circus?
14 Everyone's a hard nut
15 Try anything once
16 Evacuating a coal mine
17 Cave quest
18 Water processing plant
19 Move on in two separate groups
20 Evil whisper
21 Stray sheep
22 Electric circuit
23 Watch right or left (Part two)
24 Just a minute (Part three)
25 Be sure to be a builder
26 Which one are you trying to get?
27 Private room available
28 Fall and no life (Part Two)
29 I am A.T.
30 Final impediment

-- though as you can see I haven't even tried to put most of the middle into a difficulty order....


I wouldn't have put "Fix the road, quick!" and "Evacuating a coal mine" that late in the set. They're not that hard, are they?


To tell the truth I'd forgotten our discussion of "Fix the road"..... I was thinking of the way I solved it, which was very hard!

EDIT: I've heavily revised the order in the previous post -- it's a lot harder than I thought to sort it all out in my mind, so this time I tried doing it on paper, and I'm much happier with the result.


Oh, I could waste so much time trying this! But I'd probably do it like this:

  1. Natural Life
  2. Where are you Heading?
  3. No Time for a Detour
  4. Exodus
  5. Spiral Staircase
  6. Underground City
  7. Cave Quest
  8. Everyone's a Hard Nut
  9. Just a Minute (part three)
 10. Anxiety
 11. Two Heads are Better
 12. Darkness in the Royal Family
 13. Fix the Road, Quick
 14. Pitfall
 15. Water Processing Plant
 16. Hunted Botanical Garden
 17. Evacuating a Coal Mine
 18. Evil Whisper
 19. Out, Away from the Tune
 20. Lemmings Standing on the Earth (with less skills and a 79/80 target)
 21. Inside the Bone
 22. Try Anything Once
 23. None Title
 24. Be Sure to be a Builder
 25. I am A.T.
 26. Which one are You Trying to get?
 27. Fall and No Life (part two)
 28. No Gate Trap Lemmings
 29. Private Room Available
 30. Final Impediment

  Now shall we start with the Tribes?


Eek no! Can't stand the Tribes.........

Anyway, we haven't finished the unique levels, there are also the Mac and SMS versions. Adam has an SMS emulator, you could ask him if you want to download it.

I'd do the Mac ones -- there are only two -- but I don't know how to get a picture; my Mac doesn't have internet access.